Short Story

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*Warning: This story contains violent and slightly gory content. Reader discretion is advised.*

Bruce Davis was a 23 year old man, who worked as a professional soccer player. He was currently several towns away from home, so he decided to visit his family and girlfriend.

He called up his girlfriend and told her his plan to drive the full 12 hours over the weekend on his own. She warned him about some type of demon that attacked lone drivers on long empty roads, but he didn't believe her. She asked him to at least take a friend with him, but he still argued and refused since he was an adult and he could do it on his own.

As soon as the weekend hit, he packed his stuff for the trip and the few days he was going to be staying. He filled up the gas tank, made sure he had everything he needed, and hit the road.

The music was cranked as loud as it could get, and he was singing along as loud as he could. The highway gradually darkened more and more, settling with an eerie note to the landscape around Bruce.

During the first few hours, things were pretty normal. Lights on the side of the road, signs, other cars, a bunch of animals, and other such things flying by the window.

He turned the music down as he started looking around more. He was getting a bit anxious, since there were fewer animals than earlier, and everything else seemed oddly still. As the next hour or so passed, the amount of animals dwindled even more, and everything became oddly quiet and still, besides the radio's music.

The only light came from the car, the rest of the world shrouded in darkness. There was a bit of moonlight, but it was faint, and hidden behind clouds at the moment.

After another half-hour or so passed, Bruce started noticing a set of glowing golden orbs staring at him from his rear-view mirror. The orbs slowly got closer and closer, before they suddenly vanished out of sight. For a bit, he thought he had escaped whatever it was...

The monstrous being suddenly lurched in front of the car, making him brake and turn, causing his car to roll. The glass smashed, and the car went into the ditch upside-down. He got a massive concussion, looking around and freezing when he saw the monster. He screamed, thrashing as he was torn to shreds, body mangled beyond belief.

It took a day or two before police were sent to investigate, finding the incredibly mutilated body. They brought it back, and eventually said that he was attacked by a bear. They had no logical explanation for his death, but they needed a cause of death that wouldn't startle everyone.

It took awhile before they finally had the funeral. His parents were sobbing over the closed casket, since there wasn't much left of his face. It was kept close to avoid them seeing what the monster had done to their dear son. His girlfriend wiped her tears as she went up and whispered quietly over the casket when no one else was near.

"I warned you not to go alone. I told you something would happen."

Her eyes turned into their glowing golden orbs, and a sickening grin stretched across her face. After a moment, her face quickly went normal to avoid being noticed. She hugged Bruce's parents, letting a few tears fall before heading out.

She dyed her hair, and changed things about herself, preparing herself for her next victim.

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