Five Years Later

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I had just returned from Christmas shopping and I was exhausted. Harry had just put Ethan down for his nap, so I flopped onto the couch, putting my feet up onto his lap. "Please," I said with a cheesy smile. His strong hands massaged my tender, aching feet. "I hope our children know the torture they put me through," I laughed. 

I was trying to get all the shopping done and presents wrapped before my due date, which was five days before Christmas. My only hope was that I wasn't in the hospital for Christmas. I wanted to be home with Ethan and Harry on Christmas morning, and hopefully the baby if she didn't wait too long to make her appearance. 

This past March, Harry and I celebrated his five years of staying sober. We had gone out for dinner and then some ballroom dancing. Anne and Des had taken Ethan overnight, so Harry and I had the whole night together, just the two of us, for the first time since Ethan was born. Six weeks later, we found out that Ethan was going to be a big brother.

This past summer, Chloe, who wasn't my baby sister anymore, came to stay with me for a few weeks, and it had been a wonderful blessing. She played with Ethan and took good care of him while I got lots of rest. Ethan loved her and he cried when she left. I was hoping that we could make it a regular thing - Chloe visiting in the summer and giving me a hand. I treasured the time with her. 

Now, here we were, living the life we had dreamed, except that it was so much better than we could have ever planned or expected. Harry massaged my feet and I groaned with satisfaction. He pulled me closer to him and said, "I can think of a very good way to help you relax."

"Harry," I giggled. "Do you ever stop thinking about sex?" 

"No," he whined. "Do you blame me? I mean, it's not fair that you are so fucking sweet and sexy."

I threw my head back in laughter. "Do you see me right now? I'm swollen like a blimp, I'm craving cheese constantly, and I can't even fit into my underwear anymore."

"That's okay," he said in a little growl. "You don't need underwear for this." 

I tried to resist, but I couldn't deny that just having Harry touch me would be relaxing. Maybe I could talk him into massaging the rest of my body before he had his way with me. I got off the couch and lumbered into the bedroom. I lazily let him undress me and then caress me. Then he treated me to a little strip tease of his own. 

He knew how to touch me in places where I wasn't too sensitive and in places where I was very sensitive. Despite the fact that, just twenty minutes ago, this was the very last thing I wanted to do, Harry had gained my complete interest and cooperation. However, being nine months pregnant didn't make it very easy to follow through. That didn't stop my husband from laying me down gently onto the bed. He carefully knelt before me, wrapped my legs around his hips and tucked his knees on either side of my back side. Then he made love to me slowly and deliberately, making sure to touch every place that I needed to be touched. The result was a mind-blowing orgasm, which in turn triggered Harry's climax, which clearly quite intense as well. 

"Harry," I sighed, giggling. "That was amazing." 

"Damn right it was," he said, leaning in to kiss me. "You coming to get cleaned up?" He asked, climbing off the bed. 

"I'm so relaxed now, I don't think I can move," I said, giggling a little more. Harry went into the bathroom and closed the door. I sighed deeply, still basking in the aftershocks of Harry's expert attention to my body. Then I felt a slight squeezing across my abdomen, followed by a huge gush of fluid.

"Harry!" I yelled. "I changed my mind." He came out of the bathroom, looking at me with questions in his eyes. "I have to get cleaned up because my water just broke." 

Dr. Styles, the meticulous, hard-working man I'd married, disappeared and instead, a crazed-looking madman rushed around, calling his mom to come and watch Ethan, stuffing things into a bag since I hadn't even had a chance to pack yet. This was new for us - Ethan had been induced, so we had time to prepare.

I tried to tell him to calm down, that I didn't think delivery was imminent; however, by the time we pulled up to the hospital, I had changed my mind. I was ready to push and I hadn't even gotten to the labor and delivery department yet. 

Forty minutes after arriving at the hospital, we greeted our baby girl. We named her Ruby, only because we had been reading through a baby name website and the name jumped out at us. It was cute and unique, and it stuck. Ruby Anne, after Harry's mom, of course.

I had nursed her shortly after delivery and now Harry was cuddling his baby girl, unable to tear his eyes away. Ethan was our little blond-haired, blue-eyed boy, but Ruby was a different creature entirely. I hadn't seen much of her eyes yet, but her hair was dark and curly and thick. No wonder I'd had such bad heartburn with her. 

Harry managed to look at me instead of his darling child and he said, "When I fell in love with you, I couldn't imagine loving anyone else in the world as much as I loved you." He glanced down at Ruby and then back at me. With a slight tremor in his voice, he said, "But I was wrong. I never knew I could love like this. You, Ethan, and now Ruby. You are my whole world. And I couldn't be happier that you're all mine." 

The End


I had played around with the idea of writing a sequel, but it's not going to happen. I'm sorry for all who are disappointed by this news. I'm glad you enjoyed this story so much and I would be honored if you would check out my other work.

I can't even tell you all how much I LOVE and APPRECIATE your thousands of votes, reads, and comments. I'm thrilled with how high the story ranked and how much everyone enjoyed it. Love you all so much! <3

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