Meeting Doctor Strange

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(Y/n), America and Defender Stephen Strange are trying their best to escape a demon chasing them. Defender Strange turns to his opponent and casts a spell that freezes him temporarily. "Did it kill it?" (Y/n) asked in Spanish. "No! We'll kill it with this!" Defender Stephen said. "The Book of Vishanti!" America said. "We can't let it get your powers. Get to the book." He said. "How do we get across?" (Y/n) asked. "Jump!" He said. The three of them jumped, and Defender Stephen then did his best to hold back the monster. "It's too strong. I can't hold it." Defender Stephen Strange then starts taking their powers away. "What are you doing?!" America asked in panic. "We can't let that thing take your powers. You girls can't control them. But I can." Defender Stephen said. "But we're friends!" (Y/n) protested. "You're killing us!" She shouted. "I know. But in the grand calculus of the Multiverse, your sacrifices are worth more than your lives." Defender Strange suddenly gets impaled through the chest by the demon. The demon then restrains (Y/n), and she screams and opens up a star shaped portal. Defender Strange sees this and fires bolts to release the demon's grip on her, who falls through the portal. "(Y/n)!" America quickly jumped in after her sister. Defender Strange then falls into the portal as well.


Doctor Strange bolts awake and sits up in bed, breathing hard and he puts his hands over his face to clear his sweat. He runs his hands through his hair, looks around to calm himself down, then he sees his broken wrist watch, his face reflected into the watch face. Strange gets out of bed and picks up his watch. Strange dresses in formal clothing and walks to a mirror to put on his tie. After he short cuffs it, he uses his magic to straighten it, then he snaps his fingers to retrieve the Cloak of Levitation, which goes into his front shirt pocket. After Strange has his jacket on and walks through the New York Sanctum. Stephen sits down on a bench, waiting for the ceremony to begin. On his left he notices a familiar face. Doctor Nicodemus West, his former colleague and rival. "Doctor Strange." West greeted. "Doctor West." Strange greeted back. "Haven't seen you in a while." West said. "I was a little preoccupied being dust in the air for five years." Strange said. "So were a lot of us. While I was gone... thank you for asking... I lost both my cats. And my brother." West said. "I'm very sorry." Strange apologized. "Thank you. I, uh... I guess what keeps me up at night is wondering... Did it have to happen that way? Was there any other path?" West asked.

"No. But I made the only play we had." Strange said. "Of course, you do. The best surgeon and the best superhero. But you still didn't get the girl." West said. "Glass of red, please?" Christine asked. "Allow me, Miss." Doctor Strange uses his magic to refill Christine Palmer's glass with wine. "A little too on the nose?" He asked. "What, for you, at my wedding? Nah. It was perfect." She said. "Congratulations." He said. "Thank you. There's Charlie. I have to introduce you because he's kind of... It's embarassing, but he's a big fan." She said. "So... Hey, uh, Christine... umm... I should have... I wish it had been different. I never stopped caring about us, but I had to make sacrifices. To protect you." He said. "I'm sorry. It was never gonna work out between us." She said. "Why not?" He asked. "Because Stephen... 

You have to be the one holding the knife. And I always respected you for it, but I couldn't love you for it." She said. "How long have you had that one in the barrel?" He asked. "Long time." She said. "Yeah. I bet. Truly, I'm just glad that you're happy." He said. "I am. I really, really am." She said. "Good." He said. "Are you?" She asked. "I'm happy." He lied. "Good. You deserve it." She said. "Thank you." He said. A giant green tentacle monster with a huge eye comes ramping down the street destroying everything in its path. Doctor strange takes his ascot out of his pocket and it turns into his cloak. As he floats down, his dress suit turns into his mystical robes. People we're running away from something and Stephen used his magic to help, then spotted the two girls. The two girls run into a city bus as vehicles were getting thrown by something that couldn't be seen. The bus raises and starts to be crushed. Stephen moves his hands, and a giant one eyed octopus monster appears. The tentacles grabbed the bus and began squeezing it then glared at Stephen, who waved his hand.

The bus broke, and he sees the two girls as they hang on a bar. Everyone began running and screaming and the monster started to reach for them. Stephen moves his hand and the door flies to him and cuts the tentacle off. The monster screeches when the older girl started to fall but the younger girl grabbed her hand and held on to the bar. But then they both slip. They scream and Stephen grabs his Cloak and throws it to them. The two land on the Cloak and it flies away. Stephen slowly claps his hands and the bus pieces go back together and traps one of the tentacles. The Cloak brings the girls to Stephen. He moves his hands and the bus topples over and crashed into the monster. The girls look in shock and Stephen turns to them but the the older girl pointed ahead. "Look out!" 

