What The Hell?

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The whole day at school was recently exhausting for me and I have so much that I have to do. I have 2 tests in Chemistry and English. I have to do several homework assignments that need to be done, most of all I have to stay after school today and rehearse with Mr. Zamasu for the concert this following Friday and it's the day of Blossom's birthday. So much to do that I will be tired over the weekend to do anything else but sleep. It was already 3:40 PM and I was going to meet up Mr. Zamasu in the music class when I heard the sound of giggles coming from my rival Bethany. 

"Mr. Zamasu, I never knew that you would know such good music tips." She said in a flirtatious tone.

"I've been studying a lot of music and it's important to put in the right tempo." He said.

"Understandable. When will my next lesson be scheduled?" She asked.

"I would say this Wednesday in case there is another tip to use for your clarinet." He said.

"Okay. Thank you for teaching me, Mr. Zamasu." She said winking at him before heading out of the classroom as she saw me and smirked.

"Eavesdropping are we?" She grinned.

"What?" I asked.

"You were listening to us talk and the look you're giving me tells that you're jealous." She said.

"What the hell? I'm not jealous of my own teacher hanging out with another student." I said with a frown as she shrugged off and left me to go inside of the classroom.

"Ah, Rosa, perfect timing for you to get here." He said.

"I brought everything so that we can rehearse," I said in sorrow tone.

Mr. Zamasu looks at me in concern," What's wrong, Rosa?" 

"I'm just having a bit of a stressful day is all. I have to do 2 test and I have a lot of homework from all my classes." I replied in an exhausted tone.

"Hmm, if you like I can reschedule our practice day tomorrow and I'll help you with your things to get everything done." He said.

"Y-You don't have to do that!" I stammered.

"Of course I would. I am a teacher and your my student so that makes us even." He chuckled.

"...Figures." I mumbled.

"Now, let's get this homework done and then I can help you prepare for your upcoming tests. When are they due exactly and the test too?" 

"My homework is due tomorrow or Wednesday. The 2 test is on Thursday." 

"Splendid! We'll get this all out of the way so we can rehearse tomorrow." He smiled.

I sat at a desk and Mr. Zamasu pulls up a chair to sit beside me. Each time I ask him about a problem that I need help on he would lean over to me with his chest behind my back and his breath whispering against my ear. What the hell is wrong with me!?

Teacher and student love! AHHH! I can't wait until the end of this story. Find out next time on Doll House!

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