So annoying

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"I'm sorry.." I said looking into those beautiful green eyes that was filled with tears and pain. "I shouldn't have assumed..and it's not like me and you are anything anyway.."

He turned away from me. "How can you say that...after everything we've been through..?"

I narrowed my eyes as I shifted from foot to foot, it wasn't like I meant we weren't friends...but how could we be more like I was wanting? I mean obviously I knew he was into me, or maybe that was just him in heat and he wasn't thinking straight..

Rolling my eyes I turned toward him as I stuffed my hands in my pockets of my jeans. "Well...Yuki I kinda meant in a boyfriend way.."

He nodded. "I know what you meant Kyle." Wow so he is into me..but then why... "Why didn't you ever come to see me then? I was wanting to see you but you never came back to school...or was you just av-" he cut me off with a death glare. "I wasn't avoiding you Kyle!" He sneered making me take a step back and turn my eyes away from that cold glare..

Wow why was I getting so much hate?

With a sigh I sat on the floor crossing my legs, I glanced up at him to see that his eyes had softened, he looked sad again..but happy at the same time?

"S-so where were you?" I asked trying to not make him pissed again.

He let out a soft sigh as he turned his body toward me laying on his side. "Hey! Don't move to're wounds may open back up!"

He chuckled, "I'm fine the way how did you find us?" Before I could answer I heard the front door slam shut making me jump on my feet getting ready to attack, I could see Yuki in the corner of my eye, he was eyeing me his mouth agap as if he was about to say something but stopped as he noticed someone coming into the room.

I was about to attack when I saw it was just Jasper, a small mouse sat in between his two cat ears, eyeing me with big black eyes it's pink nose twitching as it sniffed the air. Sighing I turned back to Yuki. "It's just the idiot." He shook his head with a glare. "I can see that idiot, and his names Jasper not idiot."

I huffed as I turned back to Jasper, his eyes shined brightly as he stared at Yuki who was glaring up at me. "Oh my God you're awake!" He practically screamed making me smack my hands over my ears. "What the fuck is wrong with you dam Neko's and your screaming!?" "When have I ever screamed at you? Or screamed period? Other then getting almost eaten." Yuki cut in totally ignoring the now pouting Jasper.

I just shrugged as I turned back to Jasper just in time to see another person walk to the bedroom door a annoyed look on his face. His short red hair was a mess as pieces of dead leafs sat in it, his clothes also looked like hell, dirt covered his dark yellow t-shit and jeans...he eyed me with his brown eyes...I seemed to get that a lot from everyone nowadays.

I gave him a smirk as I made my way to him. "Jarred! Hey buddy, uh where you been?" I said giving him a cheesy smile as I opened my arms only for him to step aside pushing my arms away with a roll of his eyes. "Oh gee I don't know...randomly running though the woods looking for something.."

"Oh" was my reply my arms falling back to my sides, he rolled his eyes as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Where the hell were you man? I was like looking for your stupid ass everywhere." I laughed. It wasn't like I could tell him I sent him away so I could turn into a werewolf and challenge my alpha and rescue a Neko who so happened to be my mate, so I just shrugged. "I got lost...I was trying to find who ever it was that screamed but nothing. I am sorry though for just sanding you away like that.."

Jasper snickered but snapped his mouth closed quickly as he turned away from us making Jarred roll his eyes. "Whatever it's okay.."

"So how did you find me?" I asked as I sat back down beside Yuki but not to close that Jarred would get suspicious. He pointed at Jasper. "That little weirdo showed me the way." I glared up at Jasper who only shrugged.

"So what is this place...I've never been here before."

"I just kinda found it's mine now." He laughed. "Yeah sounds like you."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean ass hole?" He smiled down at me then his eyes fell on Yuki as if just noticing him for the first time.

"Who's that?"

"A friend."

"He's wearing that costume to?" I held in my laughter and nodded. "Guess know that cosplay shit.." He shook his head. "No I don't..what the hell is cosplay?"

Yuki looked a bit confused to as Jasper just looked plan shocked as he stepped forward. "W-wait you don't know cosplay?"

"I just said that idiot."

He bit his lip as he slightly shook his head. "We have a lot to teach you young one."

"Jasper stop your scaring him, you little weirdo."

Jasper was about to attack me when Yuki jumped in the conversation. "Are you one of Kyle's friends?" He asked Jarred who only nodded. "Are you guys dating?"

My mouth literally fell open as mine and Jarred's eyes grew huge. What the hell Yuki!?

He immediately shook his head. "What the fuck...No!"

Yuki narrowed his eyes but nodded as his green eyes fell back on me.

"Uh hey Kyle..?" I turned away from Yuki's wonderful eyes to look into the boring plane brown ones that belonged to Jarred.."You think I can crash here since it's getting late?" I shrugged and pointed toward the door. "You two have to sleep in the front room.."

Jarred looked at me questionably. "Where are you going to sleep?"

"Uh my room?"

He shifted awkwardly as his eyes fell on Yuki who was still looking at me. "Uh with him?"

I laughed..I wish!

"No, he's only in here cause I had to stitch him up..and I don't want to move him only for his wounds to reopen..I'll be sleeping over by the wall..there's no room in the front room."

He nodded leaving it alone as him and Jasper left leaving me alone with Yuki. I got up and softly shut the door, then sat back by his side.

"I don't get why you're so scared around him." He blurted out. "What's that supposed to mean?" He rolled his eyes. "You told me that you wanted me as a boyfriend and then he comes and you act like you don't even know me.."

What the hell is he even talking about.

"Uh, no I didn't I told him we where friends." He nodded. "Yeah and I just thought maybe we where more then that.."

"Yuki...I haven't seen you in are we supposed to be more then friends, I hardly know anything about you besides that you're a neko."

Yuki's snapped his mouth shut as he looked away his face growing red. "Just forget it...never mind."

"Alright..well I'm going-"

"What ever Kyle good night!"

With a sigh I crawled over to the far side of the room and laid down pulling a sheet that I had laying in the corner over me and closing my eyes. Gah this was getting annoying.

Everyone seemed to just hate me!


Hello, so thank you for reading this chapter! I really hope you liked it, I know it's a bit boring but oh's not long but are any of my chapters really long anyway? I'm more of a inpatient person and have a very short attention I'm sorry about that! :(

Anyway not important buuut guess what!!!??? I got a rat! It's not a mouse but I was thinking of naming him Jerry or Bubbles but decided to just name him cocoa, he's soo cute and sweet! <3.

Anyway pic of Jarred!

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