Let me help you~

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A/N: This is a fanfic with my OC (Saki) meeting the other girls.Then, Saki realizes they have terrible problems and tries to help them. Unfortunately, she also has problems but the other girls don't know about it.  This fanfic is when Monika does not become self aware, the universe is not a computer, and things don't get messed up. This story is knd of Saki x Monika, Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki. (Please don't get mad at me)

Let Me Help You

Saki thinks what club should she join as she examines the different club sign-up sheets. "I'm not sure if I really should join a club this year." Saki sighs. "Hey! Saki~chan!" A voice comes from behind. Saki turns around and sees Sayori rushing up to her. "Sayori? I thought you went home. It's after-school! Oh wait. . . You're in a club, aren't you?" Saki says. Sayori just nods, "I was just about to hang up the sign-up sheet for the club I'm in!" Sayori then gasps and drops the flyers. "You should join! We were totally looking for a new club member too!" Sayori exclaims, jumping on her feet. Saki looks down and picks up the flyers and takes one. "Literature Club? I didn't know you were into literature. Hmm," Saki thought for a minute. "Okay Sayori! I'll join your club!" Sayori's face gleamed with joy. She then took Saki's wrist and dragged her to a classroom with other girls. Sayori then whispers, "We also have cupcakes!"

Monika's P.O.V

Where is Sayori? She should have hung up those flyers by now. Then, Natsuki read my mind, "Where's Sayori!? My cupcakes aren't getting any colder! I made them fresh out of the oven!" BAM! "Ahh!" Natsuki screams. I turn around and I see Sayori at the door.

I'm pretty sure she broke it.
Wait, Sayori has someone! A new member? "Hey Sayori! Glad you're finally back! Umm, who's this?" Sayori pauses to catch her breath, "This. . . is. . huff. . . Saki, and. . . she's joining our club!" She finally breathes out. Wow, Sayori actually found someone to join! "Yuri! We have a new member!" I call out. I see Yuri sitting at her assigned desk reading, of course. She then looks up and smiles, "Oh! I'll be right there. Let me just make some tea." I see the new member and decided to introduce myself and everyone else.

Third Person P.O.V

Monika walks up to Saki just as Yuri comes back with tea. Sayori slightly, and playfully, pushes Saki to the other girls. "U-um,  I'm Saki Hanaka, nice to meet you. Um, I'm looking forward to the club activities were doing." Saki smiles and slowly moves her head to Sayori, who's giving her a thumbs up. Monika smiles, "Nice to meet you too Saki! I'm Monika, the Club President! This is Yuri, and I'm pretty sure you already know Sayori, who is the Vice President. And this is Natsu-" Monika got interrupted. "Hey! I can introduce myself you know! *light sigh* I'm Natsuki, sorry about that. . ." Natsuki turns her head away, slightly embarrassed. "It's alright Natsuki. I'm pretty sure Saki might enjoy the cupcakes you brought in." Monika says, supportively. Natsuki's face lit up and dashed across the room to pick up a tray with foil covering it. Natsuki dramatically reveals the cupcakes. Yuri sets down her tea and smiles, "Aww, that's cute. They're cats!" Natsuki blushes, "I'm not cute!" Sayori reaches out to grab a cupcake but Natsuki quickly slapped her hand away. "Not yet! Be patient!" Natsuki exclaims. "Heh. Sorry! I guess I got too excited." Sayori says. Everyone started to laugh. 'I think I'll like it here' Saki thought while laughing with the group.

~A while later~ Brought to you by everyone eating cupcakes and Natsuki yelling at Sayori for eating two.
((Play the song))
((Created by Team Salvato not me))
((Okay Everyone!))

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Okay everyone! Let's get settled for business. Fun business." Monika says. "Today we'll just write poems about ourselves and share it to each other! Also, a reminder, the festival is coming up soon! I'll explain the details later. Saki, we can work together on our poems for today!" Monika states. Saki smiles at her.

~Time Skip~

Saki's P.O.V

Monika and the other girls are really nice! I really want to know more about Natsuki though. I then see Monika walk up to me. "Oh! Is your poem finished? We're all at the front of the classroom." Monika points with her hand. "Oh! D-did I keep everyone waiting?" I say, kind of freaking out. Monika then looks at me, "No! Not at all!" She smiles. "Who do you want to share your poem with first?" Monika looks at me. I finally decide, "I'll go with Natsuki." I smile. Monika  gestures me to Natsuki in the corner, her arms crossed with a piece of paper in her hands.

