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Please vote & comment. Srry for short chap. :(


I woke to darkness and silence. My eyes roamed around the room looking for anything that seemed familiar, but I couldn't see anything as my vision was a bit blurry. 

Slowly I sat up, groaning as a sharp pain filled my entire body feeling like thousands of knifes where stabbing me all at once. 

As my vision became clear so did my mind, everything came rushing back to me..the wolf, Jasper, Jerry and Kyle... The thought of Kyle had my heart feel like it was 

breaking...he was the first friend and lover I'd ever had and to be turned down the way I was it hurt more then it should of, it honestly wasn't that big of a deal but to me it was everything that was good in my life, he was the only person that made me feel happy and belong...yet I guess he didn't feel the same.

Now as I looked around I knew I was in Kyle's cabin, the cabin where everything started...slowly I got to my feet my hand placed on the wall to hold myself up, I walked to the closed door and twisted the nob it making a clicking sound. 

Light filled my eyes almost blinding me. Squeezing my eyes shut for a moment I reopened them to find Jasper staring at me in the living room sitting crisscrossed with a very small piece of paper In-between his fingers and Jerry sitting on top of his head cleaning himself.  

"Your awake." He said jumping to his feet stuffing the piece of paper in his pocket before walking over to me putting my arm over his shoulder and leading me to the love seat. "Here sit." He said slowly pulling me down onto the love seat, I let out a low sigh. "How long have I been out?" Jasper shrugged, "only a day I think...well where out for almost a week before you woke up and didn't seem to notice me but then I guess you went back to sleep and just woke up....yeah.." He thought for a minute before looking at me with a smile. "Yeah so about a week." 

I smiled back before looking around. The cabin seemed dark and a bit quite. "Where's Kyle?" I asked looking back at Jasper, he frowned. "He took that stupid idiot home." "Who?" I asked making Jasper make a O shape with his mouth.

 "Don't you remember meeting Jarred? He came into the room when you where awake.." I just shook my head. "You asked if they where a-" my eyes widen when I finally realized who he was talking about. "Are know a couple?"  Jasper laughed. "I don't think Jarred is gay, and even if he was it wouldn't matter...I mean have you seen the guy he's a complete idiot only a dumb ass would go out with someone as stupid as him! So to your I don't think there dating." 

I let out a sigh of relief as I pulled my tail into my lap rubbing my fingers though the dark hair. "So what happened anyway? How did we end up here?" 

Jasper seemed to stiffen at my question his eyes falling to the floor. 

"It's kinda a....well weird story." I smiled up at him. "How much weirder can it get? I mean we where attacked by a" Jasper let out a small chuckle as he took a seat on the floor crossing his legs. " remember throwing Bubbles to me and telling me to run?" I nodded. "The wolf cut you open with its claws and you ended up passing out.." He paused looking guilty. "Hey that wasn't your fault Jasper..." 

He didn't reply to that but went on to what he was saying. "I didn't leave you..I couldn't. I tried getting to you and running but...another wolf came in and kinda saved us both..." My eyes grew of those things saved us? "He almost died himself but the guy that had attacked us ended up leaving and the wolf..well Kyle brought us here claiming he knew I got us on his bac-" 

"Kyle!?" My heart was pounding in my chest painfully as I stared wide eyed at Jasper who seemed lost of words. " a wolf? He's one of those....things?" 

"I thought you knew?" He whispered. I silently shook my head..why wouldn't he tell me that or was Jasper lying to me? 

I looked up at Jasper with serious eyes. "Jasper...are you lying to me?" He gasped. "What!? Why would I lie to you about that...I thought you knew!"   

"Well obviously I didn't!" I snapped. 

"Obviously!" He snapped back jumping to his feet. 

We both glared at each other for what seemed like forever until a clicking noise filled the small room making us both jump as we looked toward the door as It opened, Kyle walked in his head low eyes barely open as he shut the door. 

Slowly he looked up as he noticed us staring at him, his tired face became fully awake with a big smile that came across his face as he laid eyes on me. "Your your outta bed!" I just nodded my glare never falling as I remembered Jasper's words...he may be a wolf...I told myself. 

He frowned noticing my uneasiness. "Hey are you okay?" Silently I rose from the couch my tail falling form my hands as I stood up straight glaring up at his beautiful blue eye, his tanned skin...messy dirty blonde hair..and big lips....wait what was I thinking! He may be one of those of those wolves! 

My anger came back as my hands turned into tight fist. "W-why didn't you tell me!?" I snapped. He looked confused as he looked form me to Jasper. "Don't look at him I'm asking you a question!" His eyes snapped back to me as he shrugged. "Yuki, what are you talking abou-" "you dam well know what I'm talking about Kyle! Unless Jasper was lying to me your a fucking wolf!! One of them!" 

His mouth fell open as he stared bugged eyed at me like a complete moron. I felt the familiar burning in my eyes as yet another person I thought I could trust betrayed me...crushed that point I knew I was completely alone..looking from Kyle to Jasper I whispered "I'm leaving...are you coming or staying?" He eyed me for a minute before looking to his feet. "Yuki he's harmless..he hel-" 

I couldn't hold it anymore, the tears came flooding out as I realized how alone I really was...every time I thought I had someone it blew up in my face. "Says you!" I screamed. "Have you gotten kidnapped by them and tortured!? Or almost raped and killed! Have you gotten your back sliced open!? NO! So don't go saying there harmless cause there not!" 

Kyle stepped forward making me jump back pointing a finger at him. "Don't you come near me!!" He stopped his eyes softening. "Yuki, I'm sorry I didn't tell you...I was just...." I didn't want to hear it anymore..I was tired of all the lies, the hope everything I was tired of it all! "I'm leaving." And with that I stormed by Kyle and walked out the door slamming it behind me. 


Sorry if this chap was boring or anything, also srry for any MS words. 

So I'm happy to say that this book is almost done. Maybe a couple chaps left. My first story that's had an ending! :D and that's thanks to all my readers, voters and everyone who's left a comment! Thank you! 

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