Stephen turns and sees the monster throwing the bus. The teens get behind Stephen as he summoned up a saw and it cut the bus in half. The two halves split off. Stephen then turns to the kids and furrows at them. "(Y/n)...?" He asked the younger girl. But this couldn't be the (Y/n) he knew, she had died in the battle against Thanos, but yet, here she was. Both stare at him in surprise, wondering how he knew her, then the monster suddenly comes and hits Stephen who crashes into a building, knocking him out. The monster roars then looks down to the street. It looks around until it turns and sees the two. The younger girl screams and the older takes her hand as they begin to run. The demon roars and chases them. They turn a corner and the monster turns after them then grab the older girl. "America!" The other girl shouts as the monster throws her and she is thrown into the air and screams in fear. Then the creature grabs the other girl and an Eldritch Whip wraps around her and pulls her out. Wong pulls the older girl next to him along with the younger one.

The creature roars and Wong begins to fight the creature. Wong dodges the tentacles, as he slings his whip. Wong throws his whip at the large eye of the monster but it uses a tentacle to block it. Then it looks to see that there was a hook at the end. Wong brings the whip back and summoned up a blade. Wong charges at it and jumped and dodged the tentacles and throws the blade at the monster, and then the monster grabs him. The Cloak was slapping Stephen, trying to wake him up then it turned to look at the street. The monster turns and sees the girls, which causes them to run. The Cloak comes and grabs them. A motorcycle comes to the creature and it grabs it just as the driver jumps off. The creature throws the motorcycle which hits the Cloak, making it drop the girls and get pinned on a fire escape. 

The girls land on a ledge of a building. Stephen, now awake, runs out of the building and on top of a taxi as he looks at the creature as it goes after them. "Help!" Wong shouted and Stephen waved his hands and an axe appeared. He throws the axe and cuts off the tentacle which had Wong. "You're welcome." Stephen said. "Do you know it's ancient custom to bow in the presence of the Sorcererss Supreme?" Wong asked. "Yeah, I'm aware of the costumes." Stephen said. The duo summon chains and throw them at the demon and try to hold it back as it starts to climb the building. "Hold it. Hold it." Stephen said but the creature was stronger and pulls them up as it climbs to the teens. It tries to attack them but the wizards used some shields. The monster sees the the two and knocks them off and grabs Stephen. "Oh God!" Stephen said as Wong creates a portal and falls in, tumbles out and hits a car.

The two notice Stephen in danger and they both stomp on the ledge, casing a chunk of concrete to fall on it. The creature looks at them when the Cloak flies out of the motorcycle and at the creature and blocks it's eye. Stephen sees a lamppost then waves his hands and two giant smoky purple hands fly out, grab the lamppost and pull it out of the ground. He waves his hands toward the demon and the Cloak moves out of the way and the lamppost hits the eye. Stephen yanks his hands back and the lamppost pulls the eye out and the creature drops him and starts to fall. The Cloak then grabs Stephen. They fly to the teens and Stephen creates a portal and they go in and appear next to Wong. "Who are they?" Wong asked. "Yeah, I was gonna ask the same question." 

Stephen said as the teens start to run but both Stephen and stop them. "Hey, kids. What did that creature want with you two?" Stephen asked. "Where are your parents?" Wong asked but they don't respond. Stephen let go of the them. "Take them back to the Sanct..." he said as he pulls his hands up, and discovers his sling ring was missing and the two run away. "They took my slingy." Stephen said. "They took your slingy." Wong repeated. The two run down the road then hide around the corner. But when they turn, they see Stephen and Wong again. The two are surprised and Wong holds his sling ring. "We're not gonna kill you two. I just bust my ass trying to save your lives, remember?" Stephen said and the older girl gives him his sling ring. "Giant monsters, I can clearly handle. But what bothers me, is that last night, you two were in my dream." Stephen. The sisters look down then back at the wizards. "That wasn't a dream." (Y/n) said and the adults look at her. "It was another universe." The other girl said.

Time Skip

"How much experience do you guys have with the Multiverse?" (Y/n) asked the wizards as they, she and her sister America sat at a restaurant together eating pizza. "We have experience with the Multiverse. Most recently, there was an incident with Spider-Man..." Stephen said. The sisters looked at him in confusion. "With what Man?" America asked. "Spider-Man. He has the powers of a spider." Stephen replied. "Hence the name." said Wong. "Gross. Does he look like a spider?" (Y/n) asked. "No. More like a man." Stephen said. "Climbs walls, shoot webs." Wong said. "Out his butt?" America asked, causing (Y/n) to chuckle. "No. Maybe. I don't know." Stephen said "Honestly, I hope not." He added. "Super weird." America said. 

