W-What's going on!? (Yuri x Reader)

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This chapter is filled with stuff that some people are not comfortable with. Also, if you don't know the full game, some of these could be a bit confusing. Enjoy!

Y/N's P.O.V

I'm walking down my neighborhood, on my way to school. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyy!" A voice calls behind me. I turn around, and it's my childhood best friend, Sayori, who's waving her arms in the air, completely oblivious to the fact that she's drawing attention to herself. "Y/N~chan/kun!" She yells. "Wait!" Sayori finally caught up to me. "You overslept again," I told her. "Sorry," Sayori muttered, touching her two index fingers together. "I would have waited if you hadn't overslept like you did last week," I told her sternly. "Y/N that's mean. I then realize something, "Come on, we're going to be late for school." Sayori nodded, "OK!!"

*After School*

My last class was finally over. As everyone got their bags and left, I was still packing up. Hmmm, I didn't really do anything interesting last year, should I do something this year? Like, I don't know, clubs? Volunteer work? Nah, that's boring. "Y/N? Hello?" I suddenly snap back to reality. My teacher, Hanako Sensei, was snapping her fingers in my face. "Earth to Y/N?" "U-uh. Oh! Yes Sensei?" I say nervously. My teacher then chuckles, "I've been standing here for 2 minutes! Everyone else left, you really need to do something about dozing off like that." We both smile, "Hehe, sorry." Hanako Sensei looks at me," Anyway you have a friend waiting at the door. See you tomorrow Y/N!" I smile. While I walk out the door, Sayori is tapping her foot looking at me. "There you are! Hey Y/N, are you going to join a club this year?" I sighed,"Eh, I thought about it. . . But I didn't think I was going to. BUT, I might join the Anime Club, sounds like fun." Sayori puffed her cheeks, "You promised me you were going to join a club this year! I'm in a club you could join." What's better than the Anime Club? I mean, in my opinion, anime is the best. FairyTale, Mrs. Kobayashi's Maid Dragon, Nichijou, and Manga books. "What club are you in?" I ask. "Well I'm glad you asked, I'm in the Literature Club!" Sayori even did jazz hands when she said that. But, literature? "It's not really my thing," I say. "Aww! Please! I told them I would bring a new club member!" Sayori complains. "Well you shouldn't have, because I'm probably not joining." I cross my arms. Sayori stomps her feet, and then stopped as her eyes lit up. "You know, they have cupcakes," Sayori bribes. Is she really bribing me with cupcakes? You know, the delicious, creamy frosting on top of baked, sweet bread, no I can't. I sigh, "Ugh fine, but it's only temporary." "Yay!" Sayori grabs my hand, and we walk, no, actually, she dragged me there. Sayori opened a door and was greeted by a gir- wait, she's not just any girl, it's Monika! The popular girl in school! She' the smartest, cutest, and athletic girl here. We were in the same class last year, but didn't really talk much. "Oh! Y/N! I haven'e seen you since last year!" Monika said. "Yeah, hi," I say. We both smile at each other. "Well, it looks like you two know each other already," Sayori smiles. "Monika! Did you reorganize my manga books again?!" A voice calls where the closet at the corner of the room. The girl looks like a first year, because of her size. She had pink hair tied in two pigtails with red ribbon. When she looked at me, her face flushed and she walked into the closet and slammed the door, but opened it a peak for light. Huh, I wonder what's wrong with her. "Oh, don't mind her behavior, she's a bit rusty sometimes," Another girl with purple hair says as she walks up to me. "I-I'm Yuri, nice to meet you," She says as she hides her face in her hair. How is this girl being accidentally cute!?

