Chapter 3: Unfair Judges

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After getting supplies (which consisted of potions, ethers and food) needed for our 'journey' we started walking towards the main entrance of Traverse Town. "The Gummi ship is outside that gate," Donald stated.

"The what?" Sora asked.

"That's probably what they use to travel," I told him.

"Oh, oops?" he said, rubbing the back of his head.

Donald turned around to face us. "Wait 'till you see it!" he quacked. He started walking again but then stopped abruptly. "Hold on. Sora, Valerie, this is for you," he handed us a small crystal ball that looked like it had a flame inside it. When I touched it, it felt like my whole inside heated up. Once it died down, Donald started talking again. "Now you can use magic too. Goofy, give them that other thing."

"What other thing?" Goofy replied.

Donald rolled his eyes. "You know!" he yelled.

"Oh, yeah!" Goofy handed us another crystal ball. When I touched it, I imagined myself rolling away from an attack. "Now you can dodge easier. Although, you won't know how to do it perfectly right away. Abilities can allow you to do all sorts of things. Guess we should look for 'em along the way, huh?"

I nodded. "That would probably be a good idea. The dodge ability is quite useful. Who knows what other abilities will do?"

"Wait!" a little voice chirped. A cricket came out of Donald's pocket and onto his shoulder. "I don't think we've been introduced. The name's Jiminy Cricket. I'll be recording all of your journey, like Heartless names and places," he said while tipping his hat towards Sora and me.

"Thank you Jiminy. I'm pretty sure you know us. So now that is out of the way, are we ready to go?" I asked. I was wondering what the 'Gummi ship' was.

"Yup!" Goofy laughed. After reaching the main gate, Goofy pushed the big door and Donald walked in. Not wanting to be left behind, Sora and me quickly ran after them. When I saw the ship, my jaw dropped. In front of us was a big red ship. And really, really, cool might I add.

"Whoa," Sora whispered. Me, who was stunned into silence, only nodded my head.

"It's a real beauty, ain't it?" Goofy laughed at our reactions.

"Oh, definitely! I've never seen this type of technology before!" I said, finally regaining my voice. I ran over to the side of the ship and put my hand on it. It felt like... jello. I winced, thinking of home. Shaking thoughts of home out of my head I asked, "What's the material?"

Donald spoke up this time. "It's gummi. Hence the name 'Gummi ship'." He made it sound like it solved the whole problem. I had no idea what gummi was!

We walked towards the back where there was a door. Goofy opened it for us and we got in. Inside was a hall and six doors. On the left there was three doors with words above them. Each one of them said 'Donald', 'Kitchen', and 'Goofy'. On the other side, were two blank spots and one that said 'Bathroom'. "We'll be putting your names above your room doors soon," Goofy said.

"Whoa, we get rooms?" Sora asked.

"Duh. Where will we sleep when the ships on auto pilot, or we're tired from going to other worlds?" Donald rolled his eyes.

"Uh, I didn't think of that," Sora said, rubbing the back of his head, again.

At the end of the hallway was a staircase. I walked up it, my curiosity getting the better of me. When I got to the top, I gasped. There were controls everywhere! This ship is still amazing me! "Since you guys are new, you won't be touching anything! Got it?" Donald said.

"Yup," I replied.

We all sat down and Donald and Goofy started pressing buttons. Goofy looked at Sora and me. "Better hold on. Lift off is usually really bumpy," he said. I quickly held onto the hand bars and shut my eyes tightly.

When he said really bumpy, he wasn't kidding. When the ship took off, it felt like my whole body got left behind. It was really weird. But the view once we were in space was totally worth it. It was beautiful! The space around us had a whole array of different colors! Purple, blue and green. I could go on. I even saw other ships that Donald and Goofy shot down.

As the ship continued through space, my mind suddenly wandered as I began to question how Donald and Goofy could, well, exist? I still remember watching them as a kid. Could that mean my world was more connected then I thought? Did that mean that there are other Disney worlds out there that I know of because I watched a movie about them?

I must have been lost in my thoughts about other worlds because the next thing I knew, Goofy announced we had reached the next world. "So you know, once we reach a new world, we teleport into it," Donald said.

"I hope it's not as bad as lift off," Sora mumbled and I totally agreed with him. Donald pressed a green button and our seats started glowing. Let me tell you, teleporting is not fun. Unfortunately teleporting was worse then liftoff. It was like my whole body was going through straw and my insides were being squeezed.

