Guns and Roses part 1

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A/N: I wanted to tackle Serena's past and why she became so distant with everyone. Also this story will explain why Serena is so hostile with a certain character, and why she has trust issues. Basically I just want to dwell on her past for angst. Keep in mind I haven't really written anything for this story, so if I make some errors point it out :)

Hope you enjoy~

She remembered falling from a staircase and landing head first on the floor.

She remembered seeing red paint spreading on the white carpet.

Where was she? She couldn't remember. Everything is getting dark. She's scared now, she doesn't want this darkness to eat her. She wants to move but she's unable to.

What now? Is this the end for her? No...that can't be. After everything she's been through, Serena Yvonne will die from falling off a flight of stairs?

Ah, that reminded her of that time when she fell on this same set of stairs many years ago. It was around that time where she started distancing herself from the world around her.

It's funny, she tells to herself. That she would fall off from the same set of stairs. But somethings different from before.

"Serena!!", she looks up to see her beloved worried. She smirks to herself, the person in front of her now couldn't possibly be like the person from way back then...

No Ash's isn't like her...

He isn'

Then everything went black.


"Hey are you okay??", a voice calls out.

'Who are you?', Serena asks to the voice.

"Can you hear me?".

'Yeah I can'.

"Try opening your eyes!"

'I'll try...', as told the blonde haired tried to open them. Once she did, her blue eyes met cerulean eyes. Serena jumped back a little making the girl in front of her laugh.

"BWAHAHAHAHHA! That was a funny reaction!! Oh well, at least I know you're alright! Jeez, falling down from those stairs must have hurt!" a strange girl said while wiping a tear from her eye.

"Well it's not my fault those stairs are unstable! Mama and papa told me that they'll ask someone to fix it soon, but they never do!" Serena pouted. She looks at the strange girl from head to tow, she seemed to be from a prestige family. Wearing a blue silky dress, sandals, and a carrot ornament on her orange hair. She looked like a princess from those movies she used to watch.

"Come to think of it, why are you here? I don't remember anyone telling me we have guest?", The honey blonde asked. The strange girl beamed a toothy grin, "You could say we're uninvited guest, mother and father said they have business with your parents, and I decided to come along. Which was totally the right decision or I could have missed this encounter hahaha~".

Serena pouts, "If you think I'm clumsy I'm not! I'm 10 years old!" She proudly stated as if that was proof that she wasn't clumsy. The girl smiled "I'm 10 too! Hey we should be friends!", she exclaimed while holding her hand out for which Serena grabbed and was hoisted up.

"Friends?" Serena asked.

"Yep! Friends!" The girl exclaimed.

The honey blonde girl looks down at her feet, "I-I don't know how to make them...friends I mean", she mumbled. The orange haired gasps, "How can you NOT know how to make friends?! It's REAALLYY easy!" she then looked at Serena eye to eye and smiled once more.

"Just say their name!".

Serena tilts her head, "Name...? But I don't know your name.."

"I don't know yours either! So the first step in becoming friends is by knowing each others names right? So tell me your name and I'll tell you mine!", the strange girl said.

The honey blonde fidgeted, she takes a deep breath and said "Serena...Serena Yvonne...Gabenna. N-Nice to meet you um..", she looks back up at the orange haired girl who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Hi Serena! The name's Misty!"


'Ah I remember now..' Serena thought as she opened her eyes. She sat up from the bed and looked around.

Odd, she was so sure she was in the livingroom and not in her bedroom. Then the memory of her falling from the stairs hit her, and she chuckled.

"I really need someone to fix those set of stairs", she told herself and stood from her bed. She stretched her arms up to ease her tense muscles and left the room. While walking through the hallway, she couldn't help but reminisce on those days with Misty.

'Where did it all go wrong?' She wonders.

They were the best of friends, Misty protected her and Serena played with her. When Serena felt neglected by her family, Misty was there to save the day and make her happy.

So...when did it all change?

She stopped on her tracks, she looked around her surroundings and saw the familiar family portrait on the wall of the hallway. It consisted of Serena, her mom, dad, and sister. She stepped closer to the portrait to take a closer look, and then it hit her.

The day they had that portrait was the day everything changed.


"But papa I wanna play with Misty! Can't we just do this some other day?!", Serena pleaded which made her father sigh in frustration.

"I'm sick and tired of your demands! You weren't like this before you met that girl! You used to be obedient and quiet, I don't like this new side of you!" Her father said.

The young blonde gritted her teeth and started to shake in anger. Quiet and obedient? She was only like that because the man in front of her would swear at her, would trash around, and hurt her verbally if she said anything back. She was a trapped bird, and if she were to do anything that displeases her father...tears would be shed.