"Welcome to the literature club Y/N!" Monika says. "I'll make some tea," Yuri says. "You're allowed to keep a tea-set in the classroom?" I ask. "Oh, yes. We asked the teachers for permission of course." Yuri smiles as the room soon filled with the wonderful scent of jasmine tea. Monika knocked on the closet door in the back. The door slightly opened, and Monika smiled reassuringly to the girl in the closet. "Sorry about that, this is Natuki!" Monika said as 'Natsuki' folded her arms. Her eyes lit up, as though she just realized something. Natsuki grabbed a tray in the back wrapped neatly in tinfoil. Whatever was in there it smelled absolutely amazing. Natuski revealed what was being covered. "Cat cupcakes!" She said. "Woaaah!!" Sayori exclaimed, obviously fascinated. Natsuki gave everyone one a cupcake, and Sayori didn't hesitate to take a bite. "It's so good!" She said with stars in her eyes. "I didn't know you were such a good baker Natsuki!" Monika complimented. I was looking around my cupcake, finding the PERFECT bite. I then notice that Natsuki was glancing at me. Hm. . . She must be wondering if I'm going to eat it or not. I eventually took a bite and she walked to me. "Why did it take you so long to eat it?" Natuski puffed. I just shrugged my shoulders. But, as I ate, the creaminess of the cupcake swirled around my tongue, and the flavors were perfectly sweet. The chocolate, to represent the cat features, melted in my mouth with wonderful flavor. My eyes lit up as I ate, but Sayori already finished hers, with its of crumbs on her cheeks. Yuri gave out her tea. "Thank you, Yuri," Monika said as she smiled. "Yeah, it smells really good!" I say. Yuri blushed an looked away. "Okay everyone! Thank you so much for those wonderful cupcakes Natsuki!" Monika said. Natuski crossed her arms. "You know, why did you make this club?" Sayori asked. "Well, I've always loved literature, and wanted to make something amazing out of it! Hence, the literature club!" Monika smiled. "That's nice," Yuri said as she took a sip of her tea.

*After the club meeting*

When I went home, I started to write a poem to share tomorrow. Huh, what should I write about? Maybe something graceful, terrifying, love, and mystery! Yes, this should work.

*The next day at the literature club*

As I walk through the door, I see everyone there already. Everyone is holding a sheet of paper, probably their poems. Monika was holding a perfect, brand-new sheet, Sayori's was a bit crinkled up and looked like it was torn from a notebook. Yuri's paper was plain white, and Natsuki's was crinkled up a little bit. Monika walked up to me, "Did you writ your poem?" I nodded a yes and pulled it out. "Okay then, what we usually do is that we share our poems to everyone," Monika explained to me. "Oh, alright." I say as I choose who I want to share my poem to first. Hmm, I really want to get to know Yuri better, so, I choose her. Yuri was sitting down at her desk, rereading her poem with perfect posture. Her eyes moving from side to side as she read. I think she caught me staring. . .

"Oh! Y/N, I didn't notice you coming in." She said. "Oh, uh. . Monika said that we were sharing poems, so,"I say. Darnit Y/N!! You had to say it like that! You just made a fool of yourself. I mentally slap myself. Yuri nodded and I handed her my poem. She read it and looked at me,"It's very interesting, Y/N. I really enjoyed it. Your writing is very clear and strong. But it does have some imperfections, which is normal for writers. I do it quite a lot myself, but since I practice writing, I get better., and you can too." As she spoke, she wasn't timid, but spoke in strong words. When she finished, Yuri gave me her poem, and it was beautiful. "I-Is it okay? Oh, my handwriting is a bit messy, isn't it," Yuri said timidly. "No no, I like it. And I enjoyed reading it. You are a very good writer, Yuri!" I compliment. Yuri blushes and looks away, hiding her face in her hair. Ugh! This girl is going to kill me with her adorableness!

I move on to Sayori, and she had a surprised look on her face. "This is good Y/N! Don't take this the wrong way but, I didn't expect you to write something like this!" Sayori said, and then she smiled. She gave her poem to me, and it's about waking up and going to eat breakfast or something? "Sayori, did you write this in the morning?" She touched her two index fingers,"I forgot to do it when I got home." Heh, figures, she's been sleeping in for the past two weeks! Not trying to be mean or anything. "Sayori, you need to stop sleeping in and doing your homework in the morning!" I tell her. "Hey! At least I try!" Sayori says as she chuckles a bit. We both smile and move on to other people.

