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I ran though the night as fast as my legs would go, which wasn't that fast with the cuts and bruises that covered my body. The long white T-shirt I wore hung at my knees ripped and stained with blood, the knife I've killed with was held tightly in my hand. Sweat rolled down the sides of my face mixing with tears of anger and fear.

I wanted to scream as loud as I could and for the whole world to feel my pain.
I wanted to cry my frustration out but most of all I wanted my best friend..but she's dead now along with the murders who've killed her. 

My heart racing and legs shaky I decided to stop. White puffs of air came from my mouth as I breathed heavily, I leaned on a tree as I looked up into the dark sky full of stars and the the bright white moon.

Reaching up I squeezed my hand into a tight fist. "I promise." I whispered before sliding to the wet ground my eyes shutting allowing total darkness to surround me.

I'm so tired...just a little rest...just...  My eyes snapped open at the sound of a howl that wasn't to far away maybe five miles at the most. They've caught up... Annoyed I got to my feet, turned and looked up at the tree I was resting on, my breath hitched at the sound of dry leafs crunching under heavy feet. Taking in a slow deep breath I jumped to the nearest branch my nails dung into the wood as I pulled myself up easily then jumped to the next branch and the next till I was near the top of the tree.

I looked down, the ground far beneath me. My ears twitched at the sound of low whispers. "Where did she go?" One of them asked with no reply. Crouching down I moved slowly to the end of the branch to get a better look and spotted the three wolves that where chasing me for the past four hours. Pulling the knife to my chest pushing back the anger and the nerve too jump out of the tree and kill them all in a second..I knew it was impossible I'd probably die...but I wouldn't care as long as I got one or two more of there filthy Kind..I'd be happy.

With a low sigh I bit into my lip as I stepped backwards until my back was against the tree. My promise would be useless if I died now. I have to stay alive until I fulfil my purpose. 



It's been a whole month since I've marked Yuki, and in that short month he's been distant from me. Sleeping at the far corner of the room away from me, hardly talking and we haven't had sex since the first time.

Jasper had fully moved in, hardly ever leaving the cabin and Yuki hasn't went home since he's came back here, he never talks about his life and why he doesn't want to go back. I go home every other day and when I don't I just tell my parents I'm staying with a friend. I can't let them know of the cabin and they also don't know that I'm no longer apart of the pack, I'm surprised Kevin hasn't told them yet.

With a long sigh I turned to Yuki who was sitting crisscrossed on the bedroom floor a small book In his hands with lots of pictures. He's been reading that dam book for hours now.

"Sooo...what you reading?" He shrugged never speaking as he kept his eyes fixed on the book. Annoyed I jumped up off the mattress and snatched the book from his hands. "Hey!" He snapped glaring up at me. "Oh he speaks!" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. "What the hell's going on with you Yuki!?"

Narrowing his eyes he turned away from me. "Nothing Kyle, give me back my book..." Well guess it's the hard way then... "Well guess I'll just burn it.." He gasped. "You wouldn't!" I gave him a devilish smile. "Ohh, I will." 

Turning I walked out the room about to head out the front door to make a lovely fire until Jasper stepped in front of me his arms crossed over his chest. "What the fuck are you doing with my manga!?" Frowning I looked down at the yellow headed boy on the cover. "Uh, I thought this was Yuki's?" Quickly he snatched the book from my grip and held it to his chest. "Uh, no this is mine and I let Yuki borrow it!" Yuki stepped beside him. "Yeah ass hole!"

Agh when the hell did Yuki become such a...well ass hole!?

I turned to Yuki. "You know what! Whatever do what you like don't talk to me for all I care! God you Neko's are fucking worse then girls on there periods!!" With that I turned back towards my room slamming the door behind me.



"So are you just going to ignore him forever?" Jasper asked sitting down on the love seat. I sat beside him bringing my knees to my chest. "No, I'm just...I don't really know.." With a sigh he pulled me to him. "Yuki you have to talk to him at some point. This isn't good for you and all you're doing is making Kyle go crazy." I nodded. "I know.."

