A Full Week Of Nothing? Part 2

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Hahaha! I did it again! Two chapters in one day! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter ^_^

Serena's POV

Once I left the room I let a tear drop, who knew Ash felt the same way about his parents. I walked towards the lobby and sat on one of the coaches, I grabbed my journal on my side pockets of my red cardigan and took out a pen.

February 14

I just noticed that today is valentine's day too bad I don't have a valentine...wait, why should I feel bad about it? I don't intend on falling in love ever again, it's just a waist of time. Also it will just distract me from achieving my goal, but the feeling I also feel when around Ash is simply I cannot ignore.

Am I falling in love? No, if I do then I don't think I could ever confess to him, because he just thinks of me as a friend, right?

Ugh, love is confusing and so is my pathetic life.

I closed my journal and put it back on my pocket then waited for Ash to come down. I waited for an hour and finally he came, jeez and I thought I was OCD.

"Well what do you want to talk about?" He asked "I need a favor, I know ut's too much to ask, but..." he raised an eyebrow "But?" I took a deep breathe "C-Can you c-come with m-me?" I stammered, why the hell did I stammered?! "Sure, and it's no big deal" He smiled, I blushed it's a good thing he didn't noticed.

I told Zaldy about me and Ash going somehwere and they understood well some of them while the others were smirking, what is their problem?

Once we got far enough from the hotel and we were walking along the sidelines of the city, Ash held my hand "W-W-W-W-What a-a-a-are you d-d-doing?!" I stammered "Well where are we going Sere? Anywhere romantic?" I blushed furiously and took back my hand "This isn't a date for your information!" I pointed out still blushing that he thought that this was a date "Well, where are we going?" He asked "I wanted to visit a certain place I haven't been to for a long time, and I wanted to see it with you" I looked up to him and saw a tint of red on his cheeks, does he like me? I mean he did thought that I asked him on a date...what is freaking wrong with me?! First I felt something weird around him and now I can't stop thinking if he likes me or not! Just what is this?!

"Well wherever that place is, I will treasure it, because you wanted to go there with me and only me" I'm pretty sure I'm red as a tomato right now, and I've never been that red before. "Your cruel...." I slyly smiled "Speak for yourself" he retorted, we both laughed and continued on.

After walking 2 miles I saw an alleyway filled with vines and old trees, I grabbed his hand a led him inside the alleyway, BUT I want to play a little game with him just to mess with him.

Once we were deep enough in the alleyway, I pinned him in the wall and leaned closer just an inch away for our lips to touch, Ash was blushing furiously as I smirked "So wanna know why I wanted you to come with me?" I said in a husky voice and flirty tone (oh gawd what did I typed that?! XD) , he nervously shooked his head "W-Why?!" I smirked now it was his time to stutter, I leaned closer to his ear and nibble his ear slightly causing him to shrug "You wanna know why?" I asked still with a husky tone "Y-Yes" I chuckled "Well you see" I pulled back and looked into his eyes "I lo..." I could see a smile growing in his face "You love me?" He was smiling brightly, I giggled " I love sightseeing that's why!" I innocently pulled back and move a step back, he was dumbstrucked at just what happened "W-Wait what?" I laughed at his face "You should have seen your face haha" I laughed, he lightly punched my shoulder as I continued laughing "Never do that again" He said while trying to brush off his blush.

I stopped laughing and softly sighed "C'mon, that place is just ahead of this alleyway" I grabbed his hand once again and covered his eyes "Your not trying to pull another prank are you?" He asked nervously "No, Ashy. Just let me lead you to where it is" He slowly nodded and I led him to an opening where the only you can see is a lake and butterflies. I slowly uncovered his eyes and he gasped from the scenery infront of him "It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked "Not as beautiful as you Sere...." I blushed, he shook his head and started panicking "W-Wait I meant wa-s that this scenery reminds me of y-y-you and oh gawd what did I even say that?! I'm so so-" I cut him off with a quick kiss on his cheek, I pulled back and I was as red as a tomato "I guess that's a thank you, for everything..." I murmured shyly "Serena..." he uttered not saying a single thing "What you said awhile ago when you told me that you have certain feelings for me, well I also developed one from you, but it's just confusing the heck out of me. That's why wanted to visit this place to let me think and just cool off my head I guess.." I confessed, he leaned closer and whispers "That's what you call love Sere, even though we kinda just met, but I feel like I've known you for years. I love you" I stepped back a little and stared at him with confusion "W-What?" I stammered "I love you Serena! Ever since I laid eyes on you I have been mesmerized by your beauty!" He exclaimed, I don't know what to do. Should I accept it? Or should I just reject it?

"Sere listen to your heart not your mind, your heart is the only key to your future and I learnt that from you" He said, he was right I need to follow what my heart tells me to...here goes nothing.




Cliffhanger! Hahahaha, don't worry I'll update this tomorrow ^_^ did you liked it? Vote if u liked it, comment for more, and simply follow me for more Amourshipping stories. Anyway see you in the next chapter, Peace Out!

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