She and (Y/n) both take another piece. "You two are gonna get a stomachache." Stephen warned. "We're from another universe. How do you know our stomachs are the same as yours?" (Y/n) sassed. "We don't. We don't even know if you're from another universe. Which is why we're still sitting here waiting for you two to enlighten us." Stephen said. "Frankly, of the two Doctor Stranges that we've met, you are not my favorite." America said in Spanish. "Which means?" Stephen asked. The girls looked at Wong in confusion. "He can't speak Spanish?" (Y/n) asked in Spanish. "I don't even know if he speaks his own language." Wong replied. (Y/n) and America chuckled. "Look, I left a very nice wedding to save two smartass kids from getting eaten by an octopus." "Whose wedding? Tell me..." Wong began, but he cut him off. "Christine's." "You went?" Wong snapped.

"Holy shit. You married Christine?" America gasped. "Do you mind?" Someone asked, asking for a photo. "Yes, I do." Stephen snapped. He turned to Wong, (Y/n), and America, "No, I didn't." He then said, "Yes. You need to explain to me what's going on. Why was that octopus trying to eat you two?" He asked. "That thing was trying to kidnap us. It's like a henchman who works for a demon." (Y/n) replied. "All we know is that they wanted to take our powers for themselves." America said. "What power? Stephen asked. The sisters looked at each other, before looking back at the wizards. "We can travel the Multiverse." America said and the two wizards looked at them in shock. "What?" Stephen said. "You two can physically move from one universe to another?" Wong asked. "How?" Stephen asked. "That's the problem. We don't know how." America said. "We can't control it. 

Only happens when we're really, really afraid." (Y/n) answered. "Okay. So you aren't our (Y/n)." Strange said, and the two girls look at him in confusion. "Your (Y/n)?" America asked, and Strange sighs. "(Y/n) (L/n) in this universe, she... she was an avenger." The sisters' eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, what?" (Y/n) asked. "She was one of The Avengers. And her power has control over all of the elements. You know, such as earth, fire, water, etc." Strange said, and America nods. "So she was like a female version of Avatar." She said, and Strange chuckles a little. "Yeah, pretty much. But she had more powers besides just the elements." Strange said. "Cool! You think we could meet her some time?" America asked. Strange's smile faded. "Unfortunately, no." He said. "Why not? (Y/n) asked. "Because... she died not that long ago." Strange said. "Oh..." (Y/n) said, and Strange nods. "That's why you were so surprised to see her." America said. "Yes, it... just caught me off guard is all." Strange said, then decided to change the subject.

"Did the other me know how to defeat this demon?" Stephen asked. "Well, just knew this magical book of pure good, that gives a sorcerer whatever they need to defeat their enemy." (Y/n) said. "The Book of Vishanti? It's not real. It's a fairy tale that doesn't exist." Stephen said. "Actually, it does." Wong said and Stephen looked at him. "I found out in the secret book you get when you become Sorcerer Supreme." He said. "Unbelievable." Stephen mumbled. "You're not the Sorcerer Supreme?" (Y/n) asked. "No, I am not the Sorcerer Supreme." Stephen said. "Other you was Sorcerer Supreme in his universe." America said. "Although it does exist, the Book of Vishanti is said to be unreachable." Wong said. "It is, except...we reached it. Then the demon caught up with us." (Y/n) said then she looked at Stephen. "I thought you'd protect us, but...You didn't." She said and Stephen then realized something. "That was the fight in my dream." He looked at the teens. "That wasn't a dream." (Y/n) said. "Prove it." Stephen said.

America pulls back the tarp the two had put over the dead Strange. "It wasn't a dream. That means...Dreams are windows into the lives of our Multiversal selves." Stephen said. "That was his theory." America said as she gestured to the other Strange. "So that recurring nightmare where I'm running naked from a clown..." Wong said and Stephen gave him a weirded out look. "Somewhere out there, it's real." (Y/n) said. "Somewhere out there, I had a ponytail." Stephen as he looked at his other self. "There could be more creatures coming for them." Wong said as he looked at Stephen. "That power is dangerous enough in the hands of two teenagers. Imagine if a real threat acquired it." Stephen said and the three adults nod before Wong turns to the two, America shakes her head fearfully as she and (Y/n) back away a little. "It occurs to me, young ones, we don't know your names." He said. "America and (Y/n) Chavez." America replied. "Well... Miss Chavez, will you two come with us to Kamar-Taj? You'll be safe there." He said and (Y/n) looked at him with slight suspicion. "How do we know you won't betray us like he did?" She asked as she gestured to the other Strange. 

