9 x Reader

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Suggested by @Estellethegeek

y/n is tired and keeps tripping, Nine kinda gets annoyed so he picks her up bridal style.

 (ok I've got 3 separate things, spoilers, one is when the Doctor carries you bridal style, the other is when he gives you a piggy back, and the 3rd part/thing is the ending for both scenarios, I'll just label the 1, 2 and 3. You can just read it normally/as is if you want, I'm just gonna shut up now)


"HURRY UP!" The rough northern accent of the Doctor yelled at you as you were both running through the crumbling streets of the main city on the moon of Poosh.

"I would be able too if you didn't set off that bomb and nearly crush ME TO DEATH!" you yelled back.

"You know I didn't mean too" he growled and ducked behind a type of vehicle. You crouched beside him. "It's not my fault I pressed the big red button saying, 'don't touch'. I thought it would set the prisoners free" he said, checking over the side waiting for the stampede of screaming citizen to pass.

You rolled your eyes "You are such a child"

"Oi!" he glared at you. Of course he had heard that, what with 'superior Time Lord senses'

He then grabbed your hand dragging you up and you both darted across the street. The Doctor peeked around the corner, watching as the last of the citizens disappear, "Where nearly there"

You both continued down the street as distant buildings crumbled and fell. You shook your head, sure everyone on this planet was guilty for slavery and murder but they deserved another chance, which was why the Doctor was here in the first place, to give them another chance, to help them change their ways, but they had been taken prisoner and thrown in a cell with other aliens that tried to do the same they had. You and the Doctor escaped as you both always did and found a control room, there was a huge red button with a label clearly saying, "don't touch". And obviously the Doctor did press it, thinking it would release all the doors on the cells so they could all storm the palace and take over.

Except it didn't. The button was actually a self-destruct button, a giant bomb in the middle of the planet the alien king had made, and it was going to blow up in the next hour. The Doctor tried to stop the bomb, but all he had managed to do was speed up the time so they had 15 minutes to get to the TARDIS and leave.

And that how you both got stuck running amongst the crumbling streets to where the TARDIS was parked.

"Doctor I can't-" you started, but you got your foot caught in a crack and twisted it, you fell hard on the ground, slaming your knees and grazing your hands. The Doctor spun at your cry of pain "Quick y/n, get up! We've got to go!" he pulled you up and started dragging you down the street.

"Doctor I can't, I can't" you sobbed and sat down on the curb. Instead of yelling at you, the Doctor scanned your foot with concern, reading the results he sighed in relief "its not broken, just a sprain, can you walk?" he carefully pulled you up. You shook your head, the throbbing pain in your ankle, knees and hands was screaming at you to stop moving.

The Doctor stared at you for a few moments, you could practically hear his brain trying to think of solutions.

"Alright" the Doctor said and turned his back to you, crouching down a bit "get on"

"What?" you squawked. Was he seriously suggesting you-

"Hurry up and get on" the Doctor barked over his shoulder. Without wanting his Oncoming Storm rage coming at you, you quickly jumped onto his back, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulders, not wanting to strangle him. Once you were settled and the Doctor held his hands on your thighs, making sure you won't fall off, he quickly jogged down the street to the TARDIS.

An explosion rocked the ground and the Doctor stumbled, nearly falling. You buried your head in his neck as a fire ball shot out of the building in front of you.

"You're gonna be ok" he murmured in your ear. After a few corners and streets, you finally saw the TARDIS in the alleyway where the Doctor had parked it.

Once you were both inside and carefully set you on one of the jump seats. He did his usual dance around the controls and soon you were floating in the Vortex. He silently picked you up bridal style and carried you down the hallways to the med bay.

The Doctor set you on the med bed and began to rummage around the cupboards "You've got to be more careful"

"I'm sorry" you shook your head, trying to distract your thoughts from the previous events.

"I mean, come on, it was quite obvious there were cracks everywhere" he pulled out a foot brace and a green vile from a draw.

"Drink this" he passed the vile and knelt in front of you, carefully taking your shoe off. You drunk the green vile, scrunching up your face at the familiar taste of the painkiller you were use to taking after so many adventures.

"You just can't go a week without hurting yourself" he muttered as he strapped your foot in the brace.

