Nothing Can Kill Me

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Oh maw gawd!!! It's finally the end 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. All I can say is...this isn't over yet! Wanna know why? Read this chapter first then at the end I have an announcement.

Anyway enjoy this last chapter?

Ash's POV

It's been an entire week since Serena and the others have died, we were all there to see it right before our eyes as proof that they have gone to a place unknown. Yesterday we all attended their funeral. Every single person that have died, Eric, Grace, Dove, Misty, Dawn, Miette, and Serena.

We all cried that day, especially me to see my own love gone for good. Everything in my life has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but it doesn't bother me anymore. After all the fact that I was living in a house with a gangster made me learn so many things about strength and power. Throughout this week I started gathering my life back into the way it used to be. My family and I made up, Steve and the others decided to lead the clan just for Serena, and the others were having fun with their families again.

I for one was still heartbroken, Serena without even a word or a goodbye left this world. Was it for the best?

I was walking along the sidewalk with Kate and Kenny holding both of my hands. The two looked at me with concern, but I know Kate is more hurt from the fact her idol is no more. I knelt down between the two and patted their heads.

"Don't worry, Serena is in a better place now. She deserves it for saving us " I said calmly "What about the gems?" Kate asked "We all decided to hide them and never take it out to where it is hidden" I explained "What about you? Are you sure your fine?" Kenny asked "Honestly, I don't know myself. Serena gave me so many things that I couldn't repay, and now that she's gone I don't know what to do in my life" I sighed "Maybe Serena isn't dead yet" Kate pointed out "Kate, Serena couldn't have survived that explosion. It's likely impossible to survive such an explosion actually, I don't think she is still alive, and well I accept that. I just have to be strong just for her" I said with tears falling down my face.

Kate hugged me while Kenny cried, I returned the hug causing the little girl to cry. "It's not fair! Why did she have to die?! She promised me that she would teach me how to play the violin!" Kate sobbed, I rubbed her back trying to comfort the little girl.

"Kate, Serena is strong and we all know that she won't go down without a fight, but no one can escape faith and her time was up. Nothing can change that, but God himself could. If he too change her time then that's a miracle, but I don't think Serena survived and I know that you don't too. I'm not saying that I don't care about her anymore, I telling you this because I do care. I want her to be in your hearts, because as long as we remember her then she is still alive in our hearts" I said, Kate rubbed her eyes and smiled at me "You act so much like her, but she's way cooler though" I chuckled "Yeah, she's the coolest person you will ever meet in your life actually" I pointed out. The two of us started laughing, but was interrupted by Kenny's crying. We both chuckled and calmed Kenny down, Kenny looked at the two of us and a smile formed on his face.

"Hey, I think we should go to that place where the two of you confessed!" Kate suggested "How do you know that?" I asked "Remember I'm her fan, I need to know everything about her!" She pointed out causing me to sweatdrop. We walked towards the place where me and Serena confessed, and when we arrived we saw that the place was still beautiful and unharmed.

The fact the behind this alleyway is sight to be seen is incredible! Kenny and Kate begun chasing each other while I looked at the scenery infront of me.

"It's beautiful, but not as beautiful as you Serena...." I murmured "Are you sure about that? I think you need glasses Ashy" my eyes widened as I heard giggles behind me, I quickly turned around and saw Serena smiling at me.

"Serena?! How are you alive?!" I gasped "Nothing can kill me remember? And besides I won't go down just like that, I still have a mission to do" she pointed out "And what's that?" I asked "My mission is to be your one and only" she said sincerely as she leaned in closer.

I closed my eyes and leaned closer to her as well. Once our lips touched I could feel my world just got 10 times better once again, I could hear Kenny and Kate giggling, but I don't care. Serena was right infront of me and also kissing me, I know that this moment would never be forgotten.

We pulled apart, and I could see Serena blushing. "I love you Ashy" She smiled sincerely.

Nothing can separate us, because we were destined to be with each other, I looked up at the sky and saw the cloud that spelled our names. I smiled at the sky and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Serena your the most important thing to me I love you and will always do."

She giggled as she wrapped her arms around my neck "You do realize two kids are watching us right?" I chuckled "I don't care, as lone as I have you everything is alright, because I love you my dear" I whispered, Serena leaned closer to my face and stared at my eyes "It seems we have found our happy ending Ashy, I love you too my dear" She closed her eyes and peck my lips.

Nothing can drag her down, and I know that. She is the definition of strength and durability, but there is a warning if you ever cross paths with her and that is.

Don't ever fall in love with her...

Because she's mine and mine alone.

It's over!!! I would like to thank you guys for the support, and the votes. This story filled me with such a passion that I got so obsessed that I managed to update 2 or 3 chapters from time to time. Thank you for making this book one of my most favourite book to write and I have an announcement.

I will be publishing a new story. It's called "Let Our Music Be Heard (Amourshipping)"

A love story about Serena Yvonne the girl that is a so called mystery.

Rumors says that she is the famous musician that has disappeared 6 years ago.

What would she do if a certain raven haired boy entered her life?

I hope you guys like this new story ^_^

Anyway vote if you liked the ending, comment if your hype for the new story, and follow me for more Amourshipping stories ^_^ Well, thank you once again and peace out!

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