⠀𝟬𝟬𝟮⠀⠀Creatures of the Night

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𝗩𝗢𝗟𝗨𝗠𝗘 𝗜. Cry Wolf

▏𝗦𝟬𝟭𝗘𝟬𝟮︰𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗲▕


"YOU NEED TO REPEAT THAT AGAIN," Brietta hesitated, her mouth opened in an 'O' shape and her eyebrows drawn.

"Last night, Hunters attacked Derek and I in the woods...then, when I went to check on my bike, I saw one of the Hunters. The Hunter was Allison's dad. Allison's dad is a Hunter." Scott got out, taking pauses in between as he leaned against his locker, "Also, I'm, like, 94% sure that Derek is the one that bit me."

"Yeah, it sounds worse when you repeat it," Brietta muttered as the locker room began to clear out—Coach Finstock only let her in when everyone had gotten done changed into their gear.

"I'm sorry...Allison's father?" Stiles gaped, and Scott's chest began to rise and fall with quick breaths as his own words sunk in, "Oh, my God."

Brietta and Stiles both rush toward Scott, consoling the Werewolf as he begins to hyperventilate. After a moment, Scott finally snaps out of it and looks his friends in the eyes, though he's still frowning with concern. "You okay?" Scott nods, and Stiles and Brietta sigh in relief, "Cool."

"He didn't recognize you, right?" Stiles blurts, making Brietta snap her head toward him with wide eyes. Scott, though, thinks for a moment before slowly responding, "No. N–No. I don't think so..."

"Does she know about him?" Stiles continues, prompting Brietta to nudge him with a what the hell look as Scott's eyes widen when he realizes he has no idea if Allison knows about her family's status as Werewolf Hunters and begins to panic again, "Oh, yeah, I don't know. What if she does? They're gonna kill me, man. I can't."

Brietta pats Scott on his face, eliciting him to focus on her, "Hey, nobody's gonna kill you. They have to go through me and Stiles before they do that." At Brietta's last sentence, Stiles looks at her with bulging eyes and then motions to his body, "Have you seen me? I'll be a headstart at best."

"That's not helping," Brietta murmured, and Stiles sighed before looking at Scott, "Okay, just focus on lacrosse. Okay?" Stiles picks up the rest of Scott's lacrosse gear and thrusts it into Scott's hands, "Here, Scott. Take this. Take this, and focus on lacrosse for now, okay? That's all you gotta do, yeah?"

"Lacrosse," Scott whispers while Stiles nods in encouragement and firmly pats Scott on the sides of his arms with his hands as he punctuates his next words, "Here. We. Go!"

Brietta, Scott, and Stiles turn to leave the locker room, with Stiles accidentally tripping on his own feet and nearly falling to the floor in the process. Brietta snickers slightly as she watches Stiles brush off his fall. "You okay, Stiles?"

"That didn't happen."


BRIETTA INHALED DEEPLY AS THE LACROSSE PLAYERS RAN ONTO THE FIELD. "Let's go! One-on-one from up top! Jackson, take a long stick today. Atta boy." Coach instructed, and Brietta watched as Jackson got into position. If looks could kill, Scott would be six feet under due to Jackson's glare, and Jackson would be twenty—courtesy of Brietta.

Coach blew his whistle and the players started tackling each other, Brietta didn't get the point of lacrosse—in her opinion, it was just a bunch of attractive guys running around and throwing balls, trying to impress someone they liked. But, if Stiles and Scott liked it, she could and would try to understand it.

"That's how you do it! Greenberg, take a lap." Coach grimaced at Dominic Greenberg as the teenager huffed and started running around the field. If you asked Brietta, that was the highlight of her day.

Brietta tilted her head and called out to Coach. "Hey, uh, Coach, Greenberg looks like he's slacking, doesn't he?" Brietta watched as Coach turned to Greenberg and yelled, "Faster, Greenberg!"

Brietta chuckled, shaking her head. She had grown a profound hostility towards Greenberg ever since he asked her on a date, just to never show up. Stiles and Scott had to pick up the furious—at the time—fourteen-year-old.

"Let's go. McCall, what are you waiting for? Let's go." Brietta turned to Scott who was currently spaced out until Coach blew his whistle in front of Scott. The Werewolf ran towards Jackson with motivation until Jackson threw him back, making Brietta and Stiles wince.

