《《Chapter 1》》

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A young kid stared at the sunrise infront of him, carelessly sitting at the edge of a cliff while tears streaming down his face. A flower and a basket were found beside him.

Only the warm coming from the sun seems to comfort him.

"I miss you...." he whispered and sniffed. "Everyday, every night" he started. "I waited for you to come, tucking me into bed and reading some bed night stories." Rubbing his hands together in comfort before continuing.

"To wake me up and greet me with your smile-" he choked, couldn't bare the pain inside of him while remembering his mother's memories.

Everything felt suffocating and it painfully ached his heart. Trying to let go all his pain in his chest, but his mouth keeps preventing it from happening.

Chocking from his salive while his heart were beating fast and lungs trying find some air to breath in. He shook his head furiously.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up! Shut up!-"

He hitted his head with his fist, ignoring the pain, trying to forget all the of the memories that was left by his mother. "-shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" He yelled, as he lastly but strongly pulled his hair.

Breathing heavily while his head was pounding painfully, he stood up and felt a little dizzy.

He found himself sway with the wind that passes through him, though his eyes found a dark and deep path, he felt himself panicking and instinctively pushed all his force at his back.

He felt a rough ground just hit his back and found his vision again, looking at the beautiful blue sky.

He finally calmed down and laughed, realizing what happened.

He almost lost his balance on the cliff ,but he luckily pushed himself back thus making him fell on the grass. He almost died, almost ending his pain, almost......

....meeting his mother.

Then he cried and yelled like a child he was supposed to be.

"You told me we would stay together! That you could see me winning basketball! That you teach me cooking!" He wiped his snot and tears, but he couldn't stop but to let it go.

"YOU PROMISED ME TO BRING TO THE BEACH IN MY BIRTHDAY!!" He screamed then yelled, crying in agony.

He rolled slightly covering his messy face from crying. He stared at the flower infront of him, a flower that his mother loves the most.

He slowly pushed himself up and caressly tuck the flower with hands while he bit his tongue keeping from further crying.

"B-but you n-ever ca-came" he croaked out then he whimpered. "You left me..." with that, he continued to mourn.

The kid unfortunately, didn't noticed the presence behind his back.

"Sei....." a quiet voice came from behind the trees, showing a bluennete staring at the kid infront of him. Though the kid didn't noticed him, still mourning at the death of his mother.

The bluenette left the kid into his misery.


Seijuro stared at a taller man that stood infront of him. With a child hiding at his back who was awfully familiar.

Then he felt someone touched his shoulder roughly. "Seijuro" a voice called, demanding his attention. He looked up and saw his father, distant gaze with cold looks.

He felt his eyes became darker. "Yes, Father?" He politely respond.

His father sneered at the man infront him. "I want you to meet your uncle and your cousin"  his father said,  gripping his shoulders tightly and painfully.

Seijuro flinched. As multiple of thought came across his head. Are they another rival in his father's company? He knew these people infront of him were a threat for his father. What did his father wanted to do now?

He gave them a strained and forced smile at his guests. "Good morning Uncle." He greeted  and bowed slightly. "I am Akashi Seijuro, your nephew" He introduced and offered a handshake.

The older man widened his eyes and frowned. He glared at his brother which made Seijuro's dad smirked. Seijuro got confused but nonetheless he didn't say anything not until this bluenette just jumped at him. He staggered finding his balance unfortunately he fell down in miserable way.

His father looked engraged but was ignored by the little boy. The bluenette was grinning at him, finding his hand for a minute and shook it alot of times.

Seijuro frowned. Did anyone taught him manners? How rude this child could be? But Seijuro couldn't find himself angry, and instead smiled a little at the bluenette which he got return by his giggles.

His uncle later came closer and ruffled his son's hair. Seijuro was jealous at the fond display, his father wouldn't do that for him.

"Meet Tetsuya Kuroko" his uncle said and ruffled his hair too which it caught him off guard causing him to blush.

Little Tetsuya and his dad laughed while Akashi's father pulled him harshly. Akashi grunted but didn't complain, he stood up while panted his robes.

"Now now, brother. You should not treat the child harshly" his uncle warned.

His father huffed and look away. "Let's go Seijuro" he commanded. Akashi grimaced, he will get punishment for showing his vulnerable emotion earlier. He shouldn't have done that. But then he looked at them once more and saw them smiling at him gently. His uncle's eyes were full of pity and sadness.

Akashi frowned. Why does he care so much? Why is he sad? He couldn't understand?