"I guess you're just gonna have to trust me." Stephen said. "What do we do with him?" Wong asked, referring to the dead Strange. Stephen moves his hands and a piece of roof opens up then he covers the dead body. "That's gotta violate an ordinance." Wong said. "I've buried worse." Stephen said. "The creature that killed him, did...did it have the same markings as the octopus?" Wong asked. Stephen thought about it then nodded. "Runes." He said. "This isn't sorcery. It's witchcraft." He added. "Do we know anyone who's faced such a thing?" Wong asked then Stephen thought of someone. "I think I might." He said. "Apples, right?" Stephen asked as he walks up to Wanda. "Eventually." Wanda said after she turned to him and gives him a branch. He takes it. "Smells..." he began but Wanda interrupted. "Sweet." "I was gonna say real." He joked and Wanda smiled. "It's all very real. Thanks. I put the magic behind me." She said as they began to walk together. "So I can see." He said. "Well, I knew sooner or later you' up, wanting to discuss what happened at WestView. I made mistakes, and people were hurt." She said as she put the branch away. "But you put things right in the end and that was never in doubt. I'm not here to talk about WestView." Stephen said as they walk together. "Then what are you here for?" Wanda asked. "We need your help." He said and she looks at him. "With what?" She asked. "What do you know about the Multiverse?" He asked.

"The Multiverse. Vis had his theories. He believed it was real. And, dangerous." Wanda informed. "Well, he was right about both. We found two girls who can somehow travel across it but they're being pursued." Stephen replied. "Pursued by who?" Wanda asked. "Some kind of demon. One that covets their power for itself. Now we've taken them to Kamar-Taj, and...We've got our defenses, but...We could use an Avenger." Stephen said. "There are other Avengers." Wanda pointed out. "Yeah, but given a choice between the Archer with a mohawk, and several bug-themed crimefighters, or...One of the most powerful magic wielders on the planet, it's an easy call." He said and he looks at her. "Come to Kamar-Taj. We'll get you back and a lunch box." He said. She smirks. "What if you brought America and (Y/n) here?" 

Wanda asked. "Here?" Stephen repeated. "Yeah. I know what it's like. To be on your own, hunted for abilities you never wanted. I can protect them." She said. Stephen soon realized something and stopped. "You never told me their names, did you?" She asked. "No. No, I didn't." Stephen said and Wanda sighs. "You know, the Hex was the easy part. The lying, not so much." She then raises her hand and a red light comes out. Soon the fields and apple trees become dead and the grass shrivels and the blue sky becomes red. Wanda's outfit had also changed. Stephen looks surprised then turns to see a book that was floating and some red magic coming out. "The Darkhold." He whispers. "You've heard of the Darkhold?" Wanda asked. "I know it's the Book of the Damned. And that it corrupts everything and everyone that it touches. I wonder what it's done to you." He said. "The Darkhold only showed me the truth. Everything I lost...can be mine again." Wanda said.

"What do you want with America and (Y/n)? What do you want with the Multiverse?" Stephen asked. "I'm going to leave this reality, and go to one where I can be with my children." She replied. "Wanda, your children aren't real. You created them using magic." Stephen said. "That's what every mother does." She said with a smirk. "If you knew...there was a universe, where you were happy, wouldn't you wanna go there?" Wanda asked. "I am happy." Stephen said. "I know better than most what self-deception looks like." She said. "What you're doing is a flagrant violation of every natural law. If you take the children's powers, they won't survive." Stephen said. "I don't relish hurting anyone, Stephen. 

But they're not children. They're supernatural beings. Such raw power could wreak havoc on this, and other worlds. Their sacrifices would be for the greater good." Wanda said and Stephen glared. "Well you can kiss the lunchbox goodbye because that's the kind of justification our enemies use." He said. "Is it the one you used? When you gave Thanos the Time Stone?" She asked. "That was war, and I did what I had to do." Stephen defended. "You break the rules and become a hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair." She argued. "What happens now?" Stephen asked. "Return to Kamar-Taj, and prepare to hand over America and (Y/n) Chavez by sundown. Peacefully. After that...You'll never see me again." she said and she began to leave. "And if we don't?" Stephen asked and she stops then turns to him. "Then it won't be Wanda who comes for them. It will be the Scarlet Witch." She warned and then walks away.

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