Natsuki's P.O.V (short)

I see Saki looking at me. What's she looking at? *sigh* I really should be nicer toward her.  Wait, she walking toward me!

Third Person P.O.V

As Saki walks toward Natsuki, she starts to sweat. She kinda has an anxiety thing of meeting new people. She was actually glad she hid it when she introduced herself. "Hello, Natsuki, was it?" Natsuki raises her head and nods. "Yeah. That's how you say my name." Saki hands over her poem to Natsuki and smiles but on the inside. . .'Oh gosh. What if she doesn't like it? What if the poem I wrote told her I was a bad person? No, how could that work. Papers can't talk. Well, unless you read what's written on it- oh. . . She's staring at me'
"Hey, you alright? You've been staring at nothing for the past minute." Natsuki says.  Saki tries to muster up words, but failed, "uh- I was- um. . . You- poem." Saki figured out she couldn't just speak, so, she pointed to Natsuki's poem and Natauki understood and handed it to her.

Saki read the poem and smiled. "I'm not that good at poems, okay?" Natsuki says. Saki looks at Natsuki, "I like it! It tells me about your. . . Cute personality-" Natsuki interrupts. "I'm not cute!" Saki smiles, "Sorry." She then hands Natsuki her poem.

~Skip cuz I can't think of a poem~

"It's not the best but it's not too bad." Natsuki says, folding her arms. Saki smiles as she takes the paper from Natsuki. "Thank you, Natsuki." Natsuki blushes and turns away.

Monika walks toward Saki after Natsuki went to Sayori. (Yuri's fine. She's reading while she waits) "How'd it go?" Monika said. "It was a great interaction! I like Natsuki." Yuki says, "Oh! Do you want me to show you my poem?" Saki asks while handing Monika her poem. "Ok, sure!" Monika says as she took the paper.

Monika looked up from the poem and smiled, "I like it! It's really great for your first time." "Thanks, Monika!" Saki smiled. Monika gave Saki her poem.

'Wow' Saki thought, 'I really like this.' Monika looked at Saki. "So, what do you think?" Saki smiled, "It's amazing, Monika! It tells me how advanced you are." Monika blushed and said, "Thank You." Saki grinned at Monika and started walking toward Sayori. Monika went to Yuri, and Natsuki was the one waiting.

Sayori excitedly waited as Saki walked toward her. "How's everything going?" Sayori asks. Saki couldn't help but, she was actually really excited too. "Everything's going great, Sayori! Everyone is so nice! Although, I haven't seen Yuri yet." Sayori looked over to Yuri, "Oh! Yuri's really sweet. But, when she can, she walks out of the classroom several times. Not trying to say bad things, I'm just curious and worried." "I'm sure it's fine," Saki assured, "But, for now, let's share poems." Sayori gave Saki her poem.

((I'm not sure if Sayori has a first poem because I searched on the internet and I couldn't find something. Can you guys help me in the comments? I'll shoutout you and add it in the chapter. Thanks!))

"Sayori, I didn't know you were good at writing poems. I really like this!" Saki says, surprised. Sayori kind of looked flustered, "Heh, thanks Saki! You know, I feel like you always say the right thing." Sayori looked the other way to avoid awkward tension. 'Huh?' Saki thought, slightly confused. But, she just smiled. Saki gave Sayori her poem and hoped she liked it.

"Woah, Saki. You're good at writing poems too!" Sayori exclaims, but not too loud. Saki chuckles lightly, then Sayori started laughing lightly. "Hey Saki, the group and I are hanging out at Yuri's house after school to talk and get ready for the festival! Do you want to join with us? I mean, you're part of the club now!" Sayori explained. "Of course!" Saki said happily. Sayori clapped her hands together, " Oh. You need to go to Yuri now! Don't worry, I'll be waiting here!" Saki waves at Yuri and smiles at her, for a good impression. Yuri blushes and looks over her poem. "Hi Yuri!" Saki says. "H-Hello." Yuri smiles slightly as she holds her paper. She handed Saki her poem.

((Sorry guys! I can't find a picture of the poem Yuri first shows uh, I need your help again? sorry))

As Saki read the poem that belonged to Yuri, she was very impressed, "Yuri, I love your poem! It's very beautiful." Saki looked at Yuri, and Yuri, well, let's just say, she's flustered. "I.  . Eh-." Yuri couldn't speak. "Ah! Are you okay?" Saki says worriedly.  ". . . Yes," Yuri says, her hands over her chest. ((In the picture))

((Not mine))
((Pretend she has her uniform))
"Thank you," Yuri said, as she looked down, blush creeping up on her cheeks. Saki smiles at Yuri, "Here's my poem." Yuri takes it and reads it.