Brietta leaned forward on the bench while Coach ran toward Scott. "My grandmother can move faster than that. And she's dead. You think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?" mocked Coach and Brietta practically felt the anger coming off Scott.

Scott turned to Brietta and she widened her eyes as she stared into his yellow ones. "Turn that off. Put those away." Brietta urged, whispering in hopes that he would hear her. "Yes, Coach," Scott assured through gritted teeth, nodding at Brietta to let her know that he heard her and was trying to calm down.

Scott got up and ran towards the line-up as Coach chanted with a sarcastic smile, "McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!"

Scott rushed towards Jackson and shot the Whittemore teenager onto the ground, earning a wince from everybody, especially Jackson as he hit the ground with a heavy thud.

Scott crouched down on the ground in agony as everyone except Brietta and Stiles ran to huddle around Jackson. Brietta and Stiles shared worried looks before running towards the werewolf. "I can't control it. It's happening."

"What? Right here? Now? Come on, get up. Come on." Stiles and Brietta both helped Scott up, dragging him towards the boys' locker room but not before Brietta caught Derek watching them from a distance.

Scott's breathing got heavier as the trio walked into the locker room. The werewolf crouched on the floor, eyes glowing while the two humans tried to calm him down. "Get away from me!" roared Scott, his fangs showing.

Brietta and Stiles both fell back in shock before they ran behind a locker. Scott, however, jumped onto the locker, growling. The two staggered away from the locker, trying their hardest to run toward the door.

However, Scott was faster. He jumped down from the locker, almost landing on Stiles until Brietta intervened. She pushed Stiles away, resulting in Scott inadvertently landing on top of Brietta, slamming them both onto the ground.

As they fell to the floor, Brietta hit her head on the ground, leading to immediate pain and a ringing sensation in her ears. Scott snapped out of his stupor a second after she winced.

"Brie?" Scott's voice came out with a gentle tone while the ringing in Brietta's ear lessened. "What happened?"

Despite the initial shock and pain, Scott helped Brietta to her feet, though she winced in pain as she got up.

Brietta rubbed the back of her head as Stiles narrowed his eyes at Scott, "You tried to kill us."

Scott sighs and looks guilty as Stiles walks over to him, "It's like I told you before—it's the anger, it's your pulse rising. It's a trigger."

Scott huffs a quiet, exhausted laugh, "But that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game if you hadn't noticed."

Stiles' voice is firm when he responds, "Well, it's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field." Stiles sighs deeply and looks Scott in the eyes, "You can't play Saturday. You're gonna have to get out of the game."

Scott immediately tries to protest against this, "I'm first line—."

Brietta shook her head, smoothing out her hair, "Not until we can figure out how to stop you from wolfing out."

However, as the trio all shared a look, one thing ran through their minds; What if Scott never figures out how to stop?


MILO PLACED HIS PAW ON BRIETTA'S LAPTOP, readying himself to walk across it. However, Brietta grabbed him as soon as his paw hovered over her keyboard. "You can't keep doing that, Milo."

Brietta put Milo on the floor beside her bed despite his whining, "'M sorry, Milo, but I worked my ass off at work saving up for this."

Just as Brietta let go of Milo, she heard beeping coming from her laptop and looked up seeing Stiles calling her. She adjusted herself in bed, fixing her hair and nightgown before she smiled and answered, seeing Stiles turn around in his desk chair with a nerf gun.

"Nerd," smirked Brietta, shaking her head. "Oh, I'm sorry, which one of us plays Scrabble for fun?" countered Stiles, waving his gun in the air, making Brietta gasp with a smile, "And which one of us has a higher vocabulary?"

Stiles rolled his eyes, shooting his laptop camera with a toy bullet, eliciting Brietta to pretend that she got shot and fall face-first into her bed.

"This is not helping your case, nerd." Stiles chuckled as Brietta straightened with a wide smile. "I'm adding Scott," Stiles informed, typing into his computer before Brietta's screen parted into two sections; one with Stiles' camera, and the other with Scott's.

Stiles repeated the gun joke he did with Brietta, making her roll her eyes playfully. "Idiots." Brietta shook her head.

"What'd you find out?" Scott wondered, leaning into the screen, referring to how badly Jackson was injured. Brietta winced, "It's bad, Scott. Lydia told me that he has a separated shoulder."

"Because of me?" Scott groaned but his friends corrected him in unison.

"Because he's brainless."

"Because he's a tool."

