My Hero- Yoonkook 💜

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Summary: Heroes don't only exist in comic books and fairytales. Sometimes heroes can be found on busy Saturday nights in packed nightclubs.

Word Count: 5,035

‼️Warning: Story may be triggering!
Mentions of being drugged, attempted abduction, non-consensual kissing‼️


The first thing Jungkook notices when he stirs from his sleep is the throbbing in his head right behind his eyes.

He groans in pain, raising the heals of his hands to press against his eye sockets as he turns from his stomach onto his back.

His stomach rolls as the faint smell of something cooking hits his nose.


Maybe he cooked something or had food delivered last night and left it out? He can't remember.

Can't remember really anything from the night before.

He applies pressure for several beats before pulling them away, blinking his eyes open blearily before immediately squeezes them shut.

The room, his room, is incredibly bright from the sun piercing through the windows.

It is very rare for Jungkook to wake up to light flooding into his room, himself having invested in black out curtains to hang up.

One could argue he was just overly drunk the night before and forgot to close them before falling into bed, still fully dressed in tight jeans and a designer button up shirt, but he knows he wasn't drunk last night.

All he had was water and-

Jungkook shoots up in bed, immediately regretting the action as his stomach lurches and his head throbs, as he suddenly recalls drinking Coke.

How he drank it, then got dizzy.

Why would that be?

Maybe he was served a Jack and Coke by mistake?

That would explain his headache.

His wondering is interrupted when he hears the sound of clanking dishes.

He freezes, eyes widened as he stares at his closed door.

When he hears it again, his heartbeat accelerates.

Jungkook lives by himself. Has for almost a year.

It could be one of his friends but that seems unlikely.

Ever since what happened between he and Namjoon they've all been keeping in contact via text rather than in person.

There's no reason for Jungkook to be hearing any sort of noise.

He also lives in a house, not an apartment like he had before so there's no neighbors to blame the sounds on.

Someone is in his house, going through his things right this moment.

He gulps as he looks around his room frantically, headache forgotten, as he thinks of what to do.

He's been boxing for ten years. He knows how to defend himself and is confident in his abilities as far as hand to hand combat goes.

What has him hesitating is the thought of the intruder having an actual weapon, like a gun.

Jungkook doesn't have anything like that.

His eyes fall on the door to the connected master bathroom where his closet is as he thinks about what he has that could be used to defend himself.

He has a bowling ball, which will do little to nothing to protect him. He also has a baseball bat, but that can't stop a bullet if he gets shot at.

When he continues to take inventory mentally of what might be useful he decides a baseball bat may just be his best bet considering the few options he has.

Slowly, cautiously, he climbs out of bed, hoping to move about unheard.

Before going to the closet he attempts to find his phone, hoping that he may have slept with it close instead of leaving it somewhere in the home so he can call the cops.

Unfortunately, no such luck.

"Shit," he huffs quietly in frustration. He bets he either left it on his couch or his kitchen counter.

After retrieving his bat he walks to his door with measured steps, reaching for the knob at a snail's pace, turning it with caution.

The sounds have stopped, but he knows he hasn't heard the creak of the front door opening before closing again, signaling anyone has left, nor has he heard the back door do the same.

Whoever it is is likely still inside.

With a deep breath, Jungkook pulls the door open, letting it swing inward as he raises the bat, ready to defend.

He nearly falls backwards onto his ass when he comes face to face with someone.

It's a man, a man Jungkook's never seen before, who has his fist raised in the air as if he were about to knock on the closed door.

Why would he knock? What kind of burglar knocks on a door in the house he's robbing?

Jungkook doesn't have much time to ponder these questions before he swings the bat.

The man's reflexes are quick though and he jumps backwards, colliding with the wall behind him to avoid the blow.

With a loud groan the man drops his chin to his chest as he rubs the back of his head where it must have hit the wall, eyes pinched closed.

Jungkook stands, paralyzed at the scene before losing his breath completely when the man's eyes open, piercing his as he continues to rub his head.