When teleporting was done, I felt like I was going to throw up. But when I opened my eyes I quickly shut them and didn't feel like throwing up anymore. We were, falling. Yes I will admit it. I. Hate. Heights. My heart started to pound really fast, and I let out a terrified scream. After what felt like eternity, I felt solid ground underneath my feet and I was very tempted to kiss the ground. That moment was quickly put off though.

"Oh, no! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" said a bunny out of breath. "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I'm here I should be there. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! The queen, she'll have my head for sure!" he yelled, going down a hallway.

"One things for sure, I hope I don't meet this queen," I spoke up after an awkward silence. Making someone lose their head, just because they were late to something? I'm so glad I wasn't born in this world... Even though the wars and politics were pretty bad on Earth. Ugh, I was thinking about home again...

"I second that," Sora said, agreeing.

I nodded and was about to start walking when I realized something. "Oh!"

"What is it now?" Donald quacked, irritated.

"I just realized," I started. "that I'm the only girl on the team!" I mentally banged my head on a wall. I didn't notice? Really?

"That sucks," Sora smirked. I glared at him and punched him on the arm. "Ow!" I rolled my eyes. I didn't mind being the only girl, it's just... at home, most of the people I knew were girls. All the other guys in class used to tease me. Now though, I kind of miss their taunts and pranks. Shaking my thoughts of home out of my head, again, I followed after the guys when I realized I would be left behind.

We walked down a hallway and noticed a door. Sora went up and opened it, only to reveal another door... He opened this one and behind it was another door. "Seriously?" I said annoyed. "What's up with this place? If I had to open fifty doors just to get to my bedroom, I'd go crazy," I muttered, watching as Sora yanked the door open in annoyance. Thank god it was for a room this time.

We headed into the room and I saw the rabbit from earlier. Except this time, he was really tiny. He ran into an open door and it closed on him. Sora crouched in front of the small door, inspecting it. "How'd he get so small? He wasn't like that earlier," he asked, though he probably didn't expect to get an answer.

"No, you're simply too big," the door knob answered, surprising all of us.

"It talks!" Donald gasped.

The doorknob yawned. "Ugh, you people are so loud! You woke me up."

"We're sorry," I apologized. "But, may I ask you a question?" He raised an eyebrow, which was really weird... "Can you tell us how too grow small?"

"Why don't you try the blue bottle, over there?" he stated then fell asleep. I got up and dusted my skirt.

Sora was about to try the bottle when I called out, "Wait!" and he looked at me. "We should look for another place to follow the rabbit, since the doorknob is asleep," I said.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "That would probably be smart." I rolled my eyes, wondering if I would be the smarts for the team. After many searches of the room, and all of us almost having a rage mode, we found a passage behind a bed. Sora picked up the bottle and took a sip. For some odd reason, it affected Donald, Goofy and me, but I wasn't complaining. Sora made a face and I deducted it tasted horrible.

When we finished shrinking, I noticed we were on the table, high above the ground. Sora, Donald and Goofy quickly got off, but I was a bit more hesitant. After a Heartless appeared behind me though, I quickly forgot my fear and jumped after them. I took out my bow and started firing at flying heartless that were shooting fireballs, well to the best of my ability, I wasn't that good yet. Don't expect me to start shooting arrows 100% overnight.

After we, or Sora, Donald and Goofy finished them I went up to Donald. "Donald, how long should it take for me to learn heal? I'd like to know so I can use it as soon as possible," I stated.

"Its easy to learn, but the more you practice and use it, the better result you'll get," he explained.

"Can you teach it to me later?" I begged and he nodded. We walked to the opening I found. After a long tunnel full of bushes, we came upon what looked like a room made of hedges. In front of us were a whole bunch of human sized cards holding spears. A girl with blond hair stood on a podium.

The rabbit we saw earlier ran up a set of stairs and, out of breath, blew a trumpet. "Court is now in session!" he yelled.

The blond haired girl looked astonished. "I'm on trial? But I haven't done anything wrong!"

"Her Majesty, the Queen-of-Hearts, shall speak," the rabbit said, ignoring her.

A big woman, sitting on a throne looked at the girl. "This girl did it. There's no doubt about it, and the reason is..." the Queen took a big breath, "well I say so, that's why!" I gasped. Has this woman ever heard of a lawyer?

"That isn't right!" the girl shot back, and I agreed with her fully!

The Queen only smirked. "Well, do you have anything to prove your innocence?"

"Of course!" the young girl said. "I haven't done anything wrong! You may be queen, but that doesn't give you the right to be so..." she trailed off. "so rude!" Yeah! Nice one!

"SILENCE!" the queen yelled, enough too blow the girl's hair back. Wow, that's some vocal cords. "You dare oppose me?!"

