Pregnant Goki

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Goku= Joshua
Chi Chi= Goki

Joshua: *lays his head on Goki's belly*

Baby: *kicks his head*

Joshua: Heh, I got kicked in the head.

Goki: *giggles a bit* I can't wait until she's born. *Kisses Joshua* I wonder what we're going to name her?

Joshua: *blushes but kisses back then kisses her belly* Anything you want.

Goki: Hmm, I was thinking about naming her Lotus.

Joshua: Like the flowers?

Goki: Yes.

Joshua: Heh, cute.

Goki: *smiles and rubs her belly*

Joshua: *feels the baby kick his head more* Heh, strong baby.

Goki: *smiles* Just like you.

Joshua: *smiles back* Yeah.

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