⭐️Underneath the Stars⭐️ (Me x Shy! Gamer! Reader) Part. 1

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A/N:Hey guys! This is going to be my first time doing this one shot. Hopefully you'll enjoy this one. And btw, the pic I showed ya is the scenario if ya don't like the hair, imagine your own hair.

Your POV

Ah...yes...high school! I'm so excited for this one! I woke up at 6:30am and do my usual routine:which includes showering, dressing up in uniform..., breakfast, a bit of playing the mobile game called Dragon City while texting my best friend, Kiara before school!


Cinnamon roll 💝:Hey Kiara!

Tough Cookie🍪 :Sup (name)!

Cinnamon roll💝:Am excited to go to school!

Tough Cookie 🍪:Same I guess...

Cinnamon roll💝:See ya after class?

Tough Cookie:...Yea! see ya later Shy Guy.

-end of text-

As I was about to put my phone in my pocket, I realized that I'm gonna be late for school as I look at the clock from my phone. I feel like I was about to die as I quickly grab my stuff and lock the door of my apartment before going to school which is five minutes away...

—In School—

"I never knew that this school is THAT big!" I thought to myself and rushed to the assigned room which is...on the 6th floor... Five floors and I have made it to the room! Boom! Just in time! And it was even 7:30am!

Our General Math Teacher began to enter our classroom a few minutes later and tell everyone to introduce ourselves...I don't like this part...it's just like my Junior High school days where I get to introduce myself but ended up as a laughing stock to everyone... luckily, Kiara was there for me when I need her the most...and I'm glad that the drama there is over.

After at least 10 people introducing themselves, I was next...hands started to shake as I might die in embarrassment. But a door opened to see..."Kiara?" I questioned the late girl. "Oh my...am sorry that I'm late..." she said shyly...I feel bad for her...

The teacher told her to take a seat and she did and it was NEXT TO ME! Omg I can't believe that she was gonna sit beside me that I have a dust of pink on my cheeks! I finally finished my introduction and she was next. So far, her introduction is like mine but more...shy... And after that, everyone else continued their introductions.

The rules are by far so annoying...but I like the "more than 15 minutes you're late" part but not the stairs...soooo tiring to go there if it weren't for my delays...

-time skip to lunch!!-

Lunch!! This is going to be awesome! I was with Kiara and she was talking about the things she did on vacation..."And I've been to the caves...it's...pretty much tiring to go through such a dark hole...but I survived with my mom and my relatives!" She said in glee.

I envy her adventurous experience...but since she's my best friend, I can just say that I've been gaming in a little while and just draw..."So what did you do in your summer time, (name)?" She asked. I want to kiss her face!!

"U-Uh...I've been gaming for a bit and paint when I feel natural..." I stuttered...WHY!? "Okay! That's actually cool!" She replied with a smile. Of course I was turning red but luckily my hair kinda blocked my cheeks.

"Cmon,(name)! We gotta head to the next class!" She hurriedly said as she pack her things and held my...HAND?! I turned red when she does that and runs towards the stairs...oh boy...it's gonna be a long day...

A/N:hey guys!! Happy Valentines Day!❤️❤️ I hope you enjoy part one of this chapter. Don't worry, the other stories are gonna be updated soon, just wait coz I have to sleep early! :3 Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

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