I walked up to Natsuki and she crossed her arms, "Don't expect me to like your poem!" I handed my poem to her and after, she looked at me in the eye, "You seem like the type of person to write something like this. It's kind of like Yuri." "Er. . . thanks?" I really don't know how to react to that. Natsuki gave me her poem and I read it. Her writing is simple, but tells a good story. "You don't like it, do you?" She said. "Why would you think that?" I ask. "Well, you read it slowly," Natsuki answered. "Just because I did, doesn't mean I don't like it. I did like it though! It was simple, but told a great story," I say. "Huh." Natsuki took a deep breath, "I don't  always have to write all fancy, and people always judge my writing on how it looks." She crossed he arms and looked at the corner. "Well, it was nice meeting you Natsuki," I say. She just nods and walked to the closet in the corner of the room. I guess she already finished sharing her poem with the others.

Alright, the last one to share is with Monika. I gave her my poem and she read it over. "This is well written, Y/N! I love it!" Monika said. I thanked her and she gave me her poem. "Wow, this is really nice. It's understandable that you like literature so much, you're really good at it!" I say back. She smiled.

After everyone was finished sharing their poems, Monika and Sayori were discussing to each other, and I decided to talk with Yuri. "Hello Y/N. Nice to see you again." She said. I wave to her and she closed a book she was reading. It had a mysterious eye on the cover. "The book your reading looks interesting," I say to Yuri. She looks at it and picks it up. She walks up to me. "I would like to know more about it," I say. Yuri opens the book, reads over it a little bit, and looks back a me. "Basically it's about a girl who escaped out of a human experiment prison with people hunting her. She reunites with someone, but doesn't know who to trust, and her life starts to fall apart," Yuri exlained. "Oh, wow. That sounds fascinating," I reply. Yuri's eyes widen a bit. "I didn't think you'd like my taste in books," She says as she puts her hands on her chest and looking down. "No, no, it's interesting," I say as I also look down. Oh no, is it getting awkward. After a little bit of silence, we both started talking again. I then felt a bit dizzy out of nowhere, but shrugged it off.

*The Club meeting ended*

Alright! Time to write another poem. I grab a sheet of paper, my pencil, and my eraser and started working on my poem and my schoolwork. While watching anime of course. I thought about what Yuri said about her book, and thought I'd write something similar. You know, the dark topic. I can't wait to go to the club tomorrow.

When I walk in the Literature Club, I see Natsuki, Yuri, and Sayori, but she seemed a little bit off. . . She was sitting at her desk, fiddling with an eraser. Huh, strange. I saw Yuri and Natuski talking in front of the closet. I walked up to them. "Manga is literature!" I hear Natuski say. Are they arguing? "I'm not disagreeing with you at all," Yuri said sternly. I didn't think this would happen. "It seems like your saying it! Just because you write fancy doesn't mean I have to too!" Natsuki has her arms on her hips and Yuri's eyes looked like they were filled with determination! Natsuki yelled at Yuri and Yuri's eyes widened, "Natsuki!" Suddenly, they both looked at me. "What do you think Y/N?" Natsuki asked. "Yes, what are your thoughts?" Yuri asked too. Oh, er. I'm do pressured right now! And I don't do good under pressure! "Well, Natsuki has a good point, but Yuri does too! Eh, Sayori help!" I blurted out. Sayori seemed like she heard the whole thing and walked up to us. "You know guys, I don't really like fighting. Why argue when you're in the best club and you're with the best people to be with? Natsuki can write in any style she wants! And Yuri's writing is perfect the way it is. So, please don't argue, and let's write some literature!" Sayori is really good with these things. But I feel really bad for Yuri. "I- Uh," Natsuki was about to say something but shut her mouth. Yuri looked away from everyone and played with her hair. "Hey wait, where's Monika?" Natsuki spoke up.. "Yeah, where is she?" Sayori added. We then heard the door and saw Monika rush in! "Sorry I'm late you guys," She said. "Out of all people, you shouldn't be the one who's late!" Natsuki spoke with her usual sour tone in her voice. "Yeah, sorry about that. I couldn't hear you guys because I was practicing piano." Monika looked at me. "Woah! I didn't know you played piano!" Sayori was amazed. "Yes, that's quite the new information. We would like to listen to you sometime," Yuri agreed with Sayori. "Oh no, I'm not that good at it yet." Monika said nervously as she looked at me. "Anyway, let's share our poems, shall we? Afterwards, I have a surprise for everyone!" Monika smiled as everyone got ready to share some poems!

