Random Scenarios (SAFE)

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Reader's P.OV

Ah, the literature club. After Sayori convinced me to join, I might as well. I mean, I have nothing else to after school hours. Unless staring at the wall and forgetting to frieking DO YOUR HOMEWORK counts.

Anyway, I have grown some feelings for Monika. Why not? She has all the good qualities. She's kind, funny, intelligent, and beautiful. (Okay, now I sound like a creep) But there's one thing, I am only one person along with the other boys that like her. But after I joined the literature club, I got really close to Monika than I was. Anyway, right now we are writing poems. Here's my poem:

It's usually all around,
You can't see it though.
The waves are invisible.
The sounds we hear have different volumes.
It can be as piercing as a laughing hyena,
Or as low as the core of the Earth.
Sounds are very strange,
I agree."

It's not the best, but it's a poem. After everyone finished writing, it was time to share them. Sayori shared with Yuri, and I was with Monika. "Oh! Hello Y/N! I didn't know we were going to be pairing up!" She excitedly says. "Yeah. . . Me neither. . .," I say completely freaking out inside. Monika then proceeds to look at me with concern, "Are you okay?" "Oh! Yeah. I'm fine," I say, embarrassed. Monika smiles and I give her my poem. I see her mesmerizing emerald eyes scrolling through my paper. As she looks at me, i started having second thoughts. Maybe I should run away when I have the chance. Monika is seconds away from disliking me and my poem! I should move to Hawaii where she can't find me! I should pack my bags to get a head start!! As I'm freaking out inside, I hear these words. "I really like your poem! It has very nice vocabulary I must say," Monika says. "W-whaaaaa," I say confused. "Is something wrong?" "No no, I just thought, you didn't like my poem that much. . . ," I mumbled a bit at the end. "It's okay to be nervous about your first poem! I was too you know," She says as she playfully bumped me with her elbow. I blushed and smiled as she handed me her poem.

Sayori's P.O.V

I'm running down the neighborhood, and why you ask? Y/N forgot to wait for m at my house so we can walk together to school! Huh, I'm so tired from running so much! Oh wait! I see Y/N! "Hey!" I say as I wave my arms in the air (like she just don't care XD) I see Y/N turn around and stop. I was panting now that I caught up. "Haah. . . Huh. Why- hah- didn't you wait for me?" I ask. Y/N chuckled, "You were late again, silly." "Oh," I answer, fidgeting with my fingertips. We both chuckle a bit. But then, we hear the school bell! "Oh no! We're running late! C'mon!" I say as I grab Y/N's hand and rush to the school.

~Time Skip brought to you by Monika being a pro at writing and I snap my pencil~

"Hello YN!" I say as I see them checking the clubs. Hmmm. . . . "Oh, hey Sayori." "You know what Y/n? You should join the Literature Club!" I say excitedly. Y/N then replied with, "Hmmm, I don't know Sayori. I don't know even if I should join a club this year" "Aww, but you said last year that you would join a club this year!" I whine. " What?" Y/N says. "You don't remember?" I say. "Um, oh wait. NOW I remember," Y/N says as she rubs her forehead. "So can you please join the literature club?" I plead. "They have cupcakes," I add. I know that cupcakes is Y/N's weakness. (If it's not then. . . Oh well (AvA) ) "Fine,"Y/N says. Yay! We're going to have so much fun together! A-and maybe w-we can be m-more than friends. But that's for another time ^v^

Reader's P.O.V

After Sayori dragged me in the Literature Club, I looked around and immediately spotted Yuri. She smiled at me, and I smiled at her. "We have a new member everyone!" Sayori excitedly yells. "Hey Sayori can you be a bit louder? I don't think the whole world heard you yet," A girl with pink pigtails says with her arms crossed. "Don't worry about her, she's always like that," Yuri says as she walks to me. "Oh! Hello Yuri! I suspected you were in this club, I mean, your very good at writing and all that," I say. Yuri blushes and hides her face in her hair. "Hello! welcome to the Literature Club! My name is Monika and I'm the club president! That over there is Natsuki, and I'm pretty sure you already know Yuri and Sayori," Monika I presume, says. Natuski quickly brings out a tray covered in aluminum foil, and whatever it is, it smells amazing. Yuri also brings a tea set in and she sat it down at a desk near where where we're all at. "I present to you. . . My cupcakes that I made myself!" Natsuki says as she dramatically reveals cute kitty cat cupcakes. "Ooh!" Sayori says as she reaches for a cupcake, but Natuski quickly slaps her hand away. "Be patient Sayori!" She says. Everyone laughs. Then, from the corner of my eye, I see Yuri gesturing for me to go to her. I do so, and she offers me a cup of tea. "You have a tea set in the classroom!?" I say, surprised. "Oh, yes I do. I asked the teacher for permission," Yuri says. I thanked her for the tea and we chatted and she introduced me to her book, whic sounds very interesting. She gave me a second copy of this book, and started to avoid my eyes. "D-do you maybe, w-want to consider t-to read w-with me?" Yuri shyly asks. "Yeah! Of course!" I reply back. Yuri smiles and we start reading the book together.

Natsuki's P.O.V

I handed Y/N her cupcake and they smiled at me. I quickly look away, whilst trying not to show my feelings for them. "Hmph!" I say as I walk off. It's not mean, it's just how I act. "Thanks for the cupcakes Natsuki!" Y/N calls out. "They were really good!" I looked back at them, "I know!" I smirk. Everyone laughed with me and had a grand ol' time.
~After the club is over~

I go back to. . . My house. Ugh, I don't want to be in there. For all I know, dad's going to be mad, for no reason, again. I quietly walk in and see my dad standing in front of me. "Why were you late?" He asks in his mean tone. "I had a club today," I say with as much courage, but even I can hear the fear in my voice. "Didn't I say you weren't allowed going to that club of yours?" Dad says as he crosses his arms. "Y-yeah," I say. Shoot! I totally forgot. Oh, I'm on for it now.

~The next day at the club~
"Hey Natsuki, you alright?" Y/N asks. "Why? I am fine, you don't need to ask," I reply. "Oh, you just looked a little off, that's all," Y/N says back. They smile at me and I smile back. "You don't need to worry about me too much y'know," I say as I nudge them a bit. We both look at each other and laugh.

Hello! Sorry if some of these scenarios were short. But anyway, i hope you like it and please request!
Goodbye and see you later! :3 (I have a fun idea for the next chapter, but I'll need your guys' opinion)

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