Home Sweet Home?

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Heyyo! I hope you enjoy this chapter ^_^

Ash's POV

After that birthday surprise, Serena and I went back to the hotel. Before we did we promised Kate and Kenny that we will be their babysitters for now on.

Surprisingly Serena liked babysitting Kate despite how she acted during babysitting her.

*the next day*

I woke up from the sound of an alarm clock, didn't she break it yesterday? I slowly opened my eyes and saw Serena looking out of the window looking serious as hell. I got out off of my bed and walked up to her, she turned her gaze at me and her expression didn't change.

"You ok?" I asked, she shooked her head "No, I'm not...at all" she let a tear run down her cheek, I quickly removed it and placed a hand on her shoulder "I feel like I'm just using you guys for granted..." she turned her gaze at her left avoiding meeting eyes with me. "Ash, I know you'll say that's not true but...." I raised an eyebrow "But?" She took a deep breathe "You won't understand.." She removed my hand from her shoulder and walked away from me "Sere-" she cut me off "Don't bother speaking with me for awhile Ash, I need some time to think.....sorry" Then she left the room leaving me dumbfounded.

"Serena..." I murmured

Serena's POV

I went outside the hotel and looked up the sky. I saw the cloud once again making me feel guilty even more. The fact that I forced them to stay at my supervision after the mission without any reasonable explaination for their parents and the things they did for me, I'm such a fool.

Tears kept running down my face even how hard I try to stop or how many times I rubbed my tears away more tears kept on running down and I can't do anything about it. "I'm such an idiot....a pathetic idiot" I sobbed.

?????'s POV

There I was walking deeper in the halls of the Xerneas clan, I looked at my sides and saw Calem's picture with Serena. I gritted my teeth and felt anger rising up, why? Why would you pick Serena Ash?! Why?!

"So you came" I turned around and saw the one I've been looking for "Yeah, I want to take what's rightfully mine" the person smirked "Very well then..."

Serena's POV

I sat on a nearby bench near the hotel and stared at the people passing by me. I didn't care if they were looking at me weirdly or some boys look at me with a smug smirk on their faces, I just wanted to be alone right now. Then my phone rang, I groaned and answer it immediately "Miss" Steve spoke "Yes?" I asked "Can you go to the mansion? It's finally done being repaired and we want you to be the first person to visit it" Steve said "Sure, atleast I can be alone inside my own mansion for awhile" I mumbled the last part "What did you say miss? I didn't hear you" I shooked my head "It's nothing, I'll be at the mansion now talk to you later" I said and ended the call.

I sighed and stood up from the bench and begun walking towards the mansion. It wasn't really that far, so it won't be too long for me to get there like the last time. After two hours of walking I finally made it, I panted and collapsed on the ground when I was just infront of the mansion. I take back what I said, I need a car. I once again took a deep breathe and extended my hand to open the door, but before it reached the doorknob someone shot me luckily it was my right arm.

I gripped on my right arm trying to stop the bleeding then another one was fired, but luckily I dodged it just in time. I turned around and saw Miette and Calem "What are you doing here alone? Didn't people say never go out alone, especially if the gangster clans are outside" She smirked and held Calem's hand. I shot a glare at the two and quickly took out my gun and shot Miette's left leg causing the girl to scream out in pain, Calem stayed silent and aimed a gun at me and pulled the trigger, I dodged it but fell down on the ground. I gritted my teeth and the bleeding has gotten worst.

Miette was trying to pull out the bullet out of her skin while Calem shot a cold death glare at me, I returned the glare and forced myself up. I fired my gun at Calem, but he immediately dodged it. He knelt beside Miette and whispered something to her causing the girl to smirk, he helped her stand up and Miette evily grins at me. "Better watch your back Yvonne. You don't know who your true enemies are" she warned and the two walked away.

I sighed and collapsed on the floor and held my right arm. I took out the bullet, but it was too deep that it may get infected if I pull it out right now without any med kit. I stood up and opened the door revealing the living room to be clean and the way it used to be. I looked around the mansion for awhile and I gotta say it looks like I just bought this mansion juts by how clean and new the inside is.

I went up stairs and saw my room, I entered it and saw the mansion's locket above my drawer. I took the locket and a tiny note fell of it, I grabbed the note and there was something written on it.

Dear Yvonne

Ash is mine you got that? If you don't break up with him, I swear to God that I will kill everyone that you care for until your the last one that's alive.

Your worst nightmare

I dropped the note and I felt my whole body trembled.

"Not again.....not again.....no..."

And that's done! Sorry for the lack of updates, because I was too busy from school work and stuff like that. Anyway how was it?vote if u liked it, comment for more, and simply follow me for more Amourshipping stories. Anyway see you in the next chapter, Peace Out!

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