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Yuki POV
The freezing rain stung against my skin as I ran though the woods trying to find Jane but ended up totally lost. Sighing my running slowed to slow steps as I looked around my arms crossing over my soaked shirt as I shivered. "Jane!" I called out. I twisted around as a cold voice replied behind me. "No need to scream...idiot." It was Jane's but she was nowhere to be seen as my eyes searched around. "Up here." Her voice cut though the poring rain from above. I looked up spotting her sitting high in a tree..

I narrowed my eyes walking closer my eyes staying locked on her. "How'd you get up there?" She rolled her eyes as if that was stupidest things she's ever heard. "What do you mean how'd I get up here? I climbed idiot." Frowning I took a step back. "Yeah but it's like thirty feet from the ground.." She looked down at the branch she sat on with a shrug. "You telling me you can't climb?" "I can climb..but there's noting to hold on to...' I replied scanning the tree for a branch to grab ahold of but found none. She snorted. "You have you're nails idiot." "Yeah okay...sure, that'd probably tear my nails off.." Rolling her eyes she stood, I was about to yell for her to be careful when she suddenly jumped and landed in front of me in a crouched position.

Stubbing back I fell on my butt mud soaking my pants. "Woah..that was..quite a jump." She smiled and put her hand out towards me. I took it and she yanked me up. "For a Neko you're really dumb." "Nice to know." I mumbled as I whipped the mud off my hands and onto my jeans. "Anyway I wanted to say sorry about before..I shouldn't have been like that.." She crossed her arms over her blood stained now see though t-shirt. "Whatever, just make me a hot dinner with hot cocoa and new clothes and we will call it even." Man was she bossy. "Uh, well we don't have hot girl clothes.." She rolled her eyes. "Agh whatever..lets just go back before I get sick.."

I turned when she passed me following behind her but stopped as her arm snapped out. She turned her head to the sky and sniffed. "There here.." I was about to ask who she was taking about but before I could utter a word she took my hand and ran faster then I could in the opposite direction and instead of running with her I fell flat on my face in the mud my hand slipping from hers. "Get up!" She hissed grabbing my arm and pulling me back to my feet. "Dude you run like the fucking flash.." "I don't know who that is." She said as she pulled me with her, "but we need to get out of here...there's more then just one!" I was utterly confused as I was dragged behind her in a slower run. "Uh, sorry I'm a bit lost.." She grumbled something under her breath shaking her head. "Just keep running."

Jasper's POV
While I was deep in my manga Bubbles sitting on my shoulder I couldn't help but jump when the door busted open hitting the wall making a small hole in the wood. "Where Is he!?" Kyle growled as he stood in the door soaked from the poring rain. I turned towards him with a shrug. "Who Bubbles?" He narrowed his eyes. "I'm not asking about you're stupid rat!" He snapped out while I scooped Bubbles in my hands. "Mouse! He's a mouse get it right you wolf!" "Where is he!!?" Kyle snapped. "Who!?" I snapped back getting annoyed. "Who else you fucking idiot!?" I stood feeling the tension and pointed my finger towards him. "Watch you're language! That's not something you call a friend!" "Well then it's a good thing you're not my friend." Kyle replied as he turned his back towards me and took a step out. "Thanks for nothing, and by the way get the fuck outta my cabin!" And with that he slammed the door leaving me, bubbles and my manga all alone. "Now I know why Jane hates them so much..and poor Yuki is mated to that.." I said looking down at Bubbles, with a shrug I fell back on the loveseat going back to my manga.

I don't know how long I was sitting here reading my manga when the door once again busted open but with more force then last time and fell to the ground. I turned expecting to see Kyle but instead came to face a goddess with long blonde hair, blue eyes and big boobs. God was she hot! "A Neko?" She questioned her voice smooth as she walked further into the cabin walking right over the door without a care her eyes locked on me. I didn't respond which made a cute chuckle pass her red lips. " cute. But." She paused pulling a blade from her coat pocket. "No time for games.." I jumped up outta the loveseat bubbles on my shoulder and although I felt the need to attack I couldn' could I ever attack such a beautiful woman like herself. She stood inches in front of me her dagger going to my throat. "You see I need to find my brother Yuki.." I smiled feeling relieved that she was related to Yuki. "Oh, cool..for a second..." "Shut up and tell me where he is!" She snapped cutting me off.

For a hottie she was a real bitch.

"What was that?" She growled pressing the blade into my throat. Shit did I say that out loud? "Oh, uh I was just-" "Maggie..we found two in the woods." Came a males voice from the doorway. The blonde smiled the knife staying at my throat her eyes locking on mine as her tongue ran over her lips in a seductive way. "Well aren't I lucky, catching three in one day...mother will be so proud." Before I had time to react Bubbles jumped forward and dug his teeth into her hand making her drop the knife with a yelp of pain. "Disgusting!" She spat grabbing bubbles and throwing him across the room, I watched in horror as he hit the wall making a load thumb then falling to the floor where he laid motionless. 

My eyes immediately stung with tears as I brushed passed the woman falling to my knees when at Bubble's side. "H-hey...Bubbles.." I whispered scoping his still body in my hands running my thumb over his small head. "You okay?" He didn't move and after a minute even with his eyes open I knew he was dead. Laughter filled the room as tears ran down my face. I turned glaring at the girl they called Maggie with more anger then I'd ever felt in my life. "You bitch!"
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