This time, Jungkook doesn't hesitate to act. He's sure he's left his phone in the kitchen so he darts past the man and sprints down the hallway.

"Jungkook, wait!" He hears the man's gravely, strained voice call over his shoulder, urgency evident in his tone.

Like hell Jungkook's going to-


Against his better jundgement, Jungkook spins on his heal at the end of the hall.

He glances over the man quickly, seeing that thankfully he remains unarmed, before he raises the bat again.

He doesn't intend on walking any closer to this man he has never seen before– he's sure if he had he would remember that face– with a scowl, planting his feet in a defensive stance.

"How do you know my name?"

The guy groans as he pushes off the wall to face him, keeping his eyes on Jungkook as he tries to gather himself enough to stand up straight instead of being hunched over due to the pain he's in.

Again, against his better judgement, Jungkook waits for him to answer.

"We met last night. At the bar," he answers. "I helped you get home."

Slowly– infuriatingly so– the night begins to come back to Jungkook.

*The Night Before*

Jungkook is dizzy, sweaty and tired, but he continues dancing anyway.

His head is pulsing along to the beat of the music as the repetitive melody courses through him.

Despite the exhaustion, he is slightly disappointed when the next song comes on that is a slower tempo than what he'd like to dance to.

It does give him a chance to take a break, maybe get a drink from the bar. Water or a soda preferably.

Jungkook's been sober for over a year. He came here to dance and have fun with no intention to break that sobriety.

(He's been tempted to relapse way too many times while he's been locked in his house.)

He makes his way through the still dancing people to get to the bar. When he finally makes it, he's lucky enough to be able to get the bartenders attention quickly, ordering a glass of Coke before turning his attention towards the crowd at his back.

He'd come here alone initially but some time ago he ended up running into Hoseok and Jimin.

Seeing them was a bit awkward because it's been a few weeks, but they did stop and talk for a minute or two before someone he recognized as one of Hoseok's friends whisked them away to dance.

While he waits for his drink, Jungkook wanders his eyes around the poorly lit, crowded space wondering if he can spot them.

He knows that even if the two were just meters away it'd be hard to pick them out of the crowd with how tightly packed everyone is.

It's a Saturday night so naturally the club is busier than most other week nights.

It was hard to go even a few steps without nudging into someone's ribs with your elbow or bumping shoulders.

Normally Jungkook didn't like clubbing for these very reasons.

He liked the quiet and wasn't a fan of crowds, but he'd been holed up in his house for nearly three weeks straight and frankly, he was sick of it.

Sick of being alone and sick of wallowing in his own misery.

You see, three weeks ago Jungkook had the idiotic idea to finally confess his feelings to one of his best friends.

Jungkook has known for long enough that confessing could either go amazingly well or catastrophically terrible.

(Like fucking-their-dynamic-up-so-drastically-that-it's-irreparable-and-they-can't-even-go-back-to-being-just-friends terrible.)

The latter is closer to what happened than the former he's afraid.

"You are like a little brother to me, JK." Namjoon had peppered into his rejection speech, most of which Jungkook has blocked out.

He may not remember everything the older had so eloquently said, but he does remember an awkward pat on his shoulder before Namjoon had left him where they'd met at the park and fuck does the memory of it all still sting.

Little brother... he'd always been seen as that.

The baby of their friend group.

The doe-eyed child, innocent and soft, despite being twenty-five years old now.

Usually he could spin him being the youngest to benefit him. On rare occasions though it would be used as a justification to deter Jungkook from getting something he wanted.

In this case, it was being used as one of the reasons he couldn't have what he wanted; his hyung, to reciprocate his feelings.

Because of this traumatizing event Jungkook has been tucked tightly under his covers, waiting out his shame and hiding from the world.

When he woke up this afternoon– he'd admittedly spent the previous night gaming until after sunrise then sleeping until four p.m.– he decided he'd had enough.

He showered, got dressed in his favorite outfit for nights out, put on a little bit of make up as well as styled his hair.

At least from the outside, he was looking like the old Jungkook again.