Scott's smile widened at their responses before pressing on. "But, will he be able to play?" Scott inquired, curiosity in his tone.

"Well, they're not entirely sure yet," Stiles replied, his uncertainty evident. "For now, they're placing their hopes on you for Saturday."

Brietta couldn't help but groan at Stiles' statement. It seemed like everyone was now relying on the werewolf with uncontrollable anger issues.

Brietta's attention was suddenly drawn to something in the corner of Scott's screen, prompting her to increase the brightness on her device. Leaning in closer, her eyes widened as she spotted a figure lurking behind Scott.

"What?" Scott's concern deepened as he observed the worried expressions on his best friends' faces. Stiles swiftly began typing in the video call's chatbox, 'It looks like someone's behind you.'

However, judging by Scott's puzzled expression, it appeared that he hadn't gotten the text yet. The anxiety in the room intensified as Scott's video feed began to glitch uncontrollably.

Scott's eyes suddenly widened, signaling that he had finally gotten the message. He gasped in realization just before his entire body was thrown away from the screen, and the call was abruptly disconnected.



Derek Hale was the one in his room, and he had threatened Scott to not play on the lacrosse team on Sunday or that he would kill him.

The next morning Scott had told Coach that he couldn't play—not that Scott thought that Coach took him seriously.

Now, he was in Algebra class with Lydia Martin, both of them answering a mathematical equation on the chalkboard.

"Why is there a rumor going around that you're not playing tomorrow?" Lydia snidely questioned, making Scott shrug. "'Cause I'm sort of not." He sighed, tapping his chalk on the board.

"I think you sort of are—especially when you brutally injure my boyfriend by ramming into him." Lydia pursed her lips, continuing the equation. "He brutally injured himself ramming into me." Scott corrected, gaping at the strawberry blonde as he stopped writing.

"Jackson's gonna play tomorrow...but, he's not gonna be at his peak...and, I prefer my boyfriend at peak performance." Lydia looked Scott up and down before a faux smile lifted her lips, but Scott raised an eyebrow, not entirely caring about what Lydia wanted, "Okay?"

"I date the captain of the winning lacrosse team. And, if they start off the season losing, I date the captain of the losing team. I don't date losers," Lydia explained, narrowing her eyes at Scott.

"Losing one game isn't gonna kill anyone. In fact, it might even save someone..." Scott muttered.

Lydia, not liking this answer, returns to her work on the blackboard before quirking an eyebrow, "Fine. Don't play. We'll probably win anyway. Then, we'll go out after, like we were planning, and I'll introduce Brie to all the hot players on the team. I know her type, after all, I'm her best friend," Lydia smiled at Scott, pleased with the panicked look he sent her.

And then Scott McCall and Stiles...whatever his last name is, can stay home, surfing the 'net for porn." Lydia smirked, dusting off her hands and walking back to her seat once she finished the equation.

Scott tensed, groaning at Lydia's threat. "Mr. McCall, you're not even close to solving your problem..." The teacher stated, crossing his arms.

"Tell me about it," Scott whined.


STILES AND BRIETTA GLANCED AT NOAH STILINSKI ACROSS THE CORNER OF A SCHOOL HALLWAY, but they couldn't hear the conversation he was having with two other officers.

Twin sighs left both of their mouths before they looked at each other, but, as they did, their faces almost smacked together due to how close they were. Brietta could feel Stiles breathing against her lips, and she stared into his eyes before clearing her throat and looking away, just in time to see Scott walking down the hall in their direction.

"Scott!" She called out, gaining his attention before she began waving him over. His eyebrows were furrowed, but he walked over and crouched beside his friend, "What?"

Stiles stared at Brietta for a moment before looking over at Scott, "Tell us what they're saying."

Scott sighs and looks over at Noah, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Can you hear 'em?" Stiles sought after a moment, making Scott shush him before turning to the officers, repeating what Noah was saying, "Curfew because of the body."

"Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk-off who actually killed the girl is just hangin' out, doing whatever he wants," Stiles scoffs in exasperation and smacks Scott on the arm to emphasize his point.

"Well..." Brietta sighed with a frown, "Are we sure that Derek is actually the killer?"

Stiles' jaw dropped as he turned to Brietta, "Are you serious?"

Brietta cringed, her shoulders rising and falling with a shrug, "When you sent me all of your wolf research the other day, there was a text saying that wolves howl to signal their pack. Why howl if nobody is going to respond?" Brietta questioned, but Scott looked over at her blankly, making her groan and summarize her words, "There could be more Werewolves. I mean, there has to be an original Werewolf, and I'm betting that Derek isn't it."

