Part I: And then There were Normal, Chapter 1: the begining

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It all started in another world which there's no magic, no superheroes, nothing. Everything is normal, in a city known as Algiers, The capital of Algeria

A normal guy who had black hair, brown eyes, Night blue vest with light blue and white strips, Dark blue pants and blue and white sneakers his name was Guitoun Spanner

He was walking around the street with happiness just then he saw a woman was shouting that she worried about her cat
Random woman: Help! Somebody help me!
Guitoun: what's wrong miss?
Random woman: my little pussycat is stuck in a tree
Guitoun: don't worry I'll take care of this
Then he climbed the tree and picked the cat easily and pulls the cat around his arms as he gets down the tree and gave it to the woman
Random woman: thank you mister
Guitoun: no problem I can help people, but nothing special
Then his watch was ringing as he noticed that was the match time
Guitoun: oh no! The match!
Then he stood but nothing happened because he haven't a superpowers or magic
Guitoun: damn it, I'll gonna buy a bicycle later
But what he didn't know was a blue hedgehog known was Shane the hedgehog watched the whole thing and make everything safe of that normal guy that we never be in trouble by John Smith neither Angel, nor The Evil Cloudens

Meanwhile in the stadium,
Guitoun was playing in the match as he missed up the ball as he and his team lost the match because he haven't been a special guy, after the match ends, guitoun was trying to check his watch is it the hour is correct
Guitoun: goddamn this little watch
Then he bumped to someone as he walked off ignoring guitoun
Guitoun: Hey! Watch out what are you....
Then he noticed that his watch is gone
Guitoun: hey! Give me back my watch! Damn it! I'll gonna buy a new one
???: hello guitoun
Then he turned to see his grandfather
Guitoun: grandpa?
Guitoun's grandfather: here let me help you
Then guitoun looked at his grandfather's robotic arm as he switched his arm to normal
Guitoun was in his grandfather's car looking at the view of the city as he talked to his grandfather
Guitoun: I don't understand this world, nothings new, I have a bad luck, being a normal guy, why's everyone said to me that I'm a special one
Guitoun's grandfather: because everyone loves you guitoun, a special guy doesn't need something new like watching superheroes TV shows and movies, being a special guy is what you are
Guitoun: you're right grandpa
Guitoun's grandfather: by the way I have someone will take care of you
Guitoun: who?
Guitoun's grandfather: soon you'll see
To be continued

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