He was ready to have fun instead of spend another night crying. And up until this point, he truly was having a good time... until his night was interrupted much too soon.

Until he'd come to the bar a second time after another few songs had been danced to in order get another drink and a harmless looking guy sidled up next to him.

He'd gotten Jungkook's attention with a compliment and despite not being initially attracted or drawn to him, Jungkook flirted back, starting a light exchange of pleasantries and flirty quips because he liked the attention.

He'd been craving for it.

Any attention from anyone was welcome but especially so when they were going to tell Jungkook how handsome and attractive he is, was more than welcome at this time in his life.

After several more minutes, the guy started getting a little more bold with his actions.

Touching Jungkook's arm, brushing his thigh with his and leaning in closer than necessary to speak close to his ear in order for Jungkook to hear his continuously flirtatious words over the music.

What really ruined his night though was when the guy ordered Jungkook a refill of the Coke he'd been sipping on.

Just after the bartender had set it down in front of him the guy had pointed to something over Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook hadn't been turned away for more than a few seconds before facing the man again.

When he took the next sip of his drink the guy watched him with an odd fascination, but he chose to ignore it.

Within minutes he started to feel dizzy. Dizzy and heavy limbed while his mouth slowly became void of any moisture.

The guy wasn't acting as if anything was going on, as if anything changed with Jungkook's demeanor, but it was becoming noticeably harder for Jungkook to follow what the guy was talking about.

He didn't really react like he wanted to when the guy's hands were on him or lean away when he was pulled into a sloppy kiss.

He didn't even kiss the guy back. He couldn't. Couldn't do anything but sit with his arms hanging by his sides.

Jungkook wanted to push him away. To punch him if necessary and tell him to go away, but his body wouldn't cooperate.

His mind was desperately trying to process what was happening and react accordingly, but everything was going in slow motion.

He felt a sense of panic when the man wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him onto his feet.

He knew he needed to call out for help but he couldn't get his mouth to form the words to alert someone that he was in need of help. Of rescuing.

As the man held tightly to Jungkook's waist to keep him on his feet, he started guiding them to the exit.

Still, Jungkook couldn't speak.

His eyes flashed frantically around him for whoever was immediately within reach of.


When they were almost passed the full length of the bar Jungkook managed to see one man stepping away just as he and the stranger– the Predator– were approaching.

When he felt his arm push against the guy he'd purposely nudged a bit harshly followed by a very displeased sounding voice, he had a ping of hope hit him just as everything began to go fuzzy at the edges and people started pulling at him, getting him away from his captor and raising their voices...

*Present Time*

"I..." he gulps back hot, angry tears. "I was drugged."

It's the only explanation for why his memory is so spotty. Why he was feeling so strange.

The man in front of him doesn't answer, only nods with a sympathetic expression.

Jungkook feels violated. Violated and angry but above all, he feels embarrassed.

He knows better than to take his eyes off his drinks. He knows.

"You could barely keep your feet under you. Your body was limp and your head was lulling back and forth unnaturally. It was obvious to me that you weren't just drunk," the man begins taking micro steps in Jungkook's direction as he explains. "It didn't take long for me to know something was wrong. When I tried to talk to the guy and ask if you were okay, he got all shady and defensive. That's when I knew he'd done that to you. That he drugged you."

Jungkook blinks at him, tears still stinging his eyes, knuckles white from how tightly he's holding the bat.

He remembers... he remembers the guy who helped him, this guy in front of him, drawing the attention of the bartender and the few people around them who were within earshot.

He sees a flash image of this stranger punching the man who had his arms around Jungkook square in the jaw.

Somehow before the guy dropped to the floor at the force, Jungkook was kept upright.

After that he sees flashes of being escorted out of the building, but nothing really comes to mind after that.

He can't remember the rest, but none of that seems as important compared to what he has remembered.

"You saved me," Jungkook whispers shakily.

He releases his death grip on the bat then, flinching when it hits the wood floor below with an echoing wooden sound.

