ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 24

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It's Tuesday already..
In the span of four days, I got the device done
He still thinks that I'm working on it..

I pulled out the black cylinder from under some equipment and immediately got back to work
I yawned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes before grabbing the nearest screw driver

After a bit of tinkering, I attached the back panel again and put it in place
"And.. disarm" I whispered to myself, clicking on the small black button at the top of the wand

"This should do.. but, I need something stronger"
I huffed, rummaging through some boxes
"Something like.. a mini bomb.."

I went back to the original box of scraps I went through the first day and looked through it one more time, my heart pounding in anticipation

"Oh yes!" I whispered, pulling out a couple batteries
I would've done this with my phone's battery, but they confiscated my phone days ago when they brought me here

Now all I needed was H2O
I pull out a tiny clear container. The plastic was weak enough to melt. I could put the water in and meld the other end closed

It was also thin enough to crush by some metal plates. Perfect. I grabbed some wire cutters and pliers before retreating back to my table

I was here day and night, I had every right to call it my table
I started to peel off the plastic on the Lithium-ion battery with the pliers

I'd get the lithium out and place it somewhere secure in the device. Then I'd put the water cell near it so if crushed, the water would reach the lithium strip

The lithium would burn on contact, ruining Iron monger's little toy before he could actually harm tony. I could build some metallic plates that would squeeze the water container with a press of the button from my poorly made remote device

If everything would go according to plan, we should walk out of this victorious.
With the pliers I finally tugged out the insides of the battery and started to unwrap it

It took me quite a while, but I was able to finish that and the water capsule. I checked if the trigger worked with the metal plating and everything seemed to be fine

"So how's work going?" A voice boomed in the dark and empty lab making me jump
I quickly slipped everything under some broken pieces of robotics and such and turned around

"Well enough.. I should be done by tomorrow"
"Good. I'm hoping it actually works?"
"Wanna see it for yourself?" I turned back around and started messing around with wires preparing it for a little test try

Before I could get very far though I felt the man's huge arms trap me between him and the table
"Obadiah, I suggest you consider things carefully" I mumbled through my gritted teeth

"Still so loyal to Stark I see.."
"I'm loyal to myself! Now back off or I destroy this thing" I threatened, turning to face him

"And risk your little friend dying? You wouldn't" He nearly chuckled as he said that
"You're a sick fuck you know that?"

I felt the sharpness of a slap across my face making my head whip to the left
"Wow.. someone got their feelings hurt" I grumbled, hiding my shock by un-amusement

"Get back to work" he uttered, his face centimeters apart from mine. His eyes were wild with hatred and anger. I turned away from him, my eyes watering but I shrugged it off and continued working

I didn't know when Mr. Stark would get here. I needed this to be finished. Fast.

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