Stiles and Scott turned to Brietta, their expressions signaling that they were considering her theory. Stiles pursed his lips before shrugging, "Derek's our best suspect. He follows Scott around like a stalker and threatened to kill him last night. I think it's safe to say that he isn't all that innocent."

Brietta sighed as Scott shrugged, "Either way, you can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek."

"I can do something." Stiles grinned, causing Brietta to widen her eyes. "Like what?" Scott looked at his best friends' planning faces.

Brietta winked at Scott, "We're going body hunting again."

Scott gaped at his friends' plan just before Lydia tapped Brietta's shoulder. "Brie, there's someone I want you to meet." Lydia pointed at a lacrosse player Brietta had seen a few times standing next to another guy who was talking to Allison.

Lydia sent a mischievous smirk to Stiles and Scott before grabbing Brietta's arm, pulling her towards the boy while Brietta looked at her best friends and mouthed, 'Help'.

Stiles and Scott watched as Brietta started talking to the guy, and both of their hearts sank once she giggled at something he said.

Stiles turned to Scott with a venomous look. The latter just gave Stiles a guilty look. "I may be the cause of that. Lydia wants me to play." Scott groaned, grimacing at seeing the girl he liked talking to another guy.

"You have to fix this right now!"


BRIETTA AND STILES SPRINTED INTO SCOTT'S HOUSE AFTER THE WEREWOLF HAD SENT THEM AN S.O.S. "What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it?" Stiles breathlessly and manically begins asking Scott, who sits on his bed, restringing the net on his lacrosse stick that had been ripped.

Scott, who has been sitting calmly, looks up at Stiles curiously, leading Stiles to answer his un-asked question, his eyes blinking furiously, "And, yes, I've had a lot of Adderall, so..."

Scott turns to Brietta with a slightly gaped mouth. Brietta shrugs, motioning to Stiles, "He just took 25 milligrams."

Scott shook his head before turning to his friends, "I found something at Derek Hale's."

Brietta nodded before motioning with her hands, "Yes, we know. The S.O.S. indicates that. What exactly did you find?" She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt with anticipation.

Scott cringed, "There's something buried out there. I could smell blood."

"That's awesome!" Stiles squealed before Brietta nudged him, prompting him to backtrack, "I mean, that's terrible..." His next words held excitement, though, "Whose blood?"

"I don't know...but, when we do," Scott looks over at Stiles as he stands, "your dad nails Derek for the murder. And then, you guys help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing because there's no way I'm not playing that game." Scott holds up his lacrosse stick for emphasis before tossing it onto his bed.

Brietta inhaled sharply, "So, Operation Get Derek in Jail is a go."

However, something in Brietta didn't feel right about that.


THE THREE TEENAGERS ENTERED BEACON HILLS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, doing the first step that puts their plan into motion.

Stiles looked around before pointing to the door that leads to the morgue. "Good luck? I guess." Stiles muttered as Scott entered the hall, going to get a scent from the dead body.

Stiles and Brietta walked over to the waiting room, seeing Lydia pace around as if she were waiting for someone.

Brietta took a seat on the bench, Stiles sitting next to her as he grabbed a pamphlet. Brietta chuckled as she looked at what Stiles was pretending to read, "You know, if you wanted to learn about periods, I could tell you." She teased, making him stutter as he realized what he had grabbed.

The two teenagers watched as Jackson walked up to his girlfriend, clutching his arm. Stiles raised the pamphlet, hiding them as they watched the couple talk.

"He said not to make a habit of it, but one cortisone shot won't kill me." The Whittemore teenager announced, seeing Lydia stand from her seat. "You should get one right before the game, too. The pros do it all the time. You want to be a little high school amateur?" sassed Lydia before whispering in her boyfriend's ear, although the duo still heard. "Or...do you want to go pro?" The strawberry blonde smiled, kissing her boyfriend as Brietta and Stiles' heads snapped back with twin cringes at the PDA.

Stiles' pamphlet got snatched out of his grasp, making the two yelp. "Holy shit, Scott! You don't sneak up on people trying to find evidence for a murder!" Brietta whisper-yelled, clutching her chest as she tried to slow her rapidly beating heart.