"I'm glad I was there. Who knows what would have-"

"Why did you bring me here?" He snaps his eyes to the stranger, cutting him off. "How did you know where I lived?"

Jungkook doesn't mean to cut him off, questions are just bubbling up as the seconds pass.

"Your license. As soon as we got to my car and you were sat in the passenger seat, you passed out," the man stops a meter short of Jungkook, eyes appraising his expression closely as he continues. "I was able to get your wallet out of your pocket and got your address from that."

"That doesn't really explain why you brought me here," he narrows his eyes skeptically.

"I, um," the stranger hesitates. "I figured you would be pretty confused this morning. I reasoned that waking up in an unfamiliar place would make things worse..."

They stare at each other for a long stretch of silence.

Jungkook replays what he does remember as well as what the stranger has said as his eyes roam across the planes of the stranger's face.

There are two things that are apparent to him as he observes the man.

The first is that he is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

With round cheeks and a sharp jaw. A button nose with plush, naturally pouty lips and kind eyes.

He's a vision.

The second is that there isn't a trace of anything that could lead Jungkook to believe anything he's said is less than genuine. Anything besides the truth.

Jungkook watches closely as the man opens his mouth presumably to say something else, but ringing from over Jungkook's shoulder interrupts.

They both nearly jump out of their socks at the loud, repetitive sound, both of them looking towards where the kitchen is.

Jungkook had to turn his head to look, but the other man simply had to lean to the side.

When Jungkook looks again at the man, his cheeks are bright red, his eyes downcast as he rocks on the balls of his feet nervously.

"That'll be the soup," he rubs the back of his neck.

Jungkook's jaw drops slightly as he gapes at the man in surprise.

It does smell good. Unlike earlier, the smell is stronger outside of his room.

He doesn't feel quite as nauseous as he did when he first woke up. Well, he still feels a little sick, but more so from the memories of last night and the man at the bar, not the food cooking.


"Yes," The man speaks softly, timidly. "It's on the stove. It had to simmer for ten minutes. That timer means the time's up."

He nods towards the kitchen hesitantly towards the kitchen past Jungkook, silently asking if he can get past.

Jungkook gulps before giving a small nod.

Pressing his back to the wall next to him to make room for the stranger, he keeps his eyes on him as he passes.

Jungkook follows him rather closely as they head to the kitchen.

Once there Jungkook watches with big eyes as the man flits around his kitchen with a confidence that puzzles him.

"How do you know where all my stuff is?"

He huffs a chuckle. "You've been asleep since one a.m. That was nearly twelve hours ago. I've had time to get acquainted with where your limited collection of cookware as well as silverware and utensils are kept."

Jungkook's eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. "You've been here all night?"

He turns towards Jungkook to face him.

"I don't think it would have been a good idea to leave you alone. Again, I didn't want you to wake up confused. I especially didn't want you to wake up alone and remembering what that fucker did.

"And God forbid you wake up alone not remembering that things were stopped before anything worse could happen." He gulps, averting his eyes away from Jungkook's face. "I wanted to assure that you knew you were safe. That you are safe."

Jungkook looks at him, contemplating deeply what he should respond to that with.

He doesn't think a Thank You is enough.

This stunning man, a complete stranger, went through all of this effort to help Jungkook, who is a stranger to him as well.

Of everything he's remembered and been told, that is something Jungkook is having the most trouble grasping.

He doesn't understand why he helped him, so he asks.

"Why have you done all of this? Why did you save me?"

To Jungkook's surprise, the man begins to laugh.

It starts low at first, barely audible. But for some reason after about five seconds his questions must become funnier and funnier as his laughter gets louder.

"Sorry," he apologizes, "I didn't mean to laugh. It's just, I wasn't expecting that." He smiles over at Jungkook. "Do you think people ask Spider-Man why he saved them? No, they say thank you, waving goodbye as he shoots his web and swings off to search for someone else to help."

He's grinning, mirth dancing in his eyes.

He isn't saying this to sound condescending or to fish for a compliment or a thank you. He's teasing Jungkook.

