Vacation Time

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Snuffle: *is packed and ready to go to Hawaii and relax with his family on the black sand beaches* All that's left to do is have Goku take over everything while I'm gone. And Josh?

Joshua: Yeah? *Looks innocently*

Snuffle: Don't do anything too stupid to where you get hurt. I won't be there to babysit you. Because I'm the only one that can handle you. So please don't do anything stupid. *Gives him a stern look*

Joshua: Like what? *Retains the same innocent look*

Snuffle: You know exactly what. Now, I'm going on vacation with my wife and children. I'll be back in four weeks.

Joshua: Four weeks!?

Snuffle: Is that a problem? *Raises a brow*

Joshua: Yeah because I don't think I can hold off that long from doing anything stupid!

Snuffle: You'll be fine. Bye. Behave yourself for Goku and Chi Chi. *Teleports to Hawaii*

Joshua: Noooo!!!!!

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