"The scent was the same," Scott informed, making the two gape at the Werewolf. "Are you sure? Like a hundred percent sure?" clarified Brietta, making Scott nod with a frown.

"So, he did bury the other half of the body on his property?" Stiles scoffed, sitting up from the bench along with Brietta. "Which means we have proof he killed the girl." summarized Scott as Brietta and Stiles sighed. "I say we use it." declared Stiles, walking towards the exit with his best friends on his tail. "How?" inquired Scott, making Stiles turn around.

"Tell me something first; are you doing this because you want to stop Derek, or because you want to play in the game and he said you couldn't?" Stiles sighs, earning an offended look from Scott, "There are bite marks on the legs, Stiles—bite marks."

Stiles nods with a small smile, "Okay. Then we're gonna need a shovel."


STILES PARKED HIS JEEP IN FRONT OF DEREK'S HOUSE AS SOON AS DEREK LEFT HIS PROPERTY. The trio climbed out of Roscoe and Brietta fixed her black beanie, brushing out her hair with her fingers. "Why'd you wear that?" Scott questioned, handing Brietta her shovel.

The Chastener girl was currently wearing a black hoodie, black pants, and black shoes—while Scott and Stiles were wearing normal clothing. "If the big bad wolf comes back, he won't see me first. You guys...not so much."

Stiles started waving his flashlight, signaling for the teens to follow. "Something's different," stated Scott, causing Brietta to widen her eyes. "I swear to everything, Scott, if you get us killed..." Brietta sternly started but Scott spoke up, "Let's just get this over with." They walked over to the pile of dirt Scott had smelt the blood from, and the trio began to dig.

After a while, they were inside the hollow section, panting. "Okay, it should not be taking this long," whined Brietta, wiping her forehead, which just put dirt on it. "Let's just try, Brelly." coaxed Stiles, shoveling another pile of dirt and throwing it behind him.

"What if he comes back?" continued Scott, throwing a pile of dirt. "Then we get the hell out of here." Stiles dead-panned. "What if he catches us?" pondered Scott, making Brietta look up at Stiles, who shrugged nonchalantly and continued to dig, "I have a plan for that."

Scott motions for Stiles to continue, and the buzzcut-haired boy stops digging and looks Scott dead in the eyes, "Brelly and I run one way, You run the other. Whoever he catches first? Too bad." Stiles shrugs again as though it's no big deal and gets back to digging. Scott sighs in exasperation before getting back to work as well, "I hate that plan."

On the other hand, Brietta was grinning. "I like that plan, he'll most likely go for you, Scotty. You know, pack mentality, vengeance, and all that crazy shit."

Scott gaped at Brietta, who broke out into laughter at the fear on Scott's face, "It doesn't work that way, Brie...right, Stiles?"

Stiles didn't answer and instead hit a dirt pile which was softer than the others. They all threw their shovels and started moving the dirt with their hands until they saw a rope.

Stiles started to untie it, but he was taking a while. "Hurry!" ordered Scott after a few seconds, making Stiles answer with, "I'm trying. Did he have to tie the thing in, like, nine hundred knots?"

Scott and Brietta started helping Stiles untie the rope and they soon squealed and screamed seeing a stagnant bloody wolf head. Brietta clutched Stiles' arm, trying to even her breathing. "What the hell is that?!" Stiles freaked out, rubbing Brietta's hand.

"It's a wolf," Scott hummed.

"No shit!" Brietta cried, feeling bile crawl up her throat.

"I thought you said you smelled blood, as in human blood?" pondered Stiles, resulting in Scott shrugging. "I told you something was different!"

Brietta and Stiles just gaped at the wolf. "This doesn't make sense," complained Stiles, continuing to stroke Brietta's hand. "We gotta get out of here," Scott informed, rubbing his forehead.

"Yeah, okay. Let's cover this up." The trio started grabbing dirt until Stiles called to them. "You guys see that flower?" questioned Stiles, looking at a purple flower, which Brietta recognized. "Aconite." She breathed, crawling closer to the flower. "Wolfsbane." Stiles simplified, shrugging.

"What's that?" Scott sought, making his friends look at him with lifted eyebrows.

"Please do not tell me that you got wolf powers but you have no clue what anything related to it is." Brietta face-palmed herself, getting grime on her face and she immediately wiped it off, scrunching up her expression. "Uh . . . haven't you ever seen The Wolf Man?" scoffed Stiles.