Yuri finishes reading Saki's poem and looks at her. "Your poem shows great emotion," Yuri explains. "I really like it." Saki smiles at Yuri. "Oh! Um, Yuri?" Saki asked Yuri. "Yes?" Yuri replied. Saki remembered what Sayori said, "Sayori said the club is going to your house to discuss about the festival?" Yuri picked up two books as she replied, "Uh, yes, we are." She smiled. Yuri handed one of the two books she had to Saki. "Hm? What's this?" Saki asked. "Um, it's a book for you. I-It's not like I meant to buy it for you! I-I was at the book store the other day and I accidentally bought two. . ," Yuri explained. Saki began to grow curious, "What's it about?" Yuri looked at Saki, "Well, it's about a girl who escaped a human experience prison o live with her long lost sister. But while doing so, she has to make tough decisions, and her life starts to fall apart.," explains Yuri. 'Oh wow,' Saki thought. "Lucky for you Yuri, I just started reading horror genre," replied Saki. "Really?" Yuri was surprised. She then said, "I-I was thinking, if we could. . . Um, read it together sometime?" Yuri said shyly. "Ok!" Saki replied. Yuri smiled.

"Is everybody done sharing poems?" Monika speaks up. "Yup!" Natsuki exclaims.  "Okay! Now, before we leave, we need to talk about the festival at Yuri's house. It's still fine to go at your house, right Yuri?" Yuri nods. "Alright! We meet at the front of the school at 4:00, then we go to Yuri's house! I'll meet you all there!" Monika finishes.

~End of Club for Today~

Saki and everyone else was getting ready to meet.
What they wear (without the thing on their chest):
((I do not own this))

Saki, though wore a light blue turtle-neck sweater and a white frilly skirt.
Monika went to the front of the school first, then Yuri, then Saki, Natsuki, and then Sayori. But, Sayori was a bit late, for some reason. "Yay! we're all here! Okay, um, Yuri we can go," says Monika. While they were walking, Saki talked to Sayori for a bit, "Hey Sayori?" asked Saki. "Yeah?" Sayori replied. "Not to be nosy but, why were you a bit late?" Saki asked. Sayori looked at Yuki, "Well, I. . . Uh, slept in. . ." Saki chuckled, "Don't worry, I almost did the same thing." Sayori laughed, "Isn't this exciting?!" "Heh, yeah it is!" Saki replied back. Yuki then noticed Monika and Yuri talking, and Natsuki walking alone. "Hey Sayori, is It okay if I go talk to Natsuki?" Saki asked. "Sure! I'll be fine!" Sayori replied. Natsuki overheard this and blushed. Saki walked ahead to Natsuki. "Hey Natsuki! I did't want you yo be alone, so, I came up here!" Saki explained. ". . ," Natsuki was absolutely flustered. No one has ever done this to her. Well, except Monika, but not as nice. "By the way, Natsuki, I loved the cupcakes! I didn't get to say it earlier," Saki said. "You better have," Natsuki said, kind of quietly. Natsuki and Saki laughed together. The other girls overheard and heated up with jealousy a little bit. "We're here," Yuri said as she gestured her hand to a white-painted house. Yuri unlocked, opened the door, and let everyone in her house. Everyone thanked Yuri and she just smiled. Once everyone was in Yuri's room, Yuri excused herself to the bathroom. No one thought too much of it though. Once Yuri came back, the group started talking about the upcoming festival. "Since I just threw out the upcoming festival out of nowhere, I'll explain the details," Monika explained. "So, what we do at the festival is. . . We present a really good poem! Yes, it might sound lame, but each of us need a partner to do different rolls. I was thinking, Sayori works with me to make the poem, Natsuki works with someone to bake the cupcakes, Yuri. . . Eh," Monika says. "What's wrong?" Saki asks. Monika then said, "Umm, guys? Can you guys help me choose what Yuri should do?" Yuri then spoke up, "I'm useless!" Saki turned to Yuri and patted her back supportively. "No! You're not! Umm, hey! You have good hand-writing, so. . . You can make the banner!" Monika exclaims. "Banner?" Yuri asks. Monika nods, "Yeah! you can make the banner! To, you know, create the atmosphere!" Monika explains. "I. . ," Yuri starts saying. "I love atmosphere!" Yuri finishes. "That's great and all, but what's Saki gonna do?" Natsuki points to Saki. "Saki's the one that helps one of us!" Sayori exclaims. "Yes," Monika says. "So, who?!" Natsuki exclaims. Everyone looks at Saki. Saki then feels pressured. "U-uh," is all she could muster. "Come on guys. you're pressuring her," Yuri says, and Saki smiles at her. Yuri blushes at that. "I-I mean," Saki said the first name that came to her mind, regardless whoever it was. "MONIKA!" She said. "Yay! You picked me!" Monika said, slightly surprised. "Hey! It should be either Yuri or me! You already have a partner, that isn't fair Monika!" Natsuki exclaims. "Eh. It is fair Natsuki. She chose-" Monika got interrupted. "I have to agree with Natsuki on this," Yuri said. "Eh, guys," Sayori said. After Natsuki, Yuri, and Monka argue for 30 more seconds, Monika finally said, "Fine." Yuri also spoke, "I-I'm sorry for arguing Monika." Monika slightly smiled at her. Natsuki sat there, arms crossed, and looking down. "So, who do you choose? Yuri or Natsuki?" Monika said. "I-I'll go with. . .Natsuki," Saki said. She turned her head toward Yuri. "Im sorry," Saki said. Yuri smiled, "It's fine." Natsuki looked up, shocked. Yuri then sat up, "E-Excuse me." Saki looked worried. 'I hope she isn't mad at me,' Saki thought. Everyone else looked worried too. "I'll go see her," Saki got up and walked out of the room and heard strange noises. Something like someone getting hurt. Is Yuri ok!? Saki walked in the bathroom and saw . . .