"Hey, guys, she looks like she needs help," Sora spoke up.

I nodded. "This is the most sorry excuse of a court I've ever seen."

Donald looked at us. "I understand you would want to, but-"

"We're outsiders," Goofy finished for him. "so, wouldn't that be muddling?"

"Meddling!" Donald corrected.

"Yeah! And that's against the rules." I looked at the girl sympathetically. Though that didn't mean I didn't want to help her. If I was going to all these worlds looking for Piper, I would want to help all the people I could.

"The court finds the defendant, guilty!" the queen yelled again. Oh no, poor thing. "For the crimes of assault and attempted theft of my heart," I gasped at this. "OFF WITH HER HEAD!"

"No! NO! Oh please!" the girl said, distraught.

I finally hit my mark. This girl was obviously innocent! She was going to die and there was no proof to show she did it! I ran past the guards screaming, "Hey!" I don't care if it's against the rules. This was so unfair!

"Who are you?! How dare you interfere with my court?!" the queen yelled, getting up from her throne.

"Excuse me, but we know who the real culprit is!" Sora told her.

"Uh-huh. It's the Heartle-" Goofy cut himself off.

"Anyway," Sora continued, "she's not the one you're looking for."

"That's nonsense. Do you have any proof?" the queen smirked again, raising an eyebrow.

This got me mad. "Do you have proof she actually did it?" I shot back. The queen look startled, but quickly recovered herself.

"Guards! Lock her up!" the guards took the girl by her arms and put her in a cage. "Bring me evidence of Alice's innocence! Fail, and it's off with all of your heads!" she yelled.

Sora sighed, and then turned to us. "Guess we better start looking, huh?"

"Yeah. Alice is innocent, that queen is really arrogant," I said. "I saw an opening over there. Want to check it out?" I pointed toward a hole in the room.

"You two are selfless," Donald muttered, but followed us nonetheless.

We walked into a heavily wooded area. I looked around in awe when a head appeared in front of us, scaring me senseless. It kept appearing then reappearing, when eventually, it stopped. I turned to my right to see a cat's body standing on its head, almost giving me a heart attack. "Who are you?!" Donald quacked.

"Who indeed?" the cat spoke, putting it's head back on. Ugh, I felt like having a heart attack just thinking about it. "Poor Alice. Soon to lose her head, and she's not guilty of a thing!"

"Hey, if you know who the culprit is, tell us!" Sora begged.

"The Cheshire cat has all the answers, but doesn't always tell," the cat said mysteriously. "The answer, the culprit, the cat all lie in darkness," he finished, disappearing. Well, that gave us more questions than answers.

"Wait!" I called out desperately.

"They've already left the forest, I won't tell which exit," the Cheshire's cat voice continued. "There are four pieces of evidence. Three are a cinch to find. The fourth is tricky, big reward if you find them all!" he said.

"Should we trust him?" Donald asked.

The cat reappeared almost giving me a heart attack, again. "To trust, or not to trust? I trust you'll decide." This cat acts really cryptic! He disappeared, hopefully for the last time. I sighed and started walking when some Heartless appeared. I swear it's like people want to scare me to death!

I shot them from a distance while Sora, Donald and Goofy fought melee. After finishing them I looked around. The woods looked kind of big, I wouldn't know where to start.

"How about we split up? It will cover more ground and go faster," Sora suggested. Now that I thought about it, it would kind of work in my favor. I saw a couple of places that were really high up. And I didn't want to do that. I would really need to get rid of my fear of heights soon.

"Yeah. Donald and me can look on the ground while you and Goofy can look above," I thought up. Hey, if I don't have to go up, I'm fine with it.

Goofy put a hand on his chin. "Hey, that's a pretty good idea, a-hyuck!" he laughed.

"Goofy and me will go over that way and see if we can find a way up," Sora said pointing in a direction. I nodded and they went their own way.

I turned to Donald and saw him frowning. "What's the matter?" I asked.

"You two are!" he accused pointing a finger at me. "We're going around finding this 'evidence' for someone we don't even know! We're completely forgetting our mission!" he yelled.

I blinked at him, keeping my cool. "Well, if you're going to be inconsiderate like that, I'm just going to ignore you until you realize that we're trying to help someone." Just like that I turned around and walked away, leaving him gawking at me.

I wonder if I went to hard? Oh well, he had to know that people are important. Alice would die if we hadn't interfered, and she wasn't guilty of a thing! She was just about Piper's age. I couldn't let anything like that to happen to Piper! I shook my head and started looking for any evidence.

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