Akashi took a deep breath before bitting his lips. He looked at his first ever friend with sadness. He sighed "Are you leaving?" He finally asked.

Tetsuya looked away."Yes.." he answered. Akashi closed his eyes and walked away.

"Sorry......" the bluenette said while tears were coming off his face.


Ring! Ring!

Seijuro groaned and sat up. He couldn't wait to break this alarm clock. But no- he can't. He sighed and punched his clock lightly shutting the alarm off.

He stood up and stretched his arms.

He opened the curtains for lights and he first see the sunrise. Oh how he love the sunrise.

He went into his bathroom just to broom himself. He remembered something, his cousins were coming back.

Tetsuya was coming back!

Two years ago, Tetsuya disappeared. No one knows where he went even Kagami/ Taiga or Seiren. As if he literally disappeared with no traces left behind. All contancts they all have were completely cutted.

Seijuro knew it was something to do with his uncle. But he didn't say anything though the good thing is his father wasn't an asshole- sorry! I meant "mean" anymore.

He got out the bathroom and felt refresh. It was too early probably breakfast wasn't ready yet.

Seijuro grimaced at the papers on his table. He had to finish this. He sat on the table and worked.


Grumble! Grumble!

"Ugh! God damit!" Kagami cursed out loud in english getting alot of unwanted attention. Kagami ruffled his hair in frustration.

"Ughh!" He groaned.

He literally forgot he was out of food. First he came back in Japan and this happens. How unfortunate could he be in Japan!

This was his worst day ever not to mention- he literally forgot to bring some jacket, now he was freezing cold.

He should probably listen to horoscope sometimes. Even though the green headed listen to it everyday and bringing weird stuff. He laughed as if he'll do that! He will never listen to horoscope- he wasn't into that stuff. (It was kind of stupid)

He yawn and shivered. How could he enter class with an empty stomache? Is he going to die here of starvation and coldness? Well this wasn't a good day to die. He ws too younf for godsake!

"Thank you for buying and please come again!"

Kagami almost snpped his neck from turning around in a quick pase.

Maji Burger

Why the hell did he not think about Maji Burger?! How stupid could he be?! Ohhh this day wasn't the day he'll die! God probably heard his prayers- he should curse more.

Talking about exaggeration.....

"Ehh?! Sir, are you sure 50 burgers?" Asked the saleslady. Kagami stared at her. "Yeah, is there a problem?"

"N-no" the saleslady stuttered and blushed.

Kagami sighed just give him the god damn food! To be honest, he was tired- He needed his food! GEEZ!


The green headed carrot was looking at the stuff toys infront of him. He needed his bear stuff toy.

Accordance to his horoscope. He bit his lips in frustration- there were alot of bear stuff toys.

They were cute as well. Well it doesn't mean he likes cute things or whatever!

Shut it!  He finally chose the neated one. Unluckily for him, he saw a familiar giant with purple hair with outrageous habits of eating. This was the reason why he should buy his lucky item early as he can.

Murasakibara Atsushi stared at the stocks infornt of him. He'll hust gonna get some random stuffs especially sweets but we're not forgetting his favorite food! Nerunerunerune candy!

Suddenly at the bottom of his eyes he noticed a green haired man with an eyeglass and again- grabbing a....."cute" bear? Probably from horoscope.

"Hello Mido-chin want some?" he greeted and offered a chocolate coming from his pocket. Midorima stared at him and the chocolate. He pushed his eyeglass up

"That's an inappropriate greeting you have there and I prefer to eat vegetables especialy carrots because it's healthy for the eyes" He said arrogantly and was still staring at disappointment at the purple giant.

Murasakibara didn't get affect by this. He kept a blank face and asked bluntly without any second thought. "But are you wearing eyeglass?"

Midorima sighed it was hard to explain this stuffs but he came up with a simple explanation. "This is an inheritance from my dad so that would be unavoidable"

"Ah" he said then he ate another chips that just appeared on his hand. Midorima left eye twitched. This will be a long day.



"Oi Satsuki!"

Pink hairded spinned her head in annoyance. Looking at her childhood friend. "What is it Dai-chan?"

Ganguro frowned and was about to yell but being a lazy asshole he was. He jus eyed her in annoyance as if she was a mosquito flying at his ears.

"Why the hell are we in the conviniece store just to buy a lolipop?" He asked lazily.

Momoi frowned. "What do you mean Dai-chan?" She asked.

Aomine groaned. "A lame lolipop" he simply said. The angel Momoi completely understand him but she being oblivious and the ganguro didn't seems to notice.