"Ah!" Yuri exclaimed. Saki couldn't believe it. Yuri was cutting herself! "Yuri! Are you ok?! What's going on?!" Saki exclaimed. Yuri has been caught. "A-ah. . . " Yuri couldn't speak. "I-I'm sorry, Saki," Yuri said. Saki hugged Yuri. 'I-I thought you didn't care about me as much," explained Yuri. "No! I do care about you," said Saki sadly. Saki even fished through the mirror cabinet and found bandages. She took it and give it to Yuri. "Thanks," Yuri said while crying. Saki smiled at Yuri. "I do care about you," said Saki. (Yuri's gonna come back)

Saki came back to the room. "Yuri's fine. She just had to go to the bathroom," Saki said, reassuringly. Everyone nodded and soon enough, Yuri came back too. "Tomorrow after-school we'll talk more about our roles, okay?" Monika said. And so they all left Yuri's house, except Yuri, and Saki went to her own home. As she fell asleep, she had weird dream which was:

~Entering the Dream World~
((Everything is in her dream, except when she wakes up))

Sayori, Yuri, Monika, and Natsuki were all standing in front of Saki. In a strange stance though, well, kind of. They were all standing, but, they all looked dull. Their eyes were blank. "H-hey guys? Um, guys?!" Saki tried to get their attention, but nothing worked. "G-guys?" Saki said, terrified. All of a sudden, Sayori started to hold a sign that read, 'Help Us' in black marker. "W-what? Guys? It's me! Saki! Hh. . .  Heh . . . " Saki started saying, but broke down crying. Something wasn't right. Then, they were all holding a sign. Sayori's said, 'D', Yuri's said, 'S', Monika's said, 'H', and Natsuki's said, 'A'. What did it mean?

~Exiting the Dream World~
Saki woke up in a cold sweat. It was 5:00 a.m. 'That dream was so, surreal,' thought Saki. Saki got up, put on some soothing music and went back to sleep.

~7:45 a.m~

'What time is it? 7:45!? I'm going to be late!' Saki went out of bed and brushed her teeth, brushed her hair and put it into a wavy pony-tail. Saki grabs her uniform and puts it on. She grabs a piece of toast and runs out of the house.