He suddenly turned towards me holding the manga inches from my face. "Sooo how'd you like you're first manga!?" I smiled at the sudden change of topic. "I actually liked it a lot. It kept my mind busy. The main character.." "Naruto!" He cut in, I nodded with a smile. "Yeah Naruto reminded me well a lot of me, well not entirely but just the way he was hated and had no friends, it made me connect with him easily..though it is just the first book...I'd love to read the next.."

He nodded with a toothy grin. "Yeah! I love Garra! Though you haven't met him yet..but you will!" He squealed hugging the manga to his chest. I only nodded with a smile.

He turned serious placing the manga down on the floor. "Okay Yuki, you got your first taste of what anime is...now did you find it kiddish?" Frowning I shook my head. "Not at all..I mean I think kids would like it too but definitely not a total kid book..." Nodding he reached down into the pile of books. "Here's your next book!" I took it. "Death note? Sounds scary.." He giggled. "Nah it's not that scary." Smiling I flipped though the pages. "So where did you get all these books from anyway?" I said looking from the book to the pile on the floor.

Grinning he patted my shoulder. "Library's my friend..." Frowning I turned to him. "I thought it was like three or four books a visit when you return the others..." He snorted. "Not if you steal them." Gasping I grabbed his hand. "Jasper that's bad...y-you shouldn't be doing that what if you get caught!?" Rolling his eyes he slipped his hand from mine. "I've been doing it for months now, and it's never the same place...come on I've been on the road for years I need entertainment.." 

With a long sigh I looked back down at the manga in my hands. "Fine...but, I'd rather you not do that anymore.." He gave me a thumbs up. "Deal. Now move so I can sleep...I'm tired and it's late..go talk to Kyle before he has a melt down."

Smiling I stood saying goodnight and going into Kyle's room. He laid on the mattress snoring lightly, the room was lightened by the moonlight. Sliding to the floor I brought my knees to my chest the book resting beside me.

Everything was so messed up, I shouldn't be here..I don't belong with him..with Kyle he deserves better. Slowly I reached up my fingers brushing against the mark that was now a scar..I hated it..yet loved it at the same time. 

This whole month has just been so fucked up, everything was confusing..Kyle wouldn't stop hounding me about what was wrong, I understand he's worried but it was all just becoming too much. Jasper and me haven't been talking much expect for random times like tonight, I just feel so alone and I don't know why...

Annoyed with my thoughts I snatched the book off the floor and begun to read.
Hopefully it would help with this stupid headache! My life sucked with nothing but endless drama!
"Yuki have you been up this whole time?" I looked up from the book, Kyle was watching me in a sitting position rubbing his left eye while yawning. The room seemed brighter. I turned towards the window just noticing the sun was rising..wow I was really into this book. I thought looking back down at the manga also just noticing I had only a few pages left. 

"You've been acting weird lately...mind telling me why?" Annoyed I looked up at him. "Kyle I don't feel like t-" he suddenly stood glaring down at me. "What The Fuck Yuki! Why are you treating me like this? What the fuck did I do!?" Biting my lip I looked away.
"Ohh no you look at me right now and tell me.....or..." "Or what!?" I shot back also standing up anger filling me. "Or what Kyle!?" He took a step towards me. "Or get out."

Shocked I stepped back my eyes falling to the floor. I shouldn't be surprised or hurt...he doesn't deserve to be treated like this..I should tell him how I'm feeling..but I can't. I glared up at him throwing the book towards him, he caught it just as I walked past him. "Where are you going?" He asked turning around as I opened the door. "I'm leaving..I don't belong here Kyle, thanks for everything but I gotta go..sorry."

Without turning to face him I left, shutting the door softly behind me, Jasper was fast asleep on the love seat I wanted to say bye but decided not to.

Kyle never came to stop me as I left the house stepping outside where the freezing wind blew against my face and uncovered arms. I stupidly forgot my shoes but had socks that wouldn't last long and I was too hard headed to go back inside for them so I just left like an idiot. 


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