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I wont ramble again this time, just checking in to make sure to get your snacks, stay hydrated and do not forget to get some good sleep!

And now,


–––The Story–––


You started to awaken from your sleep, slowly opening your eyes. Instead of the burning sunlight from the first time you found yourself here, you saw a calm day of sunshine flow in through a window by a drawer. You could see the beautiful green trees and there was no rain. Just drops of water on the edges of the branches and leafs. It was absolutely beautiful and peaceful here.

You decided to stay on the couch a bit longer, cuddling into the warm blanket that Dream had left for you to sleep with last night.
After a while you raised your hands up high, stretching your arms while sitting yourself up. In the middle of your stretch you heard a recognizable, known voice behind you,
“ You're awake. Good morning. ”

Surprised, you turn to see it was Dream standing at the end of the staircase with crossed arms while leaning on the wall. Dream's pretty blonde hair was tad bit messy while his mask on the top side of his face again and he was also wearing the same hoody as yesterday. You start to wonder if that's the only top he has...

He took one step down, landing on the floor and walking over to the open kitchen while asking,
“ What do you want for breakfast? ”

You were taken back by the fact he had asked you. You honestly didn't know what to have so you let him decide. He nodded and grabbed a bowl, couple of eggs, flour and butter. You, wondering what he was making, decided to place your arms on the couch and laid your head on top as you watched him prepare food.

You zoned out at some point while he was pouring two cups of milk into the mixture in the bowl while whisking it. You took a quick glance around the room. There wasn't much really, a painting or two on the walls, some leafs that seemed to have made itself into the room from the open window. Looking over to the fireplace, the firewood had burned into charcoal as the bright small fire had also worn off overnight.

You covered your mouth with your hand as you yawned and uncovered yourself from the comforting blanket and placed your feet on the carpet which was placed under the couch and coffee table. The candle by the couch on a small stand had also stoped it's burning light. By the fact it hadn't melted as much as it normally might've if it was kept burning overnight meant that the small flame and been put out somewhere after when you had fallen asleep. Hmm, maybe it was Dream?

To focused on looking around, Dream had poured the complete mixture into a pan over the stove, the sound of the blue fire underneath lit up. He had started humming while placing two plates on the benchtop beside the stove. As he poured a spoonful of the mixture on the pan and flipping them over every time one side was cooked enough.

After awhile Dream closed the stovetop and he grabbed the two plates, plopping them down on the coffee table in front of you and the other plate beside, the noise of the plate hitting the wooden table snapping your head to the direction of the table, looking down.
Dream sat down beside you and held a fork for you to grab and eat with.

You took the given fork as Dream then grabbed a jar of honey from the middle of the table that he brought with the plates and poured some of it onto his food. You watched before looking down at your plate. The good smell of pancakes caught your attention as their appearance did too. It was this well cooked, golden coloured pancakes and oh boy did they smell brilliant!

You happily ate your food, it being your first every meal since you've been in the Dream SMP. You had finished it quiet surprisingly fast, but when it's that good who wouldn't just vacuum it all up? You gulped down the last piece of pancake down your throat and looked over at Dream,
“ Thank you. ”

You got up and was about to take your plate untill Dream spoke,
“ Don't worry about the dishes, I'll take them in a second. ”
He said as he finished up from what was on his plate and took both of your dishes, leaving them in the sink. He took his time and turned on the fossil, cleaning the plates and forks.

As you heard the rushing water in the background you went towards the open window, looking outside once more. The trees were huge, you could barely see the sky through the cracks and spaces between leafs and branches. You just had to go out and see the wonders of these woods! It was so beautiful and quiet outside. Honestly, it was the chirping birds that made most of the noise.

Dream turned to see you glancing out the window, he smiled softly before continuing to clean. He knew soon you'd end up asking if you could go outside to wonder, and his predictions were correct,
“ Dream, could I go outside? ”

You kept looking outside while you moved your hand out to catch one of the drops of rain that came from the edge of the roof top. Dream chuckled silently without you hearing it as he permitted your request,
“ Sure, you can look around a bit. But not to far, we don't want you getting lost now. ”

He said before closing the tap and shaking his hands to dry his hands a bit.
You looked back from the window at Dream, smiling as you nodded and made your way out the door. Instantly you took a nice inhale, the smell of rain and fresh air was what hit your nose. You took a few more steps outside, down the small steps of stairs in front of the door and looked around at the woods again. It was hidden but still a beautiful place. You walked a bit more and turned around to view the house. It was definitely still wet from last nights storm.

On the side of the house you saw a small bed, something grew there and you sat down to look at the plants.
It was beautiful! Same as the flowers, they were gorgeous. You touched the small blossom of a tall poppy while smelling one of the small daisy that stood in there with the rest of the flowers. This place was magnificent!