"Are you comparing yourself to Spider-Man?" Jungkook finds himself smiling as well.

"Yes," Yoongi answers, amusement in his tone. "And for your information, I was every bit as much of a hero as he is last night. You're fucking heavy and I had to carry you by myself."

"You didn't have to do any of this... but you did." Jungkook says quietly, toeing at the floor as he stares at the ground.

"Why?" Jungkook repeats, nibbling on his lip, still not looking up.

"I couldn't very well leave you there. That guy was..." he trails off. "He was a piece of shit pervert. He slipped something into your drink and was trying to take you. I wasn't about to just let that happen."

They fall silent again as the man moves the hot pot of soup onto the table, setting it down on the hot pad that had already been placed there.

Jungkook watched as he stirs the soup with a large spoon before taking one of the bowls that was also already set on the table.

"You should try to eat. It'll help with your head. Make you feel a bit better," the man drawls calmly, pouring a spoonful into a bowl for Jungkook. "Once you're through we can talk all about how alike I am to countless other superheroes."

Jungkook giggles, happy and amused, as he sits in the spot that was gestured too, picking up the spoon and digging in.

When the first spoonful hits his tongue, Jungkook groans appreciatively.

"This is fantastic," he look up at where the man is now sitting across from him.

"Really?" The man smiles teasingly. "That frown on your face says otherwise."

Jungkook laughs, throwing his head back as he does so.

"I'm told that the better the food the angrier I look."

"Ah, if that's the case then I guess I'll take that scowl as a compliment," the man grins before taking another bite.

"Good because this is amazing. You are a great cook..." it suddenly dons on Jungkook that he doesn't know the man's name.

"I'm sorry, what was your name?"

"Yoongi," he smiles. He then reaches his hand that isn't holding his spoon towards Jungkook.

Jungkook takes it with a happy smile, shaking it warmly.

"Yoongi," he repeats. "My hero."


It happened quickly, naturally, after that first day; the two becoming friends.

Yoongi is magnetic. It is nearly impossible for Jungkook to keep himself from thinking about him.

He'd been hesitant to admit he liked Yoongi as more than just a new friend at first.

He was worried he was just someone his heart had chosen as a rebound after the disaster with Namjoon.

That it was just a sizable, intense infatuation that was bound to fade.

Instead of fading, it's been quite the opposite.

With every hang out which eventually began to be labeled as dates after the two discussed how they'd like to be more than friends, his feelings only got stronger.

Now they hardly go a day without seeing each other.

If they aren't at Jungkook's place then they're at Yoongi's.

They enjoy being together. Love spending time around the other even if they aren't doing anything more than watching a movie for the umpteenth time or one of the many documentaries or cat videos Yoongi adores on YouTube.

They love being together. Love each other.

Thoroughly, truly and fiercely.

Sometimes, if Jungkook thinks about the circumstances under which they met he finds himself feeling angry with himself for letting his guard down in front of that asshole, but then he'll look at Yoongi and any feeling outside of gratitude and adoration melt away.

They're currently lounging on Yoongi's couch. Jungkook had been scrolling mindlessly through his phone while Yoongi did some work on his laptop when Jungkook began thinking again about that night months ago.

Yoongi must have sensed Jungkook becoming tense because he'd reached his hand out not long after Jungkook began remembering and it quickly consoled him. Comforted him.

Saving him yet again, this time on a much smaller scale, but saving him nonetheless.

Jungkook smiles appreciatively as he turns to look at the man beside him.

The soft sunlight is streaming into the room, illuminating Yoongi with a perfect softness.

The way the light creates a glow on his pale skin and an almost halo effect behind his head, he looks ethereal. Ethereal and breathtaking and perfect.

It almost overwhelms him, how much his heart has attached itself to Yoongi's sometimes.

How much love he feels for him.

As if reading his thoughts, Yoongi leans into Jungkook's space to press the softest of kisses against his lips.

"I love you," he smiles. That smile he seems to reserve exclusively for Jungkook.

