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"I'll find him, and when I do I'll kill him. I'll snap his neck with my teeth and then I'll cut his head off and hang it from a tree!"

"Calm down Alpha, we will find the traitor and bring him to you." I turned toward my best friend for over sixteen years, his black curly hair was cut short, his light brown eyes started into my blue ones a seriousness to them. I knew I could trust my friend he's always had my back and has always gave me great tips for the pack.

I nodded. "Just bring him alive..I want to kill him myself the same way he did to my little brother!" Anger filled me making me want to kill someone right this minute. "If only I'd been there!" William took a step forward his hand resting on my shoulder. "Don't do this alpha...don't go down that road. It wasn't your fault."

As much as I wanted to accept that, I couldn't. I couldn't let myself forgive myself over something like this. "I'm the alpha, he's my was my job to protect him, but I didn't. I didn't do my job as a alpha..."

With a sigh William wrapped his arms around me patting me on the back. "Your not to blame. I know if hurts but your a great didn't know Kyle would of betrayed us for....that thing."

The thought of that Neko had me blasting with anger. "It's all his fault! That's why they all need to die...there evil creatures! I should of killed him when I had the chance!" William shook his head. "Sir, Yuki had nothing to do with your brothers death. If I recall he didn't even know where he was when he woke up. And let's say he did get lose from the table which I find impossible since a werewolf can't even brake those straps, he wouldn't have a chance against your brother...and he had no way of contacting Kyle..."

I nodded feeling a bit frustrated. "I just hate those dam things...if only I could of killed him we'd be rid of one and only have four left to kill..." William took a step back and sat down on the white sofa that sat In my large living room, the fire place sat in front of us the flames sparking making crackling noises, dark blue walls surrounded us, pictures of the pack and a few of the outdoors hung on the walls, a couple paintings here and there that's cost over a thousand bucks also hung up making the room less dull.

Soft Light gray carpet sat underneath our bare feet, the wooden coffee table sat between us, a big round flower pot made of crystal In the middle with fake flowers sticking out of it.

"Yes, but we have to study on them before they go extinct. We got one of his teeth and I was really wanting to cut off one of his ears and part of his tail but sadly he got away." I nodded in understanding. "Yeah, we need to keep one of them alive and by the time where done with it it will be dead or close to it." William laughed with a nod. "I'd hope so."


My hand grasped the bag, blood dripped onto the floor as I pulled my arm back. I hissed in pain as the cuts on my arm made contact with the sharp edges of the bars. Blocking the pain I pulled as hard as I could, the blood on my arm made it easier to slide my arms back in, but it didn't make it any less painful. I could feel the skin tear as I pulled but finally I got it back inside the cage the bag fell from my hand...sadly I couldn't squeeze it though and I wasn't going to try getting my hand though again...

"I'm sorry Mr. Banana. I tried, I won't be getting anything in the cage...I barley got my hand in." The banana rose from the floor moving from side to side. "It'll be tried..I'm sorry to let you down my friend." I shook my head a tear escaping from my eye. "You didn't let me down..."

"Yes....I did." Mr. Banana said before falling to the ground. Silence feeling the dark room.

I wiped my wet eyes, as I stared at the bag full of food..I was alone once again.

A chuckle left my lips as I fell back into the bars. I'm left once again in the silence...Jerry left me, Kyle never came looking, uncle max and everyone else hates me...and Mr. Banana is gone..

Laughter filled the room, a smile creeping up on my face as I brought my hands to my eyes as tears flowed down my face.

My forehead hit the cold cage floor as my body shook, hiccups filling the room as I cried, my face soaked with tears. My nails dug into my skin as I bit down hard on my lower lip.

"I-I give u-up..." I stumbled out as I cried landing on my side. I brought my Knees to my chest holding them tight.

"I-I'm done..."


(Hello, so I wanted to be nice and update a early...very early chap...only because I didn't update last sat. And because I've gotten such great comments from ppl. :)

I know this chap wasn't long..none of them are really. But I out a lot of effort into this short chap and hope to see votes and comments.

I just felt like writing so here you go. Please comment and vote! Xoxo


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