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Hey guys! I'm glad your loving this book ^w^ anyway enjoy~

Serena's POV

Well here I am rocking back and forth on the hospital wall, I'm desperate ok?! Desperate to get out of this hospital room and just go back home and talk with my Ash...wait his not mine...I wish he was, but...AAAAH THERE I GO AGAIN!

For the past 2 days I've been here the only thing I could think of is Ash. The way he changed my life, the way he made me laugh, smile, and feel this weird. What am I feeling? Is this love? No it couldn't be and if it is then I can't...I don't want to fall in love again.

The doctors said after a couple more hours I can finally get out of this freaking chamber of despair and boredom, yes I was that bored. For the past two days, because of thinking about Ash that much I may have accidentally broke their machine and that's why I'm on the floor rocking back and forth trying to spend some time doing absolutely nothing, I don't want more things to be destroyed. I wonder what they're doing right now?

Ash's POV

"Gary don't touch that!" But it was too late as the washing machine blew up "Dawn don't! That dangero-" Too late Dawn fell on the stairs "Iris don't swing on the chandelier!" Again too late as the chandelier fell along with Iris, they act so like kids. Serena please forgive me...

Serena's POV

I'm sure they're doing fine, Ash is there so their fine. I just hope nothing breaks when I was gone.

Ash's POV

"You guys broke everything....Serena will kill me" I silently sat down on a corner rocking back and forth and mumbling things like "Dear God help me.." Serena will surely kill me for destroying her house, literally. There are holes on the wall, her console blew up, the washing machine blew up, the kitchen is on fire, the bathroom is flooded, the living room is a total wreck, her bedroom is no more, our room exploded, the entire house is no more, pretty much we destroyed her house. I'm so dead.

Serena's POV

I'm sure everything is perfectly arranged and clean, I may not know them, but I know they won't destroy anything when I was gone..right?

I waited for a good 30 minutes and the doctors said I can go now, I jumped in joy and immediately ran out off the hospital.

Just then as I was gonna step forward I heard a gun trigger which means someone is trying to shoot at me, and I AM NOT GONNA STAY IN THE FUCKIN' HOSPITAL ROOM WITH NOTHING IN THEIR TO DO  FOR ANOTHER 2 DAYS!!!

I looked at my left and saw Miette with a smirk on her face "How cute, you look more of a human being when your hair is short like that" she pulled the trigger and the bullet was about to pierce my chest, but I dodged it in time.

She flinched for a second, but pulled the trigger several times, but I luckily dodged them all. Seriously I had to face my enemy at a time I didn't bring a gun with me! Just kill me now!

"Hey I'm vulnerable here and you still can't kill me, what a pity" I smirked "Why you!!!!" She reminds me alot of carrot head, but uglier.

She carelessly fired her gun until she ran out of ammo, I was tired and was panting like crazy. I mean c'mon I just go out of the hospital, and I don't wanna go back!

"Are you *pants* done yet?" I asked feeling my legs wobble as I fell on the floor obviously tired from dodging like 100 gun bullets. "Your lucky that I went easy on you" a vein popped on my head, I stood up and stomped up to Miette "Listen you psychopathic little prick! I just got put of this freaking hospital, because of your stupid boyfriend who shot me. I just WANT to go back home and sleep on my comfy bed and just GET ON WITH MY LIFE!!!" I snapped, Miette sweatdropped and she stepped back a little "Since when did you want to rest? Back then to let me know not to mess with you is by shooting a bullet in my chest" I groaned "Can WE FIGHT LATER?!" My eye twitched, man I need a  vacation away from her.

Miette scoffed and left, I passionately HATE her! And hate is a strong word just so you know....great now I'm talking to myself.

I groaned and walked towards my house, because surprisingly I don't have a care....because Steve doesn't trust me with a car, he thinks that I would run someone I hate over.

It's gonna be a LONG walk towards home, and believe it or not, but I hate walking. I wonder what they're doing right now?

Ash's POV

Forget what I said I think Serena will kill me, she WILL kill me! There isn't a house anymore, Gary and the other burnt it down to bedrock and Steve and the others are panicking. They say that Serena is a total nightmare when she is in wrath mode, and I don't want that to happen. I need a miracle..

Serena's POV

I'm pretty sure they're having fun inside the house, probably goofing around and stuff. I expect my bed would be comfy when I get there.

I walked along the path towards my house, I feel I've been walking for years now, but I know I'm just want to see Ash and my perverted mind...what have you done to me Ash?

I looked at my left and right, I never noticed that the path leading to my house is a country like path. There are no buildings along the way just flowers and beautiful trees.

I never exactly think that beauty is what makes people get intrigued by something, I think that inner beauty and nature is the true beauty within that gets you intrigued.

I remembered being happy alongside with my previous friends, I then remembered Miette my first ever friend until she betrayed me.

We were best friends until I found out she was dating Calem and things never be in good terms with her ever since.

I smiled at the thought of friends, especially the ones I currently just met. They changed me to something I wanted to become for years and without them, I would pretty much still be my parents puppet.

I was almost there, I could see my house just a mile away. I run towards it and what I saw was...well nothing what I saw was nothing...MY HOUSE WAS NOTHING!!!

"Hey S-Serena" They all sweatdropped while hugging each other, my eye twitched, my body stiffened, a vein popped, I grit my teeth, and I felt my inner monster wake up.


"We're doom" They all sobbed as I stomped my way to them with a wide smile on my face "Punishment time hehehe..."

What has Serena become 😨😨😨😨 How was it? Vote if u liked it, comment for more, and simply follow me for more Amourshipping stories. Anyway see you in the next chapter, Peace Out!

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