Momoi pouted. "Yeesh! It's not a lolipop- it's a lip balm!" Momoi again explained.

Aomine rolled his eyes

"Still same"


"Aominecchi and Momoicchi?" A sudden voice disturbed their quarrel. Both of them looked at the source and saw a familiar annoying blond that they known since in middle school.

"Ki-chan?" Momoi asked in suprise. Though she didn't get a response as the three of them continued to stare each other.

Then she finally snapped breaking the silence "What are you doing here?!" She yelled pointing her finger at him in a suprise.

Kise snapped out and realized his old team mates were here. "Eh?! Momoicchi?! Aominecchi?!" He yelled widening his eyes. He couldn't believe it. First, he was out of japan for alot of months and now he returned to see a ganguro and pink hair girl. He was supposedly to buy a tea drink just to ease his stress, modeling took him alot. He was holding his precious tea drink and was about to pay it until he saw his teammates.

Aomine groaned. This morning was supposedly to be peaceful not until this pinky hair wanted to buy that lolipop or lip bal- whatever. "What the hell are you doing here Kise?"

Kise noticed the annoyance in his voice and act offended. "Well I was buying things-"

Momoi blinked. "Things?" She asked breaking the tense between the two former rival.

Kise finally looked away from Aomine and laughed sheepishly. He held his hand on his head and scratch akwardly. "Buying some drink before heading to school" he answered.

"Drink? Tea isn't it?" She asked. Kise smiled and nodded.

Momoi smiled. "Which school will you go Ki-chan?" She asked.

Kise smiled. "Tensei!" He cheered happily.

Aomine and Momoi widened their eyes.

Aomine felt his mouth became dried amd Momoi was blinking alot of times then finally-

"TenSEI!?" Yelled Aomine and Momoi.

Kise frowned at them. "Is there a problem?"

Momoi smiled happily before shaking her head sideways. She leaped to an air in ecxitement and happiness. "Ki-chan is going the same school as us!"

And with that Kise screeched. "WWWHHHHAAATT?!"


Finally, they finally arrived. The school building stood strong. This was no ordinary school. This school was the gathering of unordinary student with best intelligence and talents. This school recruits students with potential either academics or sports. It was a miracle that two- no three idiot were able to pass just because of their obsession in their sports.

Well they're called Generation of Miracles and the defeater of Generation of Miracles, after all.

Everyone was facing in different direction as disbelief spread over their faces. Aomime and Kagami gapped their mouths. Midorima kept a blank face even though he was suprise, Murasakibara ate his snacks like nothing matters and Akashi stayed silent.

"EHHHH?!" Momoi and Kise shouted.

Everyone quickly covered their ears before Kise and Momoi's  voices could erupted their eardrum.

Kise slapped his face and pinched his arms which he yelped in pain. Everyone eyed him idiot though some ignored him. Then Kise rubbed his arms in pain and realized this wasn't a dream. "You're all here?" He muttered. Though it was heard by everyone.

Midorima being annoyed with idiot and wanted to finish this. He decided to answer. "This situation clearly answered your question Kise"

Yep, this wasn't a dream that is Midorima over there deadpanned Kise and then snapped into offending face. "That's mean!" cried Kise

"Stop being so annoying Kise" Aomine grunted unfortunately joining in conversation.

"Says that one who's-" Kagami entered and Aomine didn't let him finished. "Care to finish that BAKAgami?" threatened Aomine

Kagami looked at him and 'smiled'. "I would love to AHOmine" 

"HuH?!" they both chorused and glared each other. Ready to slice each others heads off.

"Stop it Daichan" Momoi interrupted.

Aomine didn't break a glare on Kagami though he yelled. "Stay out of this Satsuki!"

Momoi pouted. Then yelled about how irresponsible he was and now she was clearly scolding not just his childhood friend but also her other former teammates.

"Ehem" Akashi cleared his mouth.

Everyone shut their mouth and sweatdropped.

Akashi "smiled"

"We're getting alot of attention than we should normally, what a suprise?" Akashi asked in a suprise-ehem.

Clearly the students saw his intent and couldn't help but to feel bad for the group of first years.



"Yes father?"

"We're returning back to Japan"

The bluenette closed his book and frowned. "Why is that Father? I'm doing well."

He got straight A+ in class and he was helping his father in bussiness the best as he could but why would he-

"You're going to study there together with your brothers"

Tetsuya stood and smirked "I see" he said.

"Then I must be going"


A/N: I revised it and guess what? I got lazy HAHAHAHA! Thank you for reading! Jane!

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