You giggled a small laughter as you admired the forest. After a few seconds you stood right back up, turning your gaze around the forest again. Dream said that you can look around a little bit, so why shouldn't you?
Excited you took steps into the woods, surrounded by the tall, huge trees.
You kept on walking as you enjoyed this mesmerising sight to behold.

At some point you ended up forgetting which direction you came from. Was it from that way? Behind the house? Weird, you'd bet you wouldn't even recognize the place even if it was right there.
Dream probably knew more about this than you did, but you can tell him about it later when you're back from your trip. Now you can finally explore more of this world and you will use this opportunity, no thinking, just walking.
Over sticks and fallen tree trunks, through high grass and rocks and stones.

You felt relieved to do something that makes you feel that way. Happy, without any thoughts, even though you could have quite many worries. But you didn't let them in, now is not the time.  This place, too beautiful atmosphere here, too wonderful.. Too peaceful...

Without noticing you managed to find yourself entering a wide field without trees. A large clearing that stretches so wide you've been able to see so so far. But what's there on the horizon? What is that? A ... tower?

Does that mean over there are people..? Wait, are they good poeple though. Dream had warned you about others and that you shouldn't be facing them, especially the fact he knew you weren't prepared yet to get to know them. And on that note, you were at the end of your trip. How far did you go anyways?

After keeping in mind of what Dream and told you about others and probably the fact you've walked for a long while, you quickly made your way back.
While walking back through the forest, you started to think about it...
Are these people really as weird and bad as Dream told you?
You didn't know either if the other people are trustworthy, and how would you react if they made a bad move? You clearly weren't prepared in both your and Dream's eyes. You weren't really sure but you wanted to take your friends word for it and trust him. He was going to prepare you before meeting them, so you'll just end up finding out then ...

Huh, you clearly lost your mind thinking about this.
Still you walked back to Dream's house, somewhere you know is safe and has someone you know.

You kept walking until you finally made it back to Dream's house, recognising the green hoody that was by the front door leaning against the wooden wall, waiting for you. As soon as he spotted you he made his way towards you.
“ (Y/N), there you are. You ... have been out for a little longer than I thought you would. ”

It seems like you might've worried him.
“ Yeah, I'm sorry Dream ”
You apologised while lowering your head down a bit. Dream noticed and shook his head softly.

“ It's okay. Just watch out next time, alright? ”
You nod, making sure you won't lose track of your location and time next time. Dream smiled again, changing the subject after he thought of something.

“ So, now that is cleared up, you want to learn how to depend yourself? The earlier you learn the better. ”
You had nothing against the idea and you were thinking about it on your way back so you agree. And sitting in the house the whole time would end up getting pretty boring anyways so this would also a good way to pass the time.

Dream walked inside and vanished before coming back out with two wooden swords. He handed you one before walking further into the 'front yard' of the house.
“ Wow ” was the only thing that came out of your mouth as you accepted the wooden sword.

“ C'mon, I'll show you first. ”
Dream motioned his hand for you to come over and you did as told. He swayed his sword around, showing you a little of what he'd expect from you. Then decided to show some simple basic skills and moves as well and assisted you to perform them.
You were a little clumsy, since you never had a sword in your hand before but in the end Dream stayed patient as he corrected you whenever needed.
He also explained the mobs that can appear here and what was the right strategy to dodge their attacks and where to kill them.
Sometimes it was difficult and bit complicated since you had low experience which had you doing some things over and over and over and over again untill you knew and figured out how it worked.

Time flew passed as you two decided to battle to test your strength and what you could do with what you've learned.
Dream had asked if you were ready to fight him but without a warning he attacked, testing your reaction skills.

You blocked it but could instantly tell he was playing easy on you as you noticed the equal strength on both sides. You wanted to see how strong he really was, so you teased him to see what he has really got in him,

“ Oh, come on Dream. Do your worst! ”

Dream raised an eyebrow, wondering if you were really challenging him into that battle, but by your expression on your face he knew you wanted and was waiting for it.
He grinned wide and pulled up his hood. He was in for the 'challenge' even if he didn't go to his worst to avoid injuring you, he still went a little harder on you.

His speed and strength was indeed faster and stronger than it was earlier. Still not his worst, you thought amused. But soon you realized your mistake. Dream was way harder to fight against, as if he was 5 times stronger then he was a few seconds ago!
And soon you fell by getting a sudden blow, landing on the soft grass. He paused and lowered down his wooden sword, holding out his hand for you to get up.

You waited a couple of seconds before accepting the offer, grabbing his hand and being lifted up onto your feet. You let go and dusted yourself before looking back up at Dream with a smile, even if you los, it was still fun.

“ Sorry, I think I may have gotten to much into it with my last move. ”
Dream apologised.

