☀️My Sunshine☀️(Yandere! Me x Innocent! Reader) 1/2

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[A/N:Hey guys! This is legit my first time making a Yandere fanfic of myself and reader! And btw, this is a Yandere Simulator AU! So I'm basically making my own version of Yandere Simulator. This is requested by maomaofan . Hopefully you enjoy!]

⚠️TW⚠️:Blood, Torture, probably a double suicide attempt.

Info:I was 14 in this AU and all I feel are negative thoughts and emotions in this story until the cliche part happened like Ayano Aishi has with her senpai.

Kiara's POV:

Damn, I'm gonna be late for class! I woke up at 6:30am and things are just like my regular days...
A Daily routine before school consists of checking my things before screaming for life in school, shower, wear uniform, and just have a small breakfast and hit the road...and what I mean by that is by foot.

I manage to leave my place and proceed to go to "Kuro Academy". Let's just say that I don't have friends... only because I'm just emotional in a negative way. Ever since I was born...

I always have thoughts about my parents talking about me. Saying that I'm not the child that they want since I'm only feeling negative emotions.

   <><><><Flashback to 7 years ago ><><><><>

"Kiara, go get dressed! Our guest is coming!"


I quickly got dressed in pink. After my little dress up I practiced my smile before coming out of my room that smile is...a fake one since I just want my parents to be happy that I smiled in a little while. But deep down, I know that they can tell a fake and a real smile.

I then went downstairs just to see my parents talking to a woman in white. She looks scary. But just as I was about to step on a staircase, I tripped and fell down the stairs.

My parents heard me fall but they ignore me and continue talking to the lady in white. Some parents they are! So I decided to stand up and try not to cry. Turns out that I learned how to endure tiny scars within seconds.

And so, my parents stopped talking and let the lady in white do her job. She has her brown hair to her shoulder blade length, has yellow eyes, wore a white jacket, a light brown shirt, black pants and her black shoes.

"Hello Kid, May I know your name?" The lady asked me.

"My name...is Kiara...what about you miss lady?"

She chuckled at my response and then introduce herself with her sweet tone. "My name is Lana." As she introduced herself to me, she extended her hand and said "Nice to meet you." With a smile.

We then start a conversation. It was mostly about therapy related stuff and my negative emotions. It somehow calmed me down since Lana has the same experience in my age.

<><><><><><>End of Flashback<><><><><><>

I didn't want to think about that since I didn't get to see my therapist. So I started running to the gates and made it into the school. Since then, I started to attend class from English, to Chemistry, to Literature, AND finally to Lunch!


I rushed to the canteen since I'm hungry and had LITTLE breakfast. But then I bumped into this person and I landed on my butt first. It hurt for the first few seconds as I touch my rear just to endure the pain.

But then I heard their voice...

"I'm sorry miss...are you okay? Here, let me help you." Their calming and innocent tone makes me wonder, who is this person.

I looked up to see a person with their shiny (hair color) hair, beautiful (eye color) eyes and most importantly, they gave me a small smile.

I was astonished by this person that I can't even help but stare at them as they extended their hand. I accepted their hand and slowly get up.

"Hey there friend, I can't help but noticed that you're turning red. Do you have a fever?"

I didn't know what they're talking about so I just shook my head in disagreement. What is this feeling...this feeling where my heart beats fast every time I see this person.

"New friend, May I know your name? I can't just say friend all the time ya know?"

"My name is Kiara...what's yours?"

"What a wonderful name, also, my name is (Name)." They replied with a gentle smile and started a conversation since there are a lot of people in the line.

And ever since the collision between us, we started to converse until it's their turn to get lunch. And coincidentally, they are next in line.

"Oh! My turn to take lunch! See ya later Kiara!" They bid me farewell with a smile. I can't help but smile. Wait...I SMILED! For the first time!

As soon as I thought about this, I ordered my lunch, pay the lunch person, and proceed to the rooftop since the canteen is too crowded.

Ya wanna know why I go to the rooftop? It's because of the fresh air in there, the sun shining and most importantly, the calming wind.

I went upstairs to the rooftop and ate my lunch. And then I met...them...and instead of talking to the person I just met, I just stand and stare at them, giggling at the girl who's angry over her dress code.

Their laughter is like an angel, a precious little one like them should be with me. But I can't jump to conclusions since they're just friends.

And then, 'they' started to walk towards me.

"Kiara! Didn't know that you like it up here!"

"Uh...yea! Hehehe." I chuckled shyly! My first laughter! (Name) is really something! They make me feel like this! I love that!

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my new friend, Kiara!"
I heard (name) introduce me to their friends.

"Oh! Uh...hi!" I greeted nervously while waving with my arm and my hand on my shoulder level.

"Hi! I'm Hailey!" The Dark colored person greeted.

"...I'm Alex, please to meet you..." the boy with the ponytail greeted flatly.

I just gave them a small smile. It honestly feels awkward since it's my first time smiling in front of the acquaintances that I just met alongside with (name).

"So...Kiara, I heard that you barely have friends." The guy with a ponytail started a conversation.

"Alex!" The dark girl, elbowed the ponytail guy.

"What, it's true! And I wanted to help her."

"But you don't have to be THIS rude! Jesus Christ, you're worse than Miss Bloom!"

"Don't mind them, Alex is like the school monitor. While Hailey is the rule breaker...I promised that they're good people."

And for the rest of the day, the four acquaintances have a 'pleasant' conversations with each other. I can't help but stare at (name) until lunch is over. And after that, it's just classes for the afternoon, and dismissal.

(Time Skip to dismissal 5:30pm)

The four of us met each other by the gates and we all bid a farewell and then we parted. But little do they know that I followed (name) just to check if they are safe.

Your POV:

After I bid my good friends farewell, I walk to my home which is 10 minutes from school. And walk my usual way. Just going straight along the path. While walking I have the feeling that I've been watched.

I have a weird feeling that I have been stalked...Usually, it's (Bully's Name) who would just scare me to death. But this...is different. A weird kind of different.

Since (bully's name) isn't here today, I just speed walk all the way to my place, unlock my door, enter my place, and then lock the door.

Thankfully after a few minutes have passed, there's no one watching me from afar. Now I can do my normal routine before I go to sleep.

Kiara's POV:

After (name) arrived to their home safely, I return to my home[which is five minutes away from (name)'s home] and...just do my usual routine.

While doing that routine, my mind rewinded back to where (name) and I had our unexpected collision. I can't stop thinking about them. From making dinner, to having dinner, to reading stuff on wattpad, and finally, to the bed with my PJ's that I'm wearing!

That person who just made me have my very first smile, the light to my dark heart...my sunshine...As I lay down on my bed, and charge my phone for tomorrow, my last words before going to sleep is...

"(Name)...my sunshine..."

A/N:Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I hope ya enjoyed the first part of my first ever Yandere fanfiction(oof). I have unexpected news...we have no electricity today and we have to wait for the electrician to fix this problem since I'm worried that we are not going to hav electricity...I didn't use data, but my dad has the U.P.S so that the internet modem can last long. But just like everything else, it won't last long...thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

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