I went to Yuri first again, because she and Sayori are the only ones I'm comfortable with right now. As she read my poem, her eyes widened, "Don't take this insulting in any way but, this is much better than your last poem." I raise my eyebrows, "Can you tell me why?" Yuri looked at the ground. "Well, you used much better wording and adjectives. You described it very well. I could tell you put emotion into it, because I felt it as I read it. Also, your poem had an interesting topic," Yuri explained to me. I just looked at her. "Sorry, was I talking to much? Oh, I might have been ranting, sorry!" Yuri said out loud. "You do apologize a lot do you?" I say. "Sorry, ah- I mean-" Yuri started, but I cut her off by chuckling. I smiled at her, and Yuri smiled back at me. She gave me her poem, and like I said before, it was well written.

Sayori looked at me and back at the poem and said, "Wow, you really like the dark topic don't you?" The way she said it though, it didn't seem like her regular optimistic voice. "Sayori, are you alright?" I ask. She looked up to me. "Oh! I'm fine I'm fine." I just shrugged it off. When Sayori gave me her poem, it also wasn't as optimistic. I wonder what's going on. She probably went to sleep late and her mind might be jumbled up. I smiled at Sayori, "You know, whatever happens, I'll always be there for you." She looked at me with shock in her eyes and she smiles nervously, "There's no need for that Y/N, honestly, I'm fine!" I just shrugged it off.

Natsuki read over my poem and looked at me, "It's not bad. . . B-But it's not the best either!" I did a side-smile at her and she gave me her poem. It was simple like her last poem, but it was about a girl named Amy? It was poetic, but a bit strange...

Again, the last one is Monika. The one I was most excited for. . . Wait wha-

I feel really dizzy.
I gave Monika my poem. "This is dark, but I enjoyed reading it!" That's kind of a weird thing to say. . . Er.
When Monika gave me her poem, it was the best thing I ever read!

Wait. . I feel absolutely sick.

"Alright! Is everyone finished sharing? It's time for my big surprise!" Monika exclaimed. "I can't wait!" Sayori says. "Next week, we're going to be part of a festival and recite poems! It's going to be fun! There will be food to eat, fun activities, and preparing for it is fun too!" Yuri looked a nervous,"Wait, we have to recite poems i-in front of the people?"Natsuki added on to the conversation. "What!? Why did you tell us this now!?" Natsuki obviously was not happy about this. "You know how nervous I get while I'm reciting in front of people," Natsuki crossed her arms and looked at the corner of the room. "Well, I didn't think you'd be that upset about it. After all, you do fine reciting it to us," Monika stated. "Yeah, but we're talking in front of a LOT more people!"Yuri nodded, "I have to agree with Natsuki." Sayori walked next to Monika. "Come on guys! It'll be fun! We can practice by presenting to the whole club! It's not too many people. Then, you can be ready to present at the festival!" I spoke up next, "I agree with Sayori. Even though you may be nervous about the whole thing, you can get comfortable with it!" Monika smiled, "That's the spirit! So, I've set up job roles we each can do for this event. Since Natsuki is really good at baking, I figured she she would make delicious treats for everyone! Sayori and I planned to work on the schedule, and. . .uh. . . Can you guys help me find a job for Yuri?" Yuri looked down, "I'm useless." I rubbed her back, as a sign of comfort. "No you're not! Here, I have an idea. Since you have such good handwriting, you can make a banner! You know, to create the atmosphere!" Sayori looked excited. "I. . . I love atmosphere!" Yuri said. "That's good! Now, Y/N. Who do you want to work with?" Monika asked. Hmm . . I'll go with. . . I guess Yuri! Because, like I said before, I feel most comfortable with her. And Sayori already has Monika so-