"Lon Chaney, Junior? Claude Rains? The original, classic Werewolf movie?"

"No!" Scott yelled, prompting the duo to give disappointed looks to the Werewolf. "You are so unprepared for this." Stiles and Brietta stood up, walked over to the wolfsbane plant, and started grabbing it. Brietta started coughing, removing her hands from the plant. "It's the dirt." Brietta choked out, covering her mouth as coughs came out.

Stiles and Scott gave her concerned looks before the latter began pulling the plant from out of the ground, starting to walk around the dug-up hole. Brietta and Scott watched curiously, before widening their eyes at the wolf, now turned...human?

"Stiles..." Stiles came over and looked at the body before jumping.

"Holy shit."


SCOTT AND BRIETTA WATCHED AS OFFICERS PUT DEREK HALE INTO A COP CAR. Brietta had felt off since they called the police department, but now the girl who was murdered would get justice.

The officers slammed the back of the cop car shut before joining the other officers who were gathering more evidence.

Scott watched as Stiles crept towards the cop car where Derek was currently confined. He tapped Brietta and pointed towards Stiles. "No." Scott mouthed to Stiles but the boy ignored him and entered the car. Brietta turned to Scott. "Keep watch, Scotty. " Brietta swiftly ran towards the car, entering the opposite seat of Stiles, hearing his voice, and turned in the seat to see Derek in the back through the partition.

"Okay, just so you know, I'm not afraid of you," Stiles spoke until Derek looked up at him with a hard expression, glaring at the buzzcut boy. "Okay, maybe I am. Doesn't matter. I just wanna know something. The girl you killed? She was a werewolf. She was a different kind, wasn't she? I mean, she could turn herself into an actual wolf, and I know Scott can't do that. Is that why you killed her?"

Why are you so worried about me, when it's your friend who's the problem? When he shifts on the field, what do you think they're gonna do? Just keep cheering him on? I can't stop him from playing, but you two can, and trust me—you'll want to." Derek advised before a hand pulled Stiles out of the car.

Brietta stammered out of the car, running to stand next to Stiles. "Ow, ow, ow." winced Stiles as Noah dragged his son away from the car. "There, stand. What the hell do you think you're doing?" Noah looked at the two teenagers.

"We were just trying to help! You know, tit for tat?" explained Brietta, shrugging at what just came out of her mouth.

"I don't even know what that means! How 'bout you help me understand exactly how you both came upon this?"

"We were looking for Scott's inhaler. . ." Stiles started, placing his hands on his hips. "Which he dropped when?" Noah asked, making Brietta huff, "The other night."

"The other night...when you were out here, looking for the first half of the body?" Noah sought, making Brietta cringe, but Stiles nodded.

"The night that you told me you were alone and Scott was at home?" Noah clarified, and, despite Brietta nudging him, Stiles answered, "Yes." Stiles cringes when he realizes he just outed himself and his friends and tries to backtrack, "...No."

Stilinski gives Stiles a hard look, and Stiles realizes he's been caught and sighs, "Oh, crap."

Stilinski, sounding exhausted and out of patience, stares at Stiles intensely, "So, you lied to me."

"That depends on how you define lying," Stiles shrugged.

"Well, I define it as 'not telling the truth'. How do you guys define it?"

"Um...reclining your body in a horizontal position'?" Stiles leaned back, blowing a raspberry as Brietta snorted at his definition.

Noah, however, didn't find it as funny as she did. "Get the hell out of here." He muttered.

"Absolutely," Stiles nodded after not even a second passed by, scratching his head awkwardly before rushing over towards Scott with Brietta behind him.


BRIETTA LEANED HER HEAD ON ROSCOE'S WINDOW, closing her eyes. The entirety of the drive home, she had gotten a massive headache.

"I can't find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial," Scott informed from the backseat, scrolling through his phone. "Just keep looking. Maybe it's like a ritual or something? Like, maybe they bury you as a wolf." Stiles started before turning to Brietta. "I'll drive you to my house, Brelly. Get you some Tylenol."

"Or, maybe it's like a special skill, you know? Like, something you have to learn?" Stiles suggested, turning to the original topic.

Scott rolls his eyes and sighs before muttering under his breath, "I'll put it on my to-do list, right underneath 'figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight'."

"Maybe it's different for girl Werewolves..."

"Okay, stop it!" Scott shouted, making Brietta whine, covering her ears as she felt her brain throbbing.