You picked at your grazed hands "I said I was sorry"

The Doctor sighed, "I know, just ... be more careful y/n. there could be a day when I'm not nearby, and if you were hurt ... or worse-" he broke off, clearing his throat "stop touching that, we gotta clean it up" he gently slapped your hands away from each other. He rummaged through the draw and picked up a small container

"healing balm, 52nd century, you'll be good in no time" he explained as he carefully took your hand in his and applied the cream. In the few minutes you sat on the bed as the Doctor cleaned your knees (you were wearing shorts so no need to take them off, luckily) your hands were healed and the only evidence of them being hurt was the slightly pinkish-ness from fresh skin.

"Thank you" you murmured as the Doctor finished

"try not to make this a habit" he smiled and cleared up the room

"you said that last time"

He sighed "I know"


The Doctor stared at you for a few moments, you could practically hear his brain trying to think of solutions.

"Alright" the Doctor said and put his arm behind your neck and the other behind your knees.

And soon he was carrying you bridal style down the streets. You didn't know how to respond except to put your arms around his neck. You blushed at the intimate position and tried to ignore how his strong arms felt around you, how he smelt of leather and a nice alien after shave.

An explosion rocked the ground and the Doctor stumbled, nearly falling. You buried your head in his neck as a fire ball shot out of the building in front of you.

"You're gonna be ok" he murmured in your ear. After a few corners and streets, you finally saw the TARDIS in the alleyway where the Doctor had parked it.

Once you were both inside and carefully set you on one of the jump seats. He did his usual dance around the controls and soon you were floating in the Vortex. He silently picked you up again and carried you down the hallways to the med bay.

The Doctor set you on the med bed and began to rummage around the cupboards "You've got to be more careful"

"I'm sorry" you shook your head, trying to distract your thoughts from the previous events.

"I mean, come on, it was quite obvious there were cracks everywhere" he pulled out a foot brace and a green vile from a draw.

"Drink this" he passed the vile and knelt in front of you, carefully taking your shoe off. You drunk the green vile, scrunching up your face at the familiar taste of the painkiller you were use to taking after so many adventures.

"You just can't go a week without hurting yourself" he muttered as he strapped your foot in the brace.

You picked at your grazed hands "I said I was sorry"

The Doctor sighed, "I know, just ... be more careful y/n. there could be a day when I'm not nearby, and if you were hurt ... or worse-" he broke off, clearing his throat "stop touching that, we gotta clean it up" he gently slapped your hands away from each other. He rummaged through the draw and picked up a small container

"healing balm, 52nd century, you'll be good in no time" he explained as he carefully took your hand in his and applied the cream. In the few minutes you sat on the bed as the Doctor cleaned your knees (you were wearing shorts so no need to take them off, luckily) your hands were healed and the only evidence of them being hurt was the slightly pinkish-ness from fresh skin.

"Thank you" you murmured as the Doctor finished

"try not to make this a habit" he smiled and cleared up the room

"you said that last time"

He sighed "I know"


"I'm in here!" you answered the Doctors call, asking where you were. He strode through the doors and looked at you sitting on the couch in front of the fire in the Library.

"I thought I told you not to move" he said as he sat down next to you

You groaned "it's been 3 days Doctor, I'm not staying in my room anymore"

He just grunted and picked up the foot you had sprained days ago, he did the usual poking and prodding, scanning with a number of devises he had in his bigger-on-the-inside pockets. You rolled your eyes and continued reading the book you had. "My foot is fine and I don't need to stay in my room"

"Where's the brace?" the Doctor looked around, setting your foot in his lap

You didn't look up from your book "I took it off yesterday, don't need it"

"Well what'd you do that for?" he rolled your foot around, stretching it as he had done the previous days.

"Because I don't need it" you nudged his leg with your other foot. The Doctor sighed, defeated. "Just don't go running about the TARDIS ok? And keep up the stretches" he said kneading the sole of your foot

"That feels good" you hummed sliding down the couch a bit more.

"Charles Dickens? Nice choice, read to me?" he asked the last part a bit quieter, you looked over the top of the book and saw his face flushed with embarrassment "I mean, y,you don't have to-" "No its fine" you interrupted, clearing your throat you read aloud from where you were as he continued to massage your feet.

After a few days of this, you both soon found that cuddling on the couch by the fire as the other read was one of your favourite past times.

I'm sorry Estellethegeek I fucked up your request, forgive me?

Also any requests or questions dont be afraid to ask, I love it when I get messages from you guys, even if its judgement on my crappy writing 

(If you dont want to comment on anything public, feel free to DM me)

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