Just To See You Smile- Taegikook 💜

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Summary: Jungkook decides that if Yoongi can be selfless, so can he.

Word Count: 873


With a heavy sigh– a bit dramatic but he feels it's necessary– Jungkook places his stud earrings in his boyfriend's hand outstretched over the back of their sofa.

Neither of them say a word as he walks around the piece of furniture or when he plops down on the cushion, resting his head on his boyfriend's lap.

With an unhappy pout on his lips, he keeps his eyes closed, ignoring the low amused chuckles coming from above him.

"I promise it's not the end of the world bun."

Jungkook huffs quietly. "I know, hyung. It's just been such a long week and I'm so tired. I was really looking forward to staying in this weekend to celebrate finals being done with."

"I know baby, and we can spend tomorrow and Sunday never leaving this couch if that's what you want, but let's just give Taehyungie a few hours, hm? He's so excited to go out now that everyone is free. It's been so long since we've been able to do that."

Jungkook pouts his lips out more. He knows he's right, as Yoongi usually is, but it doesn't make him feel much better.

Jungkook cracks an eye open. "Don't tell me I'm the only one who'd rather stay home."

"Oh no, you certainly are not," Yoongi chuckles as he clasps the last stud into Jungkook's right ear before caressing his cheek lightly with his knuckles.

Jungkook can't help but nuzzle into Yoongi's touch.

"Then why aren't you more bothered? Or trying to talk him into staying home instead? We could just invite everyone to come here if being together is all he really wants."

"You know how Tae is. He doesn't like staying in for long stretches," he chuckles lowly, "He's different from you and me in that way. If he spends too much time indoors he starts to feel confined.

"And to answer your question, I'm not trying to talk him out of doing something he wants– even if it's not something I wouldn't normally choose to do– because I like to see him happy. I feel the same about you and your happiness, bunny," Yoongi smiles, eyes full of the endearment reserved especially for his boyfriends, booping the tip of Jungkook's nose, making the younger scrunch it with a breathy giggle.

Yoongi smiles, completely endeared as he continues. "Whether it requires me to let you suffocate me with your hugs while we watch Iron Man for the ninetieth time, or going out to stand in a crowd and pretend I can dance with Tae, I'll do it because it means spending time with you doing something you enjoy and seeing your beautiful, content faces."

Jungkook stares at him with big, awe filled eyes for a moment.

He then sits up slowly, careful not to bump his head into Yoongi's, before he turns his body so he can slot their lips together in a delicate kiss.

"That's the most romantic thing I think you've ever said," Jungkook smiles against his lips.

Yoongi places a more chaste kiss on his lips before pulling back with a more wary expression. "Even so, you better keep that between you and me. Remember when I sent Tae a nice text two years ago? He told everyone about it within the week. I still get teased about it ever since," Yoongi shakes his head in feigned disappointment, mirth glittering in his eyes. "I can't afford to have another Yoongi's just a big ball of fluff scandal. I have a rep to protect."

Jungkook giggles as he recalls the memory.

That was back before the three of them stopped playing whatever cat and mouse game they'd been playing for months and finally admitted they liked each other.

That they had liked each other for a while.

It was such a relief to know both of his hyung's felt the same.

At first he had worried about feeling left out or forgotten because Taehyung and Yoongi had already spent so much time together as friends but that has yet to happen. Largely because of Yoongi.

Taehyung is naturally a flighty person, going wherever his heart leads him, often forgetting to tell anyone besides Yoongi and Jungkook where he was running off to.

Jungkook didn't mind, and neither did Yoongi because they knew how Taehyung was. They knew and they would let him go without reservation.

He was never gone for long, and he would be sure to check in with his boyfriends.

Plus, it gave them more time to spend alone together. More time to get more familiar with each other as boyfriends rather than just friends.

Jungkook can honestly say he's never been happier and it's all because of his boyfriends.

With all of this in mind, he decides that Yoongi is right.

If going to a club, wading through sweaty bodies to get to the forever sticky dance floor where the three of them– along with all their friends– can dance the night away, a couple hours really isn't that bad.

If Yoongi can be so selfless, trying to be content in situations he normally wouldn't voluntarily be in, Jungkook can too.

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