A Day For The Girls

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*cricket sounds*

Oh haha...BUT STILL HAHAHAHAHA OH GAWD I HATE ANESTHESIA DX I got anesthesia because well I had a problem with my head and they had to Umm nevermind my head hurts just from thinking about it.


Enjoy this chapter~

Serena's POV

It's been a while month since the Calem and Ash thing and well pretty much me and Ash didn't brought it up. I'm pretty sure he forgot it already and I'm here worrying that he didn't.

We were just talking about what would we be doing today and I suggested going to the mall so the girls could go shopping and the boys could go somewhere boys would usually go to. The others instantly agreed on my suggestion and pretty much we just left the mansion not bothering saying goodbye to Steve and the others.

Also because of that note I have to bring a gun with me all the time, so little do Ash and the others know that I have a gun on my pocket right now. I could see Misty look at me with a weird look as always, I wonder why she keeps on looking at me like that?

I decided to shrugged it off and walked beside Ash. "Hey Ash" he turned his gaze at me "Yes Sere?" He asked "Where do you guys usually go anyway?" He chuckled "Trust me you don't wanna know" I huffed and gave him my best pouty face "C'mon tell me!" He teasingly shooked his head "Not without a kiss on the cheek" He smirked "Nevermind" I said teasingly "Your no fun" He pouted "Neither are you" I smirked "Oi! Lovebirds less flirting more walking!" Gary smirked, killer joy..:(

We both groaned and shot cold glares at him causing the boy to shrug. I chuckled and continued on walking leaving Ash behind. Hey if he not want to tell me where they go they I ain't giving him any sugar honey ice tea.

Dawn went beside me and smirked "What were you two talking about eh? You were smirking and whispering something, was it something "private?" " She evily grinned, what a green minded girl. "I have no idea what you're talking about and what we're talking wasn't really private it was just some couples talking about where do they go" Her grin instantly turned into a frown "And I thought you guys were talking about marriage" I blushed "W-Were are too young for that!" I stammered "Suuure" She smirks, I groaned and she giggled "Well atleast that conversation was long enough. Here we are!" She exclaimed, I turned my head infront and saw the mall just infront of us. It's been awhile since I've been in a mall or should I say it's been a whole month since I've been inside?

I looked at my left and saw Misty and the others talking to each other about what shops would they visit first while the boys were already inside. I sighed and waited for the girls to finish discussing. Eventually after 7 solid minutes they stopped and looked at me "Shall we?" They all nodded and we entered the mall, I seriously doubt that this is a safe mall, because seriously it's either the security here are lazy or they're just really bad at looking at your stuff. I mean I obviously have a gun in my pocket and they haven't noticed it yet.

I shooked it off and watched Dawn and the others look around with sparkles in the eyes, I guess this is what they call shopping fever. May grabbed my arm and dragged me in one of the stores and forcefully pushed me in one of the changing rooms.

They all have me a set of clothes to try on and I was yelling in my head, begging for this torture to end. After every clothes that I have tried they will give me a new set and it's not like I don't like clothes I do, but I don't like being inside a room filled with clothes for a whole straight hour.

After a few more clothes I was finally done and I managed to find some clothes that I am willing to buy, 'Cause some of the clothes they gave was.....revealing.

I got out of the fitting room and saw Misty and Dawn having some quarrel about fashion, I seriously don't know how I managed to deal with their stupid arguments for a month.

"AM not"


and a few more insults and they made up, hugged, cried, and hugged again. I seriously don't understand those two in the same time I do.

I bought the clothes I wanted and we all left the shop feeling a bit satisfied, well for them while I was cursing under my breathe.

I looked at my left and saw an arcade I quickly waved my arms around to get their attention and I succeeded "What is it Serena?" Iris asked, I pointed at the arcade and kept on hoping like a kid wanting some ice cream. Misty sighed and nodded "Why don't we go in the arcade? It won't hurt right?" They all nodded, I cheered and ran towards the arcade.

"Serena wait up!" Dawn said, I slowed down a bit and before I knew it we were inside "You know....you're faster than we thought you were" May panted, I nervously laughed and looked around. Then I saw it that one game that I always dreamed on beating, the crane game.

I walked towards it and inserted a coin and began playing it. I kept on losing and losing until I ran out of coins and begged the others to give me their change. "Geez, Serena what's with you on beating a game like this?" Iris asked "Yeah it isn't really that good, I think this is one of the scams" May uttered "No,it's not. If you win this game you will get a special prize and I am gonna be the first ever human/gangster that will beat this game!" I exclaimed "Talk about dramatic..." Dawn mumbled, I inserted another coin, but this time the girls were watching.

I carefully picked a card and then it showed me the result.

Congratulations idiot for wasting your money to just get this prize! Wooh, you suck! Here's your prize dimwit!

The machine then dropped a stuffed toy. It was a red and orange fox, I decided to call it Fenekin. I looked back and saw the others look at the machine like they were mesmerized "Serena step aside I want to try it" I sweatdropped "Umm are you guys ok?" No response, I'm pretty sure they want a prize.

They pushed me aside and quickly inserted coins in and began to play pretty much the entire day we were inside the arcade playing the game and well they lost. I had to call the guys to help me get the girls put of the arcade, because they were causing a ruckus.

This day was just something I guess, but atleast it was something and not some boring day that makes me always wonder why do I even exist?

We were all heading home and well the girls were still grumpy about not getting their prize and well they were more grumpy from the fact they got banned from the arcade. I was walking beside Ash hand intertwined and an idea popped in my head.

I tugged his shirt and he looked at me "So where were you all day?" I asked "No without a kiss Sere" He teased "I could give you more than that tonight if you tell me where do you guys go" I smirked, he instantly went red causing me to burst out laughing. "Idiot hahaha!" Ash was still red as a tomato while the others were laughing as well. "I'll tell you if you give me that deal?" He whispered "Deal" I smirked.

We both laughed and begun to run towards the mansion followed by the others. "Hey Ash" I called out "Yes?" He asked "Together" "Forever"

I smiled and continued on running ahead clearly excited for his sweet sugar honey lemon ice tea.

And done! How was this chapter? Vote if you liked it, comment for more chapters or you just want to say something completely random XD, and simply follow me for more Amourshipping stories I mean c'mon all of my stories are Amourshipping. Anyway see you in the next chapter Peace Out!

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