"Stop what?" Stiles turned to the Werewolf with a confused expression. "Stop saying 'Werewolves'! Stop enjoying this so much!" Scott yelled.

"Are you okay?" Brietta sought, despite the pounding in her head. "No! No, I'm not. I'm so far from being okay." Scott complained as he doubled over in his seat, as though he was in pain.

Stiles gets an idea of what this could possibly be about and looks at Scott with concern, "You know, you're gonna have to accept this, Scott. Sooner or later."

Scott doubles over more and begins panting hard as he groans, "I can't."

Brietta picks her head up and looks over at Scott, immediately noticing the sheen of sweat that has begun to coat the skin on Scott's face, "Scott?"

The two humans in the car share alarmed expressions as Scott groans loudly in a voice that has the dark undercurrent of a Werewolf voice along with it. Scott thumps his hand against the roof of the Jeep, shaking the entire car.

Scott grabs Stiles' bag beside him and begins rummaging through it, only to pull out a thread of wolfsbane, "You kept it?"

Stiles is starting to become exasperated, too, and yells in response, "What was I supposed to do with it?"

Scott, becoming sicker due to his proximity to the wolfsbane, groans loudly again, as though he's about to transform, before he shouts, "Stop the car!" Brietta looks at Scott and gasps as she makes eye contact with bright gold eyes.

Stiles notices this and he immediately slams on the brakes, jostling everyone in the car.

Everyone gets out of the jeep as Stiles grabs his backpack and runs towards the edge of the woods. He tosses the bag as far as he can throw it to get as much distance away from Scott as possible. Once it's out of eyesight, Stiles throws his head back and sighs deeply before turning back toward the Jeep.

"Okay, we're good—." Stiles looks up at the Jeep and is horrified when he only sees Brietta leaning against the car with her head in her hands.


STILES AND BRIETTA WERE CURRENTLY DRIVING AROUND, searching for their Werewolf friend while calling an officer Brietta and Stiles were familiar with. "Stiles, you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty."

"Please, Mrs Peston. We just need to know if you've gotten any..." Brietta paused, looking at Stiles before finishing, "Bizarre calls?" She quickly asked, shrugging even though the dispatcher couldn't see her. "Bizarre how?"

"Uh, like, an odd person, or a dog-like individual roaming the streets?" Stiles specified, cringing as he did.

"I'm hanging up on you two now."

Stiles and Brietta started stammering for her to not hang up but the dispatcher ended the call anyway. "Crap."



Brietta looks around at the full bleachers and watches as both teams mill around on their respective sides as the referee gets in position on the field.

"I hope Scott wins," Vera whispers as she adjusts herself in her seat, "He seemed so excited to play."

Brietta smiled at her grandmother, "I hope he does too," The silent I hope he also doesn't turn played in her head.

After Scott had run off earlier, and Brietta and Stiles called the police department, Scott had texted them that he just needed space before the game.

Brietta scanned the field, and her eyes locked onto Scott's and she gave him a thumbs-up, her lips curling up. "You've got this," She whispered, knowing that he would hear her, and, when his face lit up, she knew he did.

As Brietta's eyes trailed away from Scott, her eyes trailed to the bench and they locked on Stiles'. She waved at him with a smile on her lips, and he waved back.

The whistle blew on the field, catching her attention as she turned away from Stiles. The lacrosse team from the other school, Mount Fraught High, and Beacon Hills High ran out onto the field, cheering and waving their lacrosse sticks in the air.

Brietta's eyes followed Scott as the game started, the ball going everywhere but Scott's direction. She snuck a quick glance in Stiles' direction, catching him chewing his glove anxiously. Sighing, she turned back to the game with furrowed eyebrows, What the hell was going on?

Nobody was passing the ball to Scott, even when he was in the perfect spot or open for the ball. Brietta suspected this had something to do with Jackson. He'd always been insecure and malicious.

A player from the opposite team dropped the ball, sending it to the grass. Scott saw the opportunity and he took it. As Scott darted for the ball, Jackson went for it too, knocking Scott to the ground on the way.

Scott landed with a thump, prompting Brietta to wince. Meanwhile, Jackson scooped up the ball and cradled it in his stick before throwing it straight into the back of the net.

Everyone but the people on Scott's side erupted into applause.

"That's it, Jackson!" Coach yelled from the bottom of the bleachers. "Get fired up! Fired up!"