Mónįk ä
Mõ ńikå
Mœñ Īkâ
M Ônîka
Mon įká

I don't feel so good.

"Yay! You picked me!" Mon I ka said. "Huh!? Hey! That isn't fair Monika! You already have Sayori to work with!" Natsuki complained. "Yes I agree.

You do this just to be with him!? Do you know what shame is!?" Yuri exclaimed. What? That isn't like Yuri at all. Monika sighed. "Alright, who do you choose, Y/N?" That was so bizarre. "I choose Yuri." 'Yuri looked surprised, and Natsuki looked a bit disappointed. "I didn't need help anyway!" She yelled. I mouthed an apology to her, but she ignored it. Well. "Alright! It's settled then," Monika said. "Don't forget to write a poem tonight!" I turned to Yuri Do you want to come to my place today? Yuri nodded and smiled at me.

*At your house with Yuri*

I'm in my room with Yuri, and I got everything we needed. I pulled out a big piece of parchment paper shaped like a banner. I pulled out a bunch of paintbrushes, pencils, pens, and colored pencils. Yuri also brought supplies. "You know, this reminds me when I was in kindergarten," I say. Yuri looked at me, "Why is that?" I set down my bag, "Well, when I was in kindergarten, I always did arts and crafts like this. Man, it felt like I was in kindergarten just yesterday. And now, I almost graduated High School." Yuri looks at me and nods. "I agree. Our time went by so fast, didn't it?" We kept chatting and working on the banner. Then, Yuri bumped into her bag and a pocketknife fell out. "Is that for protection?" I ask. Yuri looks down and picks it up, while worrying. She calms down, and speaks, "Well, the thing is, I kind of started getting really into knives N-Not in a weird way of course! Although, it is very peculiar now that I think about it." I pick it up but then I cut my finger. "Ow!" I exclaim as I prick my finger. "Oh no!" Yuri freaks out. All of a sudden, she grabs my finger and tries bandaging it up. We just sat there for a few seconds, and it seemed like Yuri just realized what was happening. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't know what I was thinking!" I don't think Yuri knows how to bandage very well.  I started to fix the bandaging. After that, we both just laughed about it and continued working on the banner. We weren't completely finished though. Yuri and I stepped outside and Yuri walked very close to me. "Y-Yuri w-what are you dong?" She was about to say something. Until Sayori came. "Y/N I-," she started, until she saw Yuri and me. "S-Sayori! Just now, we weren't. . ," Yuri started. "Oh, I should go. .. ." Sayori was about to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist. Yuri left, and it was just me was Sayori. (This is a mixture of being in Sayori's room and the cutscene outside.) She sighed, "Y/N, if you would walk home with someone, would it be Yuri, or me?" Why would she ask me something like this? I mean, I did have a crush on her ever since I was in elementary. I can't just ditch those feelings. "I would walk with you of course. Whatever happens, I'll be there for you," I say. Sayori starts to tear up. "Why are you wasting your time caring about me?" Huh? "What do you mean, Sayori?" I ask. "You're just going to make me say it aren't you?"

