Thirteen Times- Yoonkook 💜

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Summary: Jungkook finds something he isn't supposed to. Something that is usually accompanied by a very important question.

A question Jungkook waits for what feels like forever to hear his boyfriend ask.

Word Count: 2,832


Min Yoongi.

The name is and has been stuck in Jungkook's mind, playing on a constant loop, since the moment he had introduced himself to Jungkook.

He sees the man everyday. You'd think the novelty– the fascination and adoration– would have worn off, or at least dulled down at some point.

But even now, five years and a couple of months after the day they met, as Jungkook's gaze drifts to Yoongi's form across the dining table, his heart swells.

The feeling of love in his heart almost– it has before– brings him to tears.

When Jungkook parked himself at the table following their two hour binge watching of the newest season of their favorite drama– his tabbed textbooks and brightly highlighted notes scattered around him– he'd told Yoongi he was fine to go to bed.

Told him he didn't need to stay up with him as it was well past one a.m. already and Yoongi had barely made it to the end of the last episode without dozing off, but the man only waved his hand with a shake of his head, saying, "Of course I don't need to, love. I want to."

Now here he is, yawning between each flash card he reads off to the younger, eyes more than half closed which makes Jungkook wonder how he is able to read the text in the first place.

With a sigh and an adoring smile on his lips, Jungkook stretches his arms above his head, feigning exhaustion despite the fact he is hardly as tired as his sweet boyfriend is.

"I think that's enough for tonight," Jungkook comments, closing his textbook.

The sudden sound, although not that loud, makes Yoongi go ridged at the same time his eyes widen.

"Sorry, what did you say?" He blinks, eyes hazy with exhaustion.

Jungkook pushes away from the table, standing up to walk to his sleepy boyfriend.

"Let's go to bed," he smiles, outstretching his hand.

Yoongi looks up at him, relief flashing across his features momentarily before pouting his lips.

"Are you actually tired or are you stopping because you think I'm tired? Because I'm fine. I can stay up. I'm good."

Jungkook wrinkles his nose with a fond smile as his eyes dance over Yoongi's expression.

The genuineness in his words, the concerned crease between his brows paired with his pink, pouty lips... What did Jungkook do to deserve such a caring man?

Without another word, Jungkook gently reaches down, taking Yoongi's hand in his and begins to pull him up.

"Not because of you," Jungkook giggles. "I'm tired too. I just want to cuddle and go to sleep."

Once on his feet, Yoongi leans into Jungkook, letting out more tired yawns as they walk to their room.

The whole walk down the hall he continues to reassure that he doesn't want Jungkook to cut his studying short on his account.

That he knows how stressed Jungkook has been for his finals and he's more than happy to continue reading flashcards, but Jungkook counters every word, saying that studying can wait until tomorrow.

After they've crawled into bed, as expected, Yoongi falls into a deep sleep– head burrowed against Jungkook's chest– within minutes.

Laying next to Yoongi, Jungkook allowed his finger to trail the geography of Yoongi's face.

He had always thought the way Yoongi's long lashes fanned over the tops of his cheeks was such a delicate and pretty detail.

The older was much too tired– despite his claims otherwise– to stir as Jungkook traces his fingertip lightly down the slope of his round nose to his rosy, parted lips.

Yoongi always looked so light– soft– when he slept, all stress free and at peace.

Jungkook wondered if he looked as such when he slept.

He doubted it. He knows his cheeks puffed out along with his lips because he usually sleeps on his stomach with his face squashed against either his pillow or Yoongi.

He probably looked more like a chubby toddler than a grown man while Yoongi looked like a literal Angel.

But Yoongi is an Angel. His Angel.


"Kook-ah, are you on your way?" Yoongi inquires calmly over the line despite him calling because Jungkook is over twenty minutes late for a dinner with their friends.

A dinner meant to celebrate Jungkook passing all of his finals no less.

"Yes- I mean no. I'm almost ready to leave, I just need to find my fucking watch!" Jungkook groans feeling frustrated as he takes another lap around their bedroom.

Yoongi doesn't questions why his boyfriend is looking for this specific accessory.

He doesn't even tease Jungkook for losing a watch the younger's parent's had gifted him just days before, instead offering suggestions on where he can look with an amused lilt in his voice.

Always helpful. Always looking to ease Jungkook's mind. To lighten his burdens.

"Is it still in the box?"

"Yeah," I kept it in there so I wouldn't lose it he keeps to himself, embarrassed that he still managed to misplace his gift.

"Have you checked your dresser drawers? The box could have slipped or been bumped into the drawer while it was open somehow."

Jungkook rushes towards their shared closet, rushing up to the dresser opposite the door as he pulls the top one open and begins rifling through frantically.