~Time-Skip to after school clubs~

Saki rushed to the Literature Club and saw Natsuki crying, which is means everything is NOT okay. Monika was comforting Natsuki the best she could but it also seemed like se was crying to. Yuri stood in the corner, looking at the ground. Sayori looked sad, she was sitting on her desk, fiddling with an eraser. Saki rushed in. "Natsuki!? Are you ok? You guys, what happened?" Everybody turned toward the door and realized it was Saki. They started freaking out and tried to look like everything was normal. But Saki knew better. "Guys, I know something's not right. Hey, Natsuki? What happened? You're covering your face," Saki sad as she rushed over to Natsuki. "I-It's n-none of y-your business," Natsuki's voice sounded wobbly and non-confident. Then, she broke down crying. Saki took Natsuki's arms and moved it out of the way and gasped. Natsuki had bruises and scratches on her face. "Natsuki. What happened?" Saki asked, gently and softly. "M-y dad b-beat me," Natsuki revealed. "H-he told me he wished I was never his daughter! I can't live there anymore!" Natsuki cried. Saki had tears slowly going down her face. She hugged Natsuki and comforted her. "I need to go check on everybody else, Natsuki just hang tight, okay?" Saki said. She went over to Sayori. "S-Sayori? What's going on? Are you okay?" Saki asked. "H-huh?" Sayori said, dazed. "Oh! It's just you, Saki~chan," Sayori said. She wasn't as enthusiastic as she normally was. "Saki~chan, *sigh* y-you really are going to make me say it, aren't you, Saki~chan?" Sayori said. "Wha-What do you mean?" asked Saki. Sayori sighed, "Look, I-I've been depressed for a long time now. This isn't new, it's just the first time you're hearing it." Saki just wanted to sob right on the spot, but she had to help her friends. "S-Sayori. I-I'm sorry," Saki hugged Sayori, "Look, I'm sorry but, we need to talk later. I need to talk to Yuri and Monika." Sayori nodded, as she was at the brink of tears. Saki rushed over to Monika and Yuri. "You guys. What's happening!?" Saki asked. "I-I feel heartbroken, Saki!" Monika cried. "Maybe just one more slit will do it," Yuri said. Saki couldn't take it. Wait, the dream. 'D' 'S' 'H' A'. "STOP!" She screamed. Everyone looked at her now. "You guys. It all makes sense now. My dream! It was of you guys holding a sign with one of these letters, 'D' 'S' 'H' 'A'. Sayori was holding D, Yuri was holding S, Monika was holding H, and Natsuki had A. Depression, Self-Harm, Heartbroken, and abuse," Saki explained. Everyone was silent and shocked.

"W-wow," Monika said. Saki started to cry and ran out. She ran all the way to the music room and sat in front of the school piano. Saki rested her head and cried. Every time Saki was sad, she'd always sing to herself. Maybe it'll work this time.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

((By: DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber Emma Heesters Cover))
((I do not own this video or song))

Saki opened the piano and began to play and sing:

Don't fall asleep
At the wheel, we've got a million miles ahead of us
Miles ahead of us
All that we need
Is a rude awakening to know we're good enough
Know we're good enough

Say, go through the darkest of days
Heaven's a heartbreak away
Never let you go, never let me down
Oh, it's been a hell of a ride
Driving the edge of a knife
Never let you go, never let me down

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah Monika, Yuri, Sayori and Natsuki peek in.
I won't give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you
Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah
I won't give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you
Oh, baby, baby

Don't fall asleep
At the wheel, we've got a million miles ahead of us
Miles ahead of us
All that we need
Is a rude awakening to know we're good enough
Know we're good enough

Say, go through the darkest of days
Heaven's a heartbreak away
Never let you go, never let me down
Oh, it's been a hell of a ride
Driving the edge of a knife
Never let you go, never let me down

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah "She's telling us not to give up," whispers Monika, as everyone's about to cry.
I won't give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you
Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah
I won't give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you
Oh, baby, baby

Saki finishes and closes the piano. She lays her head in her hands and cries. 'No more bullying a no more sad friends, no more depression!' saki thought but couldn't do it. Suddenly, Monika, Yuri, Sayori, and Natsuki, start hugging Saki. "We're so sorry, Saki," Natsuki says gently. "No, you shouldn't be," Saki says. Saki looks at Monika, "Monika, you arenlt heartbroken. You've got them, and me. we're all her for you. Yuri, we do care about you. If you feel that way, maybe talking is the answer. Don't hide it. Sayori, we all sometimes go through depression at one point in our lives. Yes, you are allowed to be sad, but you aren't allowed to give up. Natsuki, abuse is not the right thing. You can't stay there. You can stay at my home from now on." Saki looks and smiles at all of them. "I want you al to be happy," Saki says. Monika, Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki feel like crying tears of joy. They were sort of happy, but they knew about Saki's bullying. So, they decided.

"You've helped us, now it's time for us to help you."

Goodbye and see you later! :3

Word Count: 4025

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