The game continued and Brietta noticed how a few people around Scott were looking at him strangely. He was bent over slightly, panting in and out lightly, white puffs of air coming out from his breath and filling the cold air. "Shit..." Brietta whispered under her breath.

The referee blew the whistle and the game came back to life. The ball flew through the air and Scott made a dash for it. He jumped, somehow managing to jump onto a member of the opposite team's shoulder, grabbing the ball mid-air in his stick and landing on the ground perfectly.

Brietta cheered for Scott, even though he was obviously using his newly developed skills.

He began to run as quickly as he could, cradling the ball the whole time as he dodged other players. Scott made it the entire length of the field before shooting it. It went straight through the net, causing everybody to cheer loudly.

Brietta shot out of her seat, cheering for Scott as loud as she could.

"To McCall!" Coach Finstock yelled, Stiles echoing his words from behind him. "Pass to McCall!"

A player from the other team grabbed the ball, turning around to throw it backward, only to be met with Scott. He stared at Scott for a moment, his eyes wide before he threw the ball at him. Scott caught it effortlessly, making Brietta's jaw drop.

He just scared another player into passing him the ball.

Scott ran, throwing the ball toward the net. The goalie lifted his lacrosse stick to catch it, but the ball went straight through the netting, slicing through and into the goal behind.

The referee blew the whistle again, the ball going straight to Scott. Scott ran, finding himself in the middle of the field, nobody surrounding him. Brietta watched as he started to pant, and she was almost sure he was growling. Her eyebrows furrowed as she excused herself, rushing down towards where Stiles was.

With only a few seconds left and two members of Mount Fraught closing in on Scott, Scott twists at the waist and puts all of his strength into tossing the ball toward the goal, which flies with such force that the goalie dodges it rather than trying to catch it.

The referee blows his whistle just as the buzzer sounds that the game has timed out, leading all of the supporters of Beacon Hills to leap to their feet and cheer ecstatically, thrilled to see the final score is 6:5 with Beacon Hills winning the game.

Brietta began to run onto the field but almost skidded to a stop as Scott removed his glove, dropping it onto the field before running toward the school.

Despite what happened the last time Scott had run off the field, Brietta chased after him.

The chase took her all the way to the locker room, where Scott's helmet was just thrown onto the ground. Brietta's heart began to pound in her chest, but she walked in despite her trepidation.

"Scott?" Brietta called out, and she heard water pattering against the ground. She turned in the direction of the sound, spotting a broken mirror with blood splatters on it. She inhaled deeply, her feet continuing to the showers.

As she turns the corner to the showers, she finds Scott leaning against the tile wall with his elbows and forearms raised so that he's bracing himself on either side of his head. Water sprayed from the showerhead, but it was so ganky that the water didn't touch Scott. She lets out a sigh when she sees that he isn't wolfed out, "Scott..."

The aforementioned boy swung around with a pant, and Brietta placed her hands on his shoulder, "You won, Scotty."

Scott let out a deep breath before smiling, "Yeah. Yeah, I did."

Footsteps sounded behind them, and they broke apart to see Stiles run into the locker room.

"I-I-I don't know how, but I controlled it. I pulled it back. Maybe I can do this? Maybe it's not that bad?" Scott told his friends, causing Stiles to wince, which made Brietta furrow her eyebrows.

"Yeah..." Stiles chuckled nervously, "Heh...we'll talk later, then..."

Stiles pats Scott on the shoulder affectionately and turns to leave, but Brietta reaches out and grabs his bicep, "What's going on?"

Stiles sighs, turning back to his friends, "The, uh, medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found..."

"And...?" Scott whispered, his eyebrows raising.

"Well, I'll keep it simple. Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal, not human. Derek's human, not animal. Derek? Not killer. Derek? Let out of jail," Stiles summarized, prompting both of his friends to look at him in shock.

Scott's face fell, "Are you kidding?"

Stiles grimaces, making it clear that he's just as unsettled by this news as Scott and Brietta are, "No, and here's a bigger kick in the ass—my dad ID'd the dead girl. Both halves. Her name was Laura Hale."

"Laura Hale?" Brietta whispered, testing the name on her lips.

Stiles nodded, "Derek's sister."


The second chapter is done! How do y'all feel?

The three of them are very slow burn, but I'm so excited for the next chapter :) I really like Episode 3.

▍PUBLISHED . . 09/04/23 — ♡︎ ୫
© POETICLULLS,                    2023

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