Sick Day For Goki

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Girl= Goki Black

Goki: *laying in bed asleep, burning up with a fever*

Cynder: Goki? Are you alright?

Goki: *groans in her sleep* No Cynder.... I'm not.... I'm sick.

Cynder: *looks alarmed* But you never get sick!

Goki: Well I am now. Go get Snuffle, honey.

Snuffle: I'm already here. *Feels Goki's head for a fever* You're burning up. *Takes her temperature* Yup, definitely a fever.

Goki: *coughs*

Snuffle: Cynder, be a dear and go get my bag. Please.

Cynder: *gets Snuffle's bag* Here you go.

Snuffle: Thank you. *gets out NyQuil and Vick's Vapor Rub* Alright Goki, I've got NyQuil for your fever and your cough, and I also have some vapor rub for your congestion. Cynder can rub it on your chest herself that way I don't get accused of being a perv.

Goki: Okay.

Snuffle: Hope you feel better soon, you're one of my best nurses. Also kind of like my sister.

Goki: *smiles weakly* Thanks Snuffle.

Snuffle: No prob, now get some rest.

Goki: Okay thanks. *Takes the medicine then goes back to sleep*

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