It's Crossword Time

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As the title of this extra suggests, today we are doing a crossword. Okay, I came up with a crossword for you to do. There are fifteen questions with spoiler-free answers.

Ready to check your Dogs, Bats and Monkeys knowledge?

Let's see how many answers you'll get right!

1. The club in which Alec approached Adrian is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

2. A reason Alec and Everett are getting closer.

3. The two towns the series takes place in are Woodville and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (No jokes about the characters liking wood and yes, I realize I just gave you a hint on the second town by mentioning wood.)

4. Alec's full first name. (Hint: it's spelled with I at the end, not Y.)

5. Luna, Luca, and _ _ _ _.

6. Before Keri became an Alpha, she was at Uni, studying to be a _ _ _ _ _ _. Also Adam's profession.

7. A sport Kennedy, Horace, and Billy enjoy. Callum also used to play it when he was younger.

8. The two types of vampires in the series are _ _ _ _ _ _ and Nighters.

9. If you want coffee or a milkshake, go to the _ _ _ _ & Cream.

10. If you want nommy sweets, go to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bakery.

11. Everett, Rhys, and Kennedy's family name.

12. A Bullet who works with Callum and is also related to Keri.

13. The Silver Bullets' Sacred Tree is a _ _ _ _ _ tree.

14. Rhys and Riley like to drink _ _ _ _ _ _ juice.

15. Adrian, Sasha, Clifford, and Johnathan are part of the Order of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Share in the comments how many you filled in.

Which questions were the easiest and which made you think hard?

Also, did you reveal what the pink part in the crossword spells?

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