Stole it from Tumblr 1

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I stole it from thedoctorwillsaveus on Tumblr, go check them out!


Their reactions when you ask to be dropped off home

The ninth doctor would have his back to you when you asked, working on something at the console screens, so you wouldn't see his look of initial surprise and the way he then bit that down into bitter acceptance. Of course you want to go, he'd think. Why would anyone want this? Him? He'd paste a smile on and drop you off quite politely without ever indicating his suspicions, but he wouldn't really believe you were going to call in a month. When you did, he'd be surprised at how immensely relieved he was.

The tenth doctor would wonder what was going on, but would be satisfied that you were coming back when you said you were. He trusts you. But after a single day of trying to distract himself, he'd set the TARDIS controls and skip ahead to a month in the future and all but leap out the front doors to pick you up. When you asked what he'd been up to for the last month, he'd be vague. This and that. Honestly, he just missed you too much to wait.

The eleventh doctor would give you that smile he gets sometimes, the sad one, but would pull out his diary and pencil in your return date, charge up your super-phone, and drop you off with a hug. After you left, he would distract himself with a whirlwind of activity, running off to catch up with his favourite species and take in a few sites, thumb his nose at a few archaeologists by proving their interpretations of findings completely wrong, earn a doctorate or two – but all of the time he'd have a picture of you tucked inside his jacket pocket. He wouldn't pull it out to look at all that often, but he'd touch it now and then to reassure himself that it was still there. He'd pick you up within minutes after you called him.

The twelfth doctor would drop you off but then keep showing up, rather unhelpfully, to make sure you're ok. You'd find him delivering the mail in your building, stocking shelves in your grocery store, sweeping up at the bank. Eventually you'd get so amused by it that you'd just cut the break short and join him in your next adventure. You would know he was just keeping an eye on you. 

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