All he finds are t-shirts and socks until-

"Aha!" He beams triumphantly as his hand closes around a velvet box.

It feels a bit smaller than he'd remembered, but how would he know. What else could it be.

"I take it you've found it then," Yoongi chuckles over the line.

"Yes!" Jungkook nods excitedly. "I'll be leaving in just a minute," he promises absentmindedly as he rushes out of the closet, box in hand, to the bathroom to check his hair once more before slipping the watch on.

"Tell everyone I'm sorry and I'll be there soon," he requests as he crosses over the threshold.

"Will do. And there's a car waiting for you downstairs so whenever you're ready they will bring you straight here."

"Okay, babe! See you soon. I love you." Jungkook sighs in relief, listening to Yoongi return the confession with a smile in his voice before ending the call.

As soon as the line is cut, Jungkook places his phone on the counter before putting his whole attention on the dark blue box.

Wait... Blue?

Jungkook tilts his head in confusion.

This isn't the box he was looking for. His box was red.

"Fuck," he groans. He doesn't recognize this box at all which means he must've been looking in Yoongi's drawer without realizing and this is his.

On his way back to the closet– shoulders slumped in disappointment– he opens the box out of curiosity, abruptly dropping the object as if he's been burned as soon as he sees what's inside.

Is it possible to have a heart attack in your twenties? Because Jungkook isn't fully convinced that isn't what's happening to him as he stairs wide eyed at not only the box lying upside down on the floor, but the shiny, onyx colored ring laying beside it.

With sweaty palms and shaky hands, Jungkook bends down, picking up the small piece of jewelry with skepticism, not wanting to allow himself to thing that this is anything other than a keepsake for his boyfriend.

One that has nothing to do with him and everything to do with being sentimental to Yoongi.

But as he turns the ring over in his hand, inspecting every detail, he sees etched in the metal lining the ring a series of numbers.

Looking closer Jungkook recognizes it as a date. Their date.

The day they met.

Jungkook chokes out a surprised gasp, dropping the ring again as he does so.

This time it rolls off to the right and he has to dive to the floor in order to keep it from going underneath the dresser.

He doesn't have time to be moving furniture to retrieve a ring he is certain he isn't supposed to know exists.

He doesn't have time to be gawking over the accessory in general, yet here he is; sitting with his back leaned against the dresser he'd saved the ring from, all evening plans forgotten.

That is until a knock rings through the apartment, breaking him out of his blissful daze.

"Shit!" He gasps, scrambling to his feet.

He rushes to the box, placing the ring back inside, before returning it to the respective place it had been tucked away in the drawer.

He then hustles to the bathroom, taking his phone and shoving it into his pocket- forgetting he'd wanted to check his hair before leaving- to get to the front door.

He suspected it to be the driver and once the door is open, that suspicion is confirmed.

With a smile the man asks if Jungkook is ready to go, to which he nods frantically.

He reaches for his shoes, quickly sliding in his sock covered feet but foregoing tying his laces to save time, before following the man out into the hall to get to the car.

His mind is fuzzy- spinning- the whole drive to the restaurant.

The feeling doesn't lift when he arrives, intensifying instead when he meets eyes with Yoongi.

His heart feels like it's going to burst- Jungkook beginning to worry again about a possible heart attack- as he's led by a hostess to their private table.

Everyone greets Jungkook as soon as he gets to the table and he's polite enough- apologizing for being late and thanking them for taking time to celebrate the semester ending well with him-  but in all really, his mind is clouded not with gratitude for them but with Yoongi.

Yoongi; the love of his life.

Yoongi; his future husband.


His eyes threaten to tear as the word– the weight and meaning of it– echoes through his being.


"Kookie," Yoongi calls softly, voice full of concern as his gaze falls on his boyfriend through the bathroom mirror. "Baby, is everything alright?"

Jungkook sighs happily, nuzzling his head against the back of Yoongi's neck as Yoongi squeezes toothpaste onto his toothbrush.

"Everything's perfect," Jungkook murmurs, placing light kisses against Yoongi's neck.

Why would anything be less than perfect? You're going to be my husband! He smiles to himself, tightening his arms around Yoongi.

"You've just been a bit more clingy than usual recently. Not that I'm complaining," he adds quickly. "I adore your cuddles, but I just want you to know I'm all ears if something is bothering you."

"Nothing's bothering me. I just love you so much," Jungkook smiles, lifting his head away from Yoongi with the intention to spin him around to kiss him.

His smile slips though when he looks up at Yoongi in the mirror just as he slides his toothbrush into his mouth.

No sooner does Yoongi rinse out his mouth with water does Jungkook wedge himself between the sink and the man he loves to crash their lips together.