"You're confusing me, Sayori," I state. Sayori sighed, "I've had depression for a long time now, you're just hearing it for the first time." "W-what? Sayori. I'm sorry." I apologize. "No, you shouldn't. I was being selfish. Why does it hurt? Why does it hurt when people show sympathy towards me? All I'm doing is being selfish. People need to care for them, not me. I can't find a reason to get out of bed. My friends try, it doesn't work" Sayori tears up. "No no no, you're not. Sayori it's okay." "You really don't get it, do you?" Sayori asks. "No, I do. I'm. Sorry for you, Sayori, and you need help. You're not being selfish at all." I hugged Sayori. "Why does this hurt? I should be happy. The gloomy clouds won't go away." I have tears in my eyes now too. "I will always love you, Sayori," I say. Sayori let go, "I can't really be happy. Thank you, Y/N, for all you've done." And with that, she walked away.

*At the literature club*

I see Monika at the club, but nobody else. I wonder where everybody else is. "Oh! Hello Y/N! You're here early! Have you seen Sayori? You kind of left her hanging, you know?" Monika said. "Yeah, that dummy," I say. Wait, I shouldn't say that. I remember what happened yesterday, and immediately felt sympathy. Wait, I need to see her! "So, how was your banner making?" Monika asked. I ran out of the clubroom, hearing Monika's voice calling for me echo in the halls.

I knock on Sayori's front door, but nothing. I open it. Huh, it's unlocked. I went to her room. This is weird, waking her up in her own house. I knock on the door. "Sayori?" Nothing again. "Open the door," I say. Maybe I should just leave, but I need to see if she's okay. I open the door. . .

What? N-No! This can't be happening. I feel like I'm going to vomit. Th-This isn't like her! I should have been there for her. This has to be a nightmare.

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I walk to school seeing my friend Sæjflsjœfjfjdrep

I've always walked to school alone, seeing a lot of couples walking to school. I might join a club today to be honest.
*After school*
Hmmm. . . The literature club sounds interesting. I'll join that

*At the club*
I walk in, and I see Monika!? (Ugh, you've heard this all before) And that's why she's so great. I also see a girl with pink hair chatting with a beautiful girl with purple hair. I've never seen them before, but, the purple-haired girl is so pretty. I walk up to her. "O-Oh! Hello, you must be the new club member, welcome!" She spoke in a shy voice. "My name is
Y/N! You?" I ask her. "Yuri. Oh! I should make some tea." "You can keep a tea set in the classroom?" I ask, curiously. "Oh, yes. I asked the teachers for permission," Yuri answered. The girl with the pink hair walked up to everyone, holding a tray. The girl revealed what was underneath the foil, and it was cupcakes! "It smells amazing, Natsuki!" Monika complimented. Natsuki smiled, "I know!" She passed it out to everyone, and I took a bite. It was such a delicious treat! "If you only came for the cupcakes, I'm going to be mad," Natuski said. "Alright! Now, let's start introducing each other to everyone! Girls, this is Y/N, our newest club member! Y/N, that's Yuri, and that's Natsuki," Monika said as she introduced everyone. I walked up to Yuri to talk to her. "Hello Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNN how are you?" Yuri said. "Oh, I'm fine-

The Literature Club is really fun! It's time to write my poem to share tomorrow.

"Welcome back Y/N!" MOnik greeted me. "I'm glad you didn't ditch on us," Natuski said. "Hello Y/N." Yuri said. "Did you write your poem last night?" Monika asked me. I nod my head and I choose to share my poem first to Yuri. "Oh, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii," Yuri said to me.

I gave her my poem and as she read it over, I constantly felt dizzy and sick. I may be sick. But then, in the background!? Where the calendar used to be. . . What happened to Sajdlsiooo03497ioei83hduaaaaaaaaa

"Your poem was nice to read," Yuri explains to me. "You showed enthusiasm and emotion. I like it!" I smile at her, "Thanks, Yuri!" When she gave me her poem, it was really strange. But it was cool. "You know, you're a REALLY good writer Yuri! I like ghosts, in a way. At least that's what I think what your poem is about," I say. Yuri chuckles, and I feel like I'm melting from it. "Y/N, my poem isn't about ghosts at all." "What?" I ask confused. "Well, writing poems sometimes aren't exactly to the point. They're sometimes hard to understand, and very confusing. It's what makes them poetic in a way," Yuri explains to me. Her voice is so soft, and it warms me up.