“ It's okay. It was my fault actually, wasn't it? ”
He shrugged at your comment, then reached out for your wooden sword. By the looks of it our training session has ended. You were bit upset but also relived, it was tiring, you thought as you let out a small sigh.

“ Don't worry, you can stop for today. I understand it can be exhausting. ”
Dream tried to reassure you.

“ Yeah, sure. Says the one who is way better than me. ”
You said as you rolled your eyes in amusement.
Dream smiled and once more time, you got caught in his beautiful green eyes. Why are they even in such a pretty green...?

“ Hey, it's good you get to stay here a bit longer, right? ”
Dream said while turning around to put aside the two swords against the wall by the front door.
You hesitate. You still didn't know him for very long.. but he seems pretty trustworthy. And he's got a point. You simply can't fight, even after the training lesson today.
He's pretty good.

Dream noticed your long hesitation and looks at you.
“ ...Right? ”
This time he wasn't just saying it, he was asking. He sounded concerned, was worried you were just going to up and go.
You couldn't complete see the intentions of what he asked but you had already known your answer,

“ You're the only one I have currently, so yeah. I will stay with you. ”
Dream sighed in relief, pulling down his hood. He stretched his arms saying,

“ Good. I like your company. ”
You slightly blushed a bit, but realising quickly you tried to hide it.
Dream turned to you and leaned on the railing on the porch that the house had. You then noticed what Dream had said,

“ You're telling me you don't like the company of others? ”
Dream tilted his head a bit to the side.
“ You're smart. ....That I didn't mean to say but it also depends on who the company is. Many people who lives in this world isn't.. really fond of me, let's say. ”

He said as he looked over to the side. You walked towards him on the other end of the porch,

“ Why wouldn't they like you? I don't understand how they could have something against someone as friendly as you. ”
You said, trying to understand why they'd not be found of Dream as much as you are.

“ Actually, (Y/N)... They are somehow right in a way. I can be manipulative, very aggressive and demanding. The sides you know of .s is a side many people don't get to see the first time they met me, of they don't even know exists. Only some friends do. ”

You froze. Wait, did you hear that right? He can be what?

“ You know, I have a different look at the world as others which is already enough for some to hate me. I think that everyone makes mistakes. They think that the world is black and white. Good people and bad people. But this isn't right and they don't want to understand it. ”

You remained silent as Dream finished talking. This.. actually explains a lot on why he told you to stay away from others at first, get prepared. He wanted to clarify it to you, he wanted to help you.

Out of the blue he then asks you something without even facing you, just staring off to the side,

“ What do you think now about how I am and who I am? ”

“ ... ”

You were quiet for a bit, waiting for your mind to give you something to say to him.

“ ...Y/N? ”

“ You're Dream. You're nice, regardless on what others may think about you. ”
You said as you smile softly, looking at Dream.

Dream calmed down a bit more and smiled, looking back at you.
“ Thank you, you're very kind to me. There aren't many people like you. ”

Your smile widen as you blush again. What is going on with you today? you giggled at yourself, teasingly.
But it was worth it. Dream was a friend, and you helped him. That's all that counts.

A few moments in calm peace and silence, you remained where you were behind the railing of the porch. You slowly started gazing into the forest and suddenly, Dream's face enlightens with an idea as he looks at you

“ Hey, I have and idea! Maybe not in the following days but somewhere in the week I could introduce you to two of my friends, George and Sapnap. ”

George and... Snapnap? ”
Dream chuckled silently at your incorrect with one of the names.

“ Sapnap. They're both are completely fine. And you could get to know more poeple other than just me. ”

You were excited, nervous, worried and confused all in the same time. Excited cause you get to meet new.oeoole, nervous and what they might be like, worried if they are actually good poeple and confused if the name is Snapnap or Sapnap–

But honestly, your shining face was the only thing Dream needed to look to be able to understand you.

Now you both were in such a good mood you for the question again in your mind you had when you walked around in the woods this morning.
“ Dream? ”

“ Yeah? ”

“ This morning I realised something. ”
Dream had noticed the importance of the question for you and zipped his mouth shut to not interrupt, ready to listen to every single word.

I realised that I don't know anymore about from where I came. The last thing I remember is running into you in the rain.. nothing more. ”
You were a bit worried of this but Dream had only smiled. Patting your head  from over the porch he responded,

“ No need to worry about it. We all had this, it's kinda normal..”
Still you didn't know what to say about this but Dream then placed his hand over you shoulder and shook it a bit to let you know that it's already, that everything is okay.

You sighed and turned your head towards the trees. You shouldn't worry about it too much. Dream is here and knows what to do. It was also kind of him to grab your shoulder to assure you that it was okay...


–––End Of Chapter 2–––


Thanks everyone who read the chapter!

Oh boy did I finish this in the might with full determination! And I'm pretty sure I begun this morning...


Oh well,

Have a nice day!

Word Count: +3200

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