Ever since his discovery a few weeks ago he had been bursting at the seams with love, excitement and happiness.

He hasn't known how to deal with how blissful he's felt any way besides physically. He had been hanging off of Yoongi whenever he is near him- as well as laying naked under him.

And when he's not doing that, he is thoroughly searching Pinterest, wedding blogs and wedding magazines. Anything and everything wedding related he can get his hands on he has poured over.

He can't help it. He is beyond elated for what is to come. For Yoongi to ask him to be his husband.

Only... Yoongi doesn't ask.

Not when they spend a long weekend in June with Jungkook's family in Busan, or when they do the same in July with Yoongi's family.

Not on one of their late night walks by the river or when they go to their favorite spot outside of the city to stargaze on more than a one clear-skied nights in August.

Not even when Jungkook's birthday comes in September– more than five months after he found the ring– when Yoongi takes him to see a special stage by GDragon; his favorite artist, after taking him to his favorite restaurant for dinner.

Not a thing about marriage is brought up even once and Jungkook's heart is thrown into turmoil.

Each passing day Jungkook finds his mind spiraling into a pit of doubt.

Had he mistaken? Did it not mean what he thought it did?


It's a week after Christmas– another day Jungkook would have thought to be a perfect day for a proposal– when his curiosity gets the best of him and he goes to Yoongi's dresser.

He wanted to confirm he hadn't imagined it. That the ring was actually there and that it was most likely for him, it having inscribed on it the date they met.

He wanted confirmation that he wasn't remembering it wrong, but the box was gone.

Did Yoongi change his mind?


"Do you not want to marry me?" He blurts out over breakfast on New Years Eve and Yoongi chokes on his coffee.

"I- How did you..." Yoongi blinks in shock. "What?"

He watches Jungkook carefully- eyes wide and the tips of his ears turning red- as Jungkook pushes his half eaten pancakes away.

"Months ago, I found a ring in your drawer," Jungkook admits quietly, bottom lip beginning to wobble. "I was so happy and I thought it meant that you wanted to, but you haven't asked..." he trails off and Yoongi is rendered speechless.

"Months ago?" He finally voices quietly in disbelief.

Jungkook's eyes begin to tear, "I- I'm sorry if I misunderstood or- I don't know." He stammers. "Fuck, I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry!"

"N-no you- don't apologize. I do want... I just-" Yoongi mumbles, trying to find the words he wants to say.

He is completely caught off guard by this.

He found the ring months ago... He's known for months and has been waiting for me to ask. Yoongi frowns.

Finally after a stretch of silence, Yoongi pushes his chair away from the table.

"Just- wait here."

Jungkook is left blinking after him- eyes still teary.

What the hell did he do? Why couldn't he have just kept it to himself? Why couldn't-

His self criticism is cut short when Yoongi reappears with a familiar box in his hand.

"Yoongi, you don't-" Jungkook begins to say.

"No," Yoongi interrupts, crossing the room to his boyfriend's side. "Thirteen times."

"What?" Jungkook inquires, looking from the box to Yoongi in confusion.

"That's-" a timid smile tugs at Yoongi's lips.

His own eyes tearing up as he gazes into Jungkook's with an overwhelming feeling of fondness.

"I've had this ring for over a year. And that's how many times I've tried– or at least intended– to ask you to marry me."

Jungkook sits back in his chair, staring as Yoongi runs his thumbs over the velvety surface of the box.

"Thirteen times," Jungkook manages, letting the words sink in slowly.

"I could never get the words out," Yoongi admits. "Whenever I started, it suddenly didn't seem like the right time. There were so many times when I'd planned to, but when it came down to it I just... I got tongue tied and anxious and... it never seemed quite right. I understand why you must be confused. I can imagine it'd be frustrating expecting the question and it not be asked but I just wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted-"

"Will you marry me?" Jungkook asks, a smile on his lips as his tears begin to fall. Immensely happy tears.

"Of course," Yoongi laughs breathily, a few tears escaping his eyes as well. "But, I think I'd still like to ask. If that's okay with you. I am the one with the ring after all."

Jungkook lets out a series of giggles, smiling wider when Yoongi lowers himself to one knee next to him.

"Jeon Jungkook, I cannot imagine a future without you by my side, nor do I want to." Yoongi smiles, trying his best to keep his voice level as he gazes at his boyfriend.

His boyfriend whom he loves more than anything in the world.

His boyfriend who he wants nothing more than to be able to call his husband.

"You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. If you'll have me, I will spend every waking moment for the rest of my life trying to make you as insanely happy and as loved as you make me."

With shaky hands, he opens the box, holding it out to Jungkook with both hands.

"Will you marry me?"

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