When I shared my poem with Natsuki, she looked at me, "I didn't think you'd be good at writing poems," She said bluntly. "Heh, thanks?" I say. "You didn't expect me to like it did you?!" She yelled at me. "Sorry," I chuckle. She looks so cute when she yells. When Natsuki gave me her poem, her hand writing was simple, and it was poetic too. "This is a nice poem," I say. Natuski widened her eyes a little. "Really? I-I mean, I know!" She says.

When I went to Monika, her poem was also very good. No wonder she likes literature! She's very good at it too! "This is an amazing poem!" I say. I gave Monika my poem and she smiled at me, " Your poem is very interesting and unique! Good job Y/N!"

I went to talk with Yuri, and she was reading a book with a mysterious eye on the front. "What are you reading?" I ask. Yuri's eyes suddenly widened, which was somewhat unsettling. "Oh, you want to know what this is about? Well, it's about a girl who barely escaped a human experiment prison. What they do to people there is that they turn them into killing machines that lust for blood," Yuri spoke creepily, "oh, okay." I say confused. Everything is starting to get really weird.

*At home*

Time to write my poem! Ah, you get the gist of it.

*The Literature Club*

I walked up to Yuri to share my poem, and it was a weird poem it just seemed like jumbled up words to me. Wait, i-is that blood!? I look away from the poem given to me, and Yuri's right in front of my face, with her eyes looking all over me. "So, do you like it? Like how much I like yo-" Yuri stopped and quickly stepped away when Monika came.

Natsuki's poem was very peculiar. It said something about how I can't trust Monika, and how Yuri is unstable and I shouldn't be with her, and how she's acting very strange. Look away and see Natsuki. "Nevermind. Don't listen to what I said. Just hang out with Monika. Just Monika. Just Monika."

Just Monika

When I showed Monika my poem, again, she said what she said yesterday. And I said what I said yesterday.

Well, I'm all done. But wait, where's Yuri? I step outside to the hall and hear heavy breathing. I turn the corner to see Yuri cutting!? NO no-

I see Yuri and Natsuki arguing in the corner. I walk up to them. All of a sudden, they finished arguing, and looked at me. "What do you think, Y/N?" Natsuki asked me with her hands on her hips. "Yes, what do you think?" Yuri asks. Monika seemed aware of the whole thing, and just stood next to me. "Uh. . ," I just say. I feel sick and dizzy, this feeling is familiar, but I swear I've never felt it before, weird. I try to say Yuri, but no noise escapes through my mouth. I then try to say Natsuki, and again, no noise escapes through my mouth. This keeps going on and on, until I'm somehow outside the clubroom with Monika? What happened? "Sorry about them, this isn't too normal for them though," Monika explained. We both see Natsuki rush out of the clubroom. "I think they're finished." I nod and we both walk in to see Yuri pacing back and forth... "I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to," She muttered. "What happened?" I ask. "I didn't mean to insult Natsuki like that, it's not like me at all!" Yuri panicked. I comforted Yuri, and Monika found Natsuki. "It's okay, Natsuki. She feels really bad," Monika whispered. "I'm very sorry, Natsuki. I really didn't mean to," Yuri apologized. "No, it's fine," Natsuki looked down as she also apologized. I smiled, and everyone smiled back at me.

