First Encounter

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Severus walked through the doors up to the front desk. There was a small waiting line, and while he waited something accrued to him. What the hell was he gonna tell the doctor? 'You could just tell the truth. Hello, I'm here because I was dueling with a dark wizard in a back all way and was hit with a non verbal spell and since I can't brew potions because I'm on this mission, I was wondering if you could help me? Yeah, that will go over well' he thought and shook his head.

While he was thinking, the line started to move forward and he became more nervous. "Sir?" the lady behind the desk asked. It then came to his attention that he was just standing there lost in thought.

"Yes, I was wondering if I could see a doctor about the lacerations on my back?" he asked in what he hoped was a steady voice.

"Yes, and could a I get a name and a recommendation if you have one?"

"Severus Snape, and recommendation?" Severus asked.

"Yes recommendation. Here if you have a specific doctor whom you would like to see, we will put your name on their board of patients to see. If you don't have one that's perfectly fine, we can just put you on any," She replied sweetly.

Severus was about to tell her the he didn't have one when a nurse came up to the front desk with a smile on her face from ear to ear. " Put on Dr. Potters' transcript that he had another successful surgery" She said with joy in her voice.

"Of course Betty. I'll do that as soon as I'm done with Mr. Snape here." She replied. The nurse then turned and disappeared into the hospital.

"Dr. Potter?" Severus questioned.  He couldn't help but wonder if she was talking about the 'Boy Who Lived'.

"Dr. Potter is an exchange doctor from England. He is quite young at the age of only 15, but he has already excelled in all his studys, and is here to get hands on experience. Next year he graduates and becomes a certified doctor." She replied proudly.

"Is his first name Harry by any chance?"

"Why it is. But why do you ask?"

"No reason," Severus replied. "If it's alright I would like to see Dr. Potter please."

She then signed him up on Potter’s board and lead him to a small exam room. She told him he had to change from surgery and he would be in to see him in about ten minutes. Severus thanked he and walked around the room. He was trying not to sit because of the pain, but a few minutes into it and he knew he had to sit. He was tired of standing.

Back out in the hallway Harry just came back from changing when he noticed a peculiar name on his patients board. The name Severus Snape was written in bold black letters. 'Surely that can't be him. What would he be doing here?' He thought. He always had a crush on his potions professor. What from that silky voice, to the hair, and the outfit. 'NO! Act professional!' He screamed to himself in his head. He gave himself another pep talk before heading of to Severus's room.

"Hello Mr. Snape I'm Dr. Potter and I'll be the one taking care of you for the time being." Harry said as he entered the room. Severus had to take a moment because standing before him was Harry Potter wearing BLACK scrubs and a black doctors coat, unlike a normal person. 'Since when was he normal?' thought Severus.

"Snape, are you okay?"

"Yes Potter I'm fine. Well, not physically." he replied with his usual sneer.

"Well, why don't you tell me why you are here then." Harry stated.

"Look, I know I can trust you with this information, but don't go and get ahead of your self okay, it's under control." Snape said looking serious. He waited till Harry nodded in agreement before continuing.

"I'm here on a mission for Albus. Romur was spread that the Dark Lord has come to America to recruit new followers. He sent me here for a year to gather information. I've been here for about a month. It wasn’t until a few days ago I over heard a conversation talking about how a Wizard from over seas who promised fame and fortune would be here in a few days. And today I saw the Dark Lord and a group of people turn down an ally way. I followed and hid behind a dumpster.

"For a good half and hour I stayed behind the dumpster and watched as the thirty or so people lined up to get the dark mark. Once they and the Dark Lord left, I emerged from my hiding spot. Once I got to the middle of the allyway, I realized I wasn't alone. Wormtail stands there with his wand raised and we started to duel. I knew if I could get behind something I could apparate home, but when I came to the entrance,  I made to turn the corner but he said a not verbal spell that sent lacerations all down my back side. I hate to admit it but, I don't know what spell he used. When he turned to flee I obliviated his mind and placed a false image of him dueling someone else in its place. So I'm here to get these lacerations checked and healed. And before you say anything, Albus also told me I'm not allowed to brew potions in order to avoid suspicion." Severus told the now stunned Harry Potter. It took Harry about a minute to process the information.

The Dark Lord was in America, and trying to recruit followers.  Albus has sent Severus over here to protect the wizards of another continent. He believed that is Severus said things were under control then they were. And if they needed help they would contact him if necessary.

Harry then got up, walked over to the cabinet and started to gather supplies.

"Here, put this on and lay down on your stomach." Said Harry as he tossed Snape a hospital gown.

"WHAT!" shouted Snape.

"You heard me. Remove your clothes, ALL of them, put on that gown and lie down on your stomach so I can check those lacerations for you." Harry was now thank full for him being the one to see Severus. For he knew that if Severus had gotten someone else, they would be having a more difficult time with him.

Harry glared at the glove box and realized they were out of gloves so he decided to take this opportunity to make a reason to leave. "How about this. I'll leave for about five minutes so you can get changed, and then I'll come back in and check on you okay? Look, I know I'm normally and arrogant, non focused student, but right now I'm your doctor who wishes to take care of you. So could you please, just cooperate?" Harry asked in a calm steady voice and a little bit of a pleading look on his face. It must have worked because Snape nodded his head, but Harry could still see he his a little unsure. Just by looking at him, Harry could tell this had to be his first time at a hospital because he was paler then normal and was shaking slightly.

"Well I'll be back in a bit okay." Harry said as he turned to the door. Once out in the hallway he let out a sigh and shook his head. 'This is gonna be an interesting examination'


Authors note

Hope you little sugar cookies are enjoying the story so far. I'm having a blast writing it. Again any type of feed back would be appreciated greatly

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