The Monster Inside Her

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Enjoy this chapter ^_^

Dove's POV

It seems the plan is going just like I have predicted. Now that the pest is gone, I can have my trophy once and for all!

"What are you waiting for? Get that boy!" Dawn and Misty nodded and walked towards Ash, Ash stepped back a little while the others were shielding him. "It's useless Ash, Dove deserves you more than Serena ever have" I could see hatred in his eyes. How cute, he actually does care for that pathetic girl, I can't believe he hasn't been killed yet by her.

"She is ten times better than anyone of you! She didn't deserve this! She didn't..." He then collapsed on his feet while his friends tried to fight Misty and Dawn off.

I looked at the honey blonde girl's body and smirked widely, she deserves to die after what she has done to my life.

I then giggled and walked up to the raven haired boy, but was punched by his friend. "Stay away from him you psycho!" He hissed, I just simply giggled and returned the punch, he collapsed on his knees and the others blocked my way, but being the impatient me, I shot them all.

Ash just layed there on the sand looking at his friends and the girl. I merely smirk at his expression as I knelt down beside him. He just stared at my face full of hate and fear, I leaned closer and closer until my lips met his. He didn't move, he stayed there wide eyed and tears rolling down his face. I pulled back and saw his face full of tears and anger towards me, but I don't care. After all, he's mine now.

"Calem stand up and take him away from this place" Calem simply nodded and dragged Ash away from the beach. After they left, I look back at the bodies and saw one of them fidget. I knelt beside the girl's body and what happened next truly took me for surprise. She punched me at my stomach causing me to bounce back and fall.

She stood up weakly and shot cold glares at me. "Long...time no see...Dove" I stare at the girl right infront of me. Her face wasn't like the one I have seen before, her expression wasn't like the one I used to know. This girl isn't the Serena Yvonne that had killed dozens of people.

"How are you alive?!" I hissed, she merely laugh at my face "You think a weak bullet can pierce my heart? Nothing can kill me Dove, not even you..." her voice turned cold and lifeless, her expression turned dark, her frown turned into a smirk. "How about we play a little game like we used to? Like shoot the loser..." She held out her gun and without any warning shot me.

She begun laughing like no tomorrow as she continuously shoot me "Your not that girl..." I growled "Yes, I am not that weakling anymore. I am not my parent's shadow anymore...I am the monster inside Serena Yvonne" Then the next thing I knew I was out cold.

Serena's POV

I look around and saw the others on the ground groaning in pain, I walk passed them and ran ahead. This ends now, I don't care if it ends me up dying, I want to end this pain once and for all. I arrived at the mansion and went straight to my room, I grabbed all of my equipments and went straight to the Xerneas clan.

If I die, you will die with me Xerneas clan. You have caused me nothing but pain and misery. This.Ends.Now! You will know why they don't mess with will regret ever messing with me. You will regret everything after I'm done with you...

You will regret ever awakening the monster inside me.

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