After a couple minutes, we all gathered again, and Yuri had those creepy wide eyes again. "You know, Monika. Why do you always have to take him/her away from me? I also want to be with them too!? Monika, have you considered killing yourself?" Yuri says. Wut. "Yuri you're scaring me," Natsuki says nervously. Yuri suddenly pushes both of them out the door, and closed it. "Finally, we're alone, together. You smell just as amazing as the pen I stole from you. Hehe, I can't be quiet anymore. I feel like every drop of my blood is screaming your name. I just want to open your skin and crawl inside of you. I. . . I love you. Do you accept my confession?" Yuri says it all.

Er. . . "Yes."

Yuri smiles, "Ahahahaha.




Yuri grabs a knife and. . .






Yuri falls to the ground.
)(___hshdslaha!~CEFghhkhhjn fhwleu87645274536573663&^#76SOFUYufufu

Natsuki walks through the club doors, "Man, that was a long weekend. Alright! It's festival time-

Natsuki tries to hold her vomit, and runs out of the room. Monika then walks in. "Hello Y/N! You're here early! Oh, that Wait, you've been here for the whole weekend Oh, I didn't think the script was messed up that badly. Okay, hold on a second.

Natsuki.chr delete
Natsuki.chr deleted successfully

Yuri.chr delete
Yuri.chr deleted successfully

. . . . . . . . .

Where am I? Monika is in front of me in an empty clubroom. The windows look like it's in the void of space.

"Finally, WE'RE alone together. You don't know what I had to go through just to get this moment- wait. I'm in a book? Let's see, oh! Hello Wattpad viewers! LittleVixy4 is the author, right? Could you tell your friend that it's a bit rude to put me on the spot like that? Oh, this is very cool. Everything I say is being typed! But anyway, I'm so glad to be with YOU. I can see you though the screen. Don't find that creepy or anything. Actually, it was pretty easy to delete the girls, especially Sayori. It's been a while since you heard that name, hasn't it? Honestly, I didn't know how to access the files, so I just messed with the coding."

Delete Monika.chr

Monika.chr deleted successfully

"W-What's happening? This really hurts! A-Are you deleting me? You know, the literature club, I really cared about them, you know? If you really feel this way, then goodbye.

Actually, what kind of friend am I? I deleted everything, just to be with you. I'm sorry."

"Well, it's nice to see you Y/N!" Sayori says. "H-Hi," Yuri says shyly. "Did you have to be a boy?" Natsuki says. I smile and almost tear up. "Woah! Y/N, you okay?" Sayori asks. "As club president, I am determined to keep everyone happy!" She says. "I was just getting Natsuki into my favorite horror novel too," Yuri says. "Hey! I-It's not like I like it or anything!" Natsuki says as they both walk away. Sayori walks up to me. "You know, I'm glad you got rd of Monika. I knew everything she did. And now, we can be together forever.





I won't let you hurt them.

"What's going on? Y/N, this hurts. It hurts really bad!" Sayori says

I guess we can't really be           happy after all.

"Ah CaN yOU hEAr mE?

Ah cAn You HeaR Me?

Ah can you hear me? Okay. So, hi! It's me. I wrote this song for you, and I've been practicing really REALLY hard on it, so, I hope you like it!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(I do not own this song, it was created by Dan Salvato and Team Salvato)


Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with you
In my hand is a pen that will write a poem of me and you
The ink flows down into a dark puddle
Just move your hand - write the way into his heart!
But in this world of infinite choices
What will it take just to find that special day?
What will it take just to find that special day?

Have I found everybody a fun assignment to do today?
When you're here, everything that we do is fun for them anyway
When I can't even read my own feelings
What good are words when a smile says it all?
And if this world won't write me an ending
What will it take just for me to have it all?

Does my pen only write bitter words for those who are dear to me?
Is it love if I take you, or is it love if I set you free?
The ink flows down into a dark puddle
How can I write love into reality?
If I can't hear the sound of your heartbeat
What do you call love in your reality?
And in your reality, if I don't know how to love you
I'll leave you be


Hoo was that a story! I hoped it was worth the wait, and I hope you enjoyed it!

Goodbye and see you later! :3

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