Her mother couldn't do anything, she just watched her youngest daughter get punished. The man never raised a hand on Serena, but his words alone caused so much damage in the young girl's heart it made her mother feel guilty.

The man had the power to control them, and Serena found that out the hard way.

"Papa please I just wanna play with my friend before they leave for vacation! Those family portraits can wait!" She pleaded once more.

"You rather spend time with your friend than your family?!" Her father exclaimed.

Serena was trembling, trembling in anger, now he uses the family card when he never had time for her in the first place. Having enough of his pride, Serena at age 10 stood up for herself from one of the most powerful man in the world.

"I'd rather spend my time with someone that ACTUALLY cares! You don't even bat an eye when someone says something bad about us! About me! You don't care about your family! You're only doing this, because the people who are there in the photoshoot are important people that you want to have connections with! You-"


She stumbled back and touched the cheek where he slapped her. Her father actually slapped her, she looked up and saw fury in his eyes. She shuddered, but didn't back down. She glared back at the man.

"You...will face the consequences of your actions Serena. I am your father, and YOU will follow everything I say!" He pulled out his phone and contacted someone.

Serena looked back at her mother who had terror in her eyes. She wondered why, but then she heard him say "Go with plan B, my daughter grew attached to their daughter. They are no longer useful to me", and something snapped inside of Serena.

'No...' she thought and ran out of their mansion.

"Serena!!" Her mother called out to her, but the young blonde ignored her and continued running.

Plan B. She knew what that meant, she of all people should know what that meant. She has seen it countless times. When her father has no longer need a company's assistance, he discards killing them.

"We can't let anyone know about our secret now do we?" She recalled him say as she continued on running.

She started to grow tired, but she was determined and kept on running. She pushed her 10 year old body to its limit and she collapsed.

"Move..." she muttered to herself. Images of Misty and her parents smiling at her flashes in her mind.

She wanted that, the family Misty had. It was warm and they were always supportive with one another. They even treated her like she was their own. She wanted them to be her real family.

"Move..." She looked forward with a determined gleam.

She remembered the first time she visited them. They were so welcoming it felt foreign to her. She never had this warm welcome every time she went home, so why did it feel so pleasant? She saw their warm smiles directed at her and she felt a tear shed from her eye. That day she remembered Misty telling her, "Why don't you come live with us instead? You feel suffocated with your family right? We can be your real family!". Serena chuckled, Misty's parents lightly scolded their child telling her that they just couldn't take Serena away from her family. Though they also mused that if they could, they would have done it sooner which causes the young blonde to laugh.

If only...


And because of her, Misty's family would...


Because of Serena, Misty and her family would get killed.

"MOVE!!" the young blonde screamed at the top of her lungs as she forced herself to stand up. She trembled as she got up, but her determination made sure she wouldn't fall again.

Memories with Misty and her parents kept on flashing in her mind which fuelled her resolve. She was close to her destination, so she used every last ounce of her energy and made her way to the front step of Misty's house. She frantically banged on their door, begging and shouting for someone to answer it. She waited for someone to open the door, praying to every single deity that she made it on time.

And her prayer was granted, at the opposite side of Serena was Misty and all the tension and worry was gone. Serena started to cry in relief and immediately hugged her friend.

"Woah! What happened? He-Hey you're making my clothes wet cut it out!" Misty said in annoyance, yet she was hugging her friend to comfort her.

"I'm so glad I made it in time!" Serena sobbed and gripped onto Misty's dress tighter.

"What do you mean? We aren't leaving until this evening, you're actually really early" Misty mused which made the honey blonde giggle.

"I didn't mean your departure, I meant something else" Serena said. Misty raised an eyebrow, "Then what is it?". The young blonde's expression turned serious "Papa is out to get you and your parents. You can't leave this place or they'll kill you!".

Misty stared at Serena in disbelief "W-What? But we haven't done anything that could provoke your dad!" she exclaimed.

Serena looked down in guilt, "I was the one who provoked him. I wanted to spend time with you all and said some really nasty things to him. It's my fault he's out to get you, I'm so sorry Misty!" Serena sobbed. Misty couldn't believe her ears, but that didn't matter right now. She grabbed both of Serena's shoulders and shook her gently, the blonde looked up and saw Misty flashing her a toothy grin "Don't worry! We'll get through this together!".

Serena wiped her tears and nodded in determination, "Yeah!" the two then went in and told Misty's parents about the situation.

If only she knew that by going in that house would be the cost of everything she once hold dear...

End of part 1.

When will be part 2? Probably soon, cuz lockdown is giving me the opportunity to write again :p

Stay safe and remember to keep your things tidy. Wash your hands and do social distancing when out in public. Despite what's happening right now, I hope you're having a nice day~

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