⭐️Underneath The Stars⭐️(Me x Shy! Gamer! Reader) Part. 3 Finale

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Third Person's POV:

"Will I ever be good for her/them...?"

The teens have that question in their heads for the whole afternoon. They were suppose to get ready but they have to distract themselves from each other for a while since they both can't always stick to one thing.

Kiara's POV:

I'm currently watching YouTube videos in my tablet while using my phone just for me to be friends with everyone in my block(BLOCK F IS LIFE!!) on Facebook.

I looked at the posts in the past that (name) have posted 10 years ago. Yea that's right, (name) has been into Facebook since they were 6 years old...SIX!! I started Facebook when I was in Grade 7! It sucks being a newbie...oh well...I guess it's time to...CRAP! It's 5pm!

I realized that I wasted too much time. I check the things that I packed(1/4 of the money that my mom gave to me, phone, my ID that has a key, card, and a power bank)I quickly change my clothes to outdoor clothes.

I got to be honest, it's like I'm on a date with them but the difference is that we are best friends besides my three other best friends. I went outside with my things and play some music on my phone with my headphones on.

The song:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I walked into an elevator as it opens its doors and went in there and press the button that is 'G'. I sang a little since I'm alone in the elevator until the elevator stops to the ground floor. I didn't notice a silhouette so I sat next to the person and realized that it was (name)!!

(This is you! Ya can imagine different design of clothes or your skin and hair color because most of my class don't have blonde/red hair or even rare ones like an albino!)

"Hey Kiara, I cant help but notice that you're singing! It was nice!" They said with a smile. "Oh stop it!" I said while pushing them playfully. "Anyway, shall we?" He said as they offer their hand.

"Sure!" I replied and take their hand without any hesitation. We soon got out of our condo, went to McDonalds, to order and eat whatever's in store for dinner and just go to SM by commuting(okay this is based in real life except that this part never happened to me. Am like alone there ;-; ).

"Dude! Ya should've have!" I said. I know I've been to SM a month ago but...did he REALLY have to take me there?! Omg..."So! We can do whatever in SM! Let's play some games!" They cheered. My best friend instincts came in as I realize that I have a 1/4 of the money that my mom gave to me so I warned them.

"Wait! We have to think about how much money we are spending because...we might need them for tomorrow and the other days!" "Umm Kiara?" They asked. "Yea?" I respond with a question.

"It's my first time living alone and my first time being here without parents so..." They confesses...Oh my goodness...are they serious?! "Okay...I'll guide you on how NOT to spend a crazy amount okay?" I reassured them. "Okay!" They replied with a smile.

We first went to the bookstore. Just to buy a few notebooks for our binders. (Name) bought those notebooks and so far, the prices aren't expensive. Next up is arcade games. This time I'm the one who's gonna spend 1/4 of my money just for 100 tokens!

And after playing a bunch of games(Time Crisis 3 , and The House of Dead 3), we left SM with our stuff and went back to our condo by taxi since there are no jeepneys at a late night(9:00pm). We proceed to the same elevator talking about how intense and cool it is to experience something with your best friend.

Your POV:

I had a good time with my crush! I can't wait to confess my feelings to her...someday..."So! Wanna hang out sometime?" I heard her asked this question and wait...did I notice her blush?! "Uh-Uh...Sure! I love to hang out again, I missed you..." I said from being happy to feeling a little sad in the last part.

"Thank you for the time,(name) am glad that I save your butt from spending so much money..." she thanked me happily. "Thank you for teaching me how to spend wisely!" I said with a smile. "A-Ah! You're welcome. Hey wait...before we leave...May I confess to you something...?" She asked.

Wait...could it be real?! "Yea sure!" I replied as we proceed to the elevator. She seems shyer than I thought she would be. She then scan her card to the elevator before pressing the R button(rooftop). "It's about this feeling that I have hid for a long time...I hope you understand what I've been feeling..." she said sadly.

Once we reached to the rooftop, we went out of the elevator with our stuff that we brought and bought and sit on one of the outdoor couches which is in-front of the view in the City. And it's even Underneath The Stars!

"Ever since we meet as new losers, you made me have the reason to love again! Although you are a shy person, I can see kindness inside you that makes me want to shine the light inside you. All I'm saying is that I like you...NO wait! I like you more than a friend! And it hurts that I might be rejected again. But...I understand if you don't feel the same wa-"

I cut her sentence and said "I love you too!" She was utterly shock about my reply that her tears started to shed. "Y-You do?" She asked.

I kissed her head and replied "Yes...I do...and I'd say the same reason but the difference is that it's your kindness and how strong you are no matter how bad the situation is and you even survived the year of being 'bullied' I wish I was like you..." "Hey! You were here as a strong person too!" She playfully laughs.

"I'm glad that you confessed to me...if it weren't for you...I wouldn't be here right now...thank you Kiara..." I thank her and started hugging her. "Ya know, this is my ideal confession place and time..." she informed to me.

"Wait really?! Is that why yo-" I was cut off by her who said "yes!" and showed her her screenshot of her and me(the picture above the title). "That's cute just like you!" I complimented her and slowly lay down on her lap. She blushes at the compliment and starts to pet me a little while looking at the stars above.

"Hey..." she called me

"Hmm?" I replied

"We should sleep now. It's getting late." She reminded me due to tomorrow's school day

"Yea...but I want to stay here like this.." I said as I pretend to pout at her. Looks like I'm not that shy.

"Alright, I'll stay a little longer with you...Underneath The Stars." She answered and starts looking at the stars.

A/N:Hey guys! Woooo! My first story finished! Thank you so much for reading this story! I hope ya like the story and the chapters that I made! Don't forget to request by commenting down below! I'm currently am planning to make a story that Milk_fanfics3624 has requested! Thanks again and I'll see you all in the next one. Bye!! ❤️❤️❤️

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