9, 10 & 11 preferences #1

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becasue why the fuck not

and I'm going to make more

(i love this pic)

How you met

9: You were working in the local mall, and a man came in, he wore a leather jacket over a purple shirt, had really short hair, like a buzz cut that he slightly grew. He walked around looking at each mannequin.

"Can I help you?" you called out, bored out of your mind, but intrigued by the stranger for some reason.

"Ah, yes, have you seen any of these mannequins move?" he asked

"Umm, no?" maybe he was mad, he just nodded and walked out.

After a few minutes of scrolling through Tumblr on your phone, someone grabbed your arm, you spun around and it was a mannequin!!! You screamed and yanked your arm out of its grip, you sprinted through the front doors as the rest of the mannequins came alive. You looked around and every mannequin in the mall was alive. You ran into someone with a 'oof' you looked up and saw it was that man earlier, you took his out stretched hand, got up and ran.

"What ... are ... those things!?" you question between puffs.

"There mannequins" the man said, like you asked the dumbest question.

"Duh ... but why are they alive!?!" you asked when you both stopped behind a corner.

"That's what I intend to find out" he answered, taking out a pen-thing, he aimed it at one of the mannequins that was heading towards you and the end lit up blue with a buzzing noise.

"Ah, just as I thought, plastic, living plastic creatures, and its being controlled by a relay devise somewhere." He said to himself

"What!?" you asked as he took your hand and started running again

"I'm the Doctor by the way, y/n" the running man said

"How do you know my name?" you asked, shocked

"Your name tag" he replied as you both stopped behind a blue box, you look down and saw your name tag hanging from your shirt "oh"

"Yes, 'oh' now, get in" he shoved you inside the blue box, your eyes widened as you saw how big it was. The Doctor walked up to the console that was in the middle of the room and started flicking switches, pressing buttons and all that stuff (oof I'm tired)

"Let me just..." he quickly walked out and a few seconds he came back in

"There, all fixed" the Doctor grinned at you

"... what did you ... how is this ... what!?!?!?!" you brain was to jumbled to properly ask a question.

"Ok, yes, I blew up the relay device, its bigger on the inside because ... Time Lord stuff, that's what I am by the way, a Time Lord, and I just saved the planet ... again" he leaned against the railings with his arms crossed and a satisfied smile on his face.

"How would you like to see all of time and space y/n?" the Doctor got up and started pressing buttons and pulling levers on the console.

"Umm...sure" he laugh slightly.

10: "Shit" you mutter, running away from the silver robots that was marching down your street "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit"

You ran around a corner and you ran straight into a wall. The robots walked and lined across the road, blocking your only escape

"Who are you!?!?" you yell, throwing a rock at them, all it did was bounce off them

"We are the Cybermen, and you will be upgraded" one of them said

"Uhh ... how about ... NO!" you threw a broken glass bottle at them and started to climb the building next to you, using the window frames.

"Then you will be deleted" it said and they started marching towards you.

"No she will not" said a man, you look up and see a man with brown spikey hair, blue suit and a trench on, leaning out of a window above you. He threw something round and as it hit one of the Cybermen, it stuck and electricity jumped out of it and went from one Cybermen to another, making them jolt and collapse.

"Quickly" the man said, reaching an arm towards you, you took it and climbed through the window

"Nice thinking, climbing this building, but stupid throwing that at them, but I gotta give it to you, you've got guts" he said, taking your hand and running down the stairs, into a back alley

"Who are you? Why are they here? What is that!?!?" you ask as he takes you towards a blue Police Box.

"I'm the Doctor, probably to upgrade this parallel universe, and this is my TARDIS" he answered and stepped inside it. You hesitantly walked through the doors and couldn't believe your eyes, it was HUGE!

"Its ... Its ..." you spin around slowly

"Go on, say it, everyone does" the Doctor grinned

"Its smaller on the outside" you smirk

"Ok ... that's a new" he said, scratching his neck, you laugh

"I like to be unique" you say, looking around in awe

"Ha, I can tell, now..." he says, flicking some switched, pressing buttons

"Lets save the world"

11: You were gazing at the stars on top of a hill in the local park that you patrolled at night, it was your job since you were a police officer, when you noticed an asteroid heading straight for you. You yelled and ran. You didn't know why but its what your body told you. You looked behind you and saw it was small, like the size of a 1950 Police Box. In fact, it was a 1950 Police Box, you threw yourself side ways as it dove at you, it crashed into the ground, skidding along the ground and then straight into a tree.

"Holy shit" you mutter.

A funny feeling came over you, like you knew this Box/thing, like you've seen it before.

Without realising it, you were holding the door open, and you stood there, eyes wide.

"Holy shit this is huge" you mutter, stepping inside it. You saw a man in a bow tie and a tween jacket unconscious on the floor. Without thinking you picked him up and dragged him out of the Box.

After a few minutes of sitting on the grass next to the unconscious man he jolted up, hitting you in the head

"Woah, ow ow ow ow ow ow ... oh hi, I'm sorry, wait ...where am I???" he sat up rubbing his head as you backed away, rubbing your own.

"Umm, you're in Scotland Yard, more specifically, St James Park" you answer

"What? But I'm supposed to be at Raxacoricofallapatoriust" stood up and went back towards the burning Box

"Uh, Sir, its on fire" you stand in front of him, wondering why he would go back in it.

"Right, slight set back, ok big set back, there must've been a reason she crashed here" Bow-Tie man said, pacing back and forth.

"She?" you pace with him

"Yes 'she', she's my ship, my TARDIS" he smiles like a proud father.

Suddenly those annoying, but deadly robots, were suddenly surrounding you

"Not again" you mutter remembering what you were doing in the park in the first place.

"'again'?" the tall man questioned as he took out a pen/tube thing.

"Yes, again, these Cybermen keep popping up everywhere" you explain, trying to stand in front of him, but he pushes you behind him and points the tube at them.

He does something and the end light up emerald/green and it makes a buzzing sound. The Cybermen suddenly stop in there tracks

"Should be long enough" he mutters, grabbing your hand and dashes into the now not burning TARDIS.

"How long have they been 'popping up' Miss...?" he flicks some switches on the console in the HUGE ROOM!

"Y/n, this ... its..." you spin slowly

"Yes, yes, 'its bigger on the inside' get that a lot, how long have they been here y/n?" he grabs a leaver pulling it

"Oh, about 3 months, there's no pattern, day, night, Tuesdays, weekends, who are you?" you say, slightly stumbling as the TARDIS shudders beneath your feet

"Well, y/n, I'm the Doctor, with a 'the' and now..." he grins, fixing his bow tie "lets save the world"

Oof that was long, promise the next preferences won't be this long


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