Day One on Cape Cod: Hanging Out At Home

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Glory woke up first. She punched Deathbringer to wake him up, and ran downstairs. Then she got out a frying pan and started making pancakes.

By the time everyone was up, Peril was having to make a different set of pancakes just for Clay. When they were finished they headed down to the basement/playroom. Glory had decided the draw the things that they did, with her wherever she would be if she hadn't been drawing. So she pulled out a clipboard and pencil, and carefully drew the basement. Then she sketched Peril and Clay over by the toy kitchen, and Deathbringer and Riptide battling to the death in Roblox. Then she drew Sunny and Starflight playing Foosball, and her and Tsunami playing Ping-Pong. Then she actually went to play Ping-Pong.

They did this until lunchtime. For that, they biked to Arnold's, the ice cream store that was down the bike path. They got lunch and ice cream, and biked home again. Then they changed into bathing suits and went to the pool. Clay was still eating one of the hamburgers that he'd ordered. Glory immediately took out her drawing supplies, and started drawing. 

Tsunami and Riptide were in the deep end of the pool, playing tag. Clay was in the shallow end, sharing his hamburger with Peril. Sunny was sort of swimming (Splashing around in the shallow end) and Starflight was reading a book. Glory drew herself and Deathbringer having a splash fight in the pool. Satisfied, she set down her drawing where it wouldn't get wet, and went to shove Deathbringer into the pool.

As they fell asleep that night, everyone remembered the day, and thought about the day to come.

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