It's taken him some time to figure out each of Yoongi's smiles, but he's gotten pretty good at spotting the difference between each one.

There's the smile he gives to everyone, polite and sweet. The one that makes you see he's a gentle soul incapable of hurting even a fly.

Then there's the smile that tells he's being mischievous, cheeky, sarcastic or just plain old teasing.

Thankfully he doesn't see this one often, but there's the smile Yoongi puts on when he's hiding something. Not like he's hiding a secret or anything, just that he's trying to appear strong when something is on his mind or something's bothering him that he doesn't want to bog Jungkook down with if he shares his burden.

Jungkook doesn't like that smile.

One of his favorites is the one Yoongi flashes in the moments when he's laughing.

Really laughing; happy and openly, shoulders shaking and head tilted towards the sky.

That smile is beautiful too, but this smile he's giving Jungkook now is easily his very favorite.

This smile, sated and gentle, eyes filled with galaxies shining brightly and the love he saves especially for Jungkook.

Jungkook finds himself falling in love all over again whenever he catches a glimpse of it.

He noticed this smile that first day when they'd been eating soup.

He didn't know what this smile was at the time– that it was smile rooted with care and fondness– but even then Yoongi had carved a small spot in his heart for the stranger he'd saved from the bar.

Their love has only grown and it feels amazing because falling in love with Yoongi and knowing he loves you back is the best feeling in the world.

Jungkook is proud to have Yoongi in his life, no matter the circumstances under which they'd found each other.

The warm and cozy feeling that is loving Yoongi engulfs him and Jungkook leans forward again, pressing another kiss on Yoongi's lips.

He groans when he feels Yoongi place his hand behind his neck to pull him closer, deepening the kiss.

He lets out an elated sigh when Yoongi pulls away and they meet gazes.

Sweet, beautiful and amazing, everything Yoongi has, he gives to Jungkook and vice versa.

During moments like this, Jungkook can't think of anything else but Yoongi; the way he feels in his arms, his voice, his eyes, his smile, how loved the older makes him feel— just Yoongi.

"I love you too."

Yoongi cups his cheeks in his hands, gazing at Jungkook.

"I'd do anything to keep you safe, baby. I hope you know that. Anything and everything."

Jungkook's eyes quickly tear as he lets out a shaky laugh, pulling Yoongi into a hug, snuggling his cheek against his shoulder.

"I know," he sniffles. "My hero, Min Yoongi."

"Spider Min," Yoongi chuckles and Jungkook doesn't need to look up to know Yoongi's got his proud smile on full display now.

The one he flashes when he thinks he's said the funniest thing in the world.

Jungkook finds himself laughing along despite how cheesy the line is.

"As long as you stay by my side you can call yourself whatever you'd like," he giggles.

"Always, love," Yoongi chuckles softly, tightening his arms around Jungkook. "I'll always be here to protect you. To save you."

"I won't always need saving though, you know." Jungkook states in a small voice.

"I know, and that's good. Great even," Yoongi rests his cheek against his head. "Even if you don't need saving, I'll still be here."

"Good because I need you for other things besides that too."

"Oh, is that so? Pray tell what else I'm useful for?" Yoongi chuckles.

"I can't very well cuddle myself when I watch the real Spider-Man. It's not nearly as nice as when I have my kitty here."

Yoongi laughs, leaning away to look at Jungkook. "Is this your way of hinting that you want to watch Spider-Man?"

"Maybe," Jungkook grins at him.

Yoongi sighs before leaning over to where he'd set his laptop on the floor beside the couch.

"I'll get the movie ready, you make the popcorn."

Jungkook nods excitedly before he plants one last kiss on Yoongi's cheek and jumps up from the couch to go to the kitchen.

A short time later, after the movie has started, they don't get far into the storyline before their hands start to wander and Jungkook finds himself in Yoongi's lap, tongues swirling and dancing together in familiar ecstasy.

Neither of them mind.

Spider-Man is a character. Fictional and dramatized.

Jungkook's real hero is right here, holding him tightly in his arms, promising to always be there to keep him safe.

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