The Truth

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Heeey~ Yvonne here ^_^ enjoy this chapter ya'll......ya'll? What? XD haha just  it sounds so weird when I say it XD enjoy

Serena's POV

What parents, I never thought they would go that far just for me to not find out about my real father. I looked at the documents about my not-so-real father, and it seems his real full name is Eric Zander which he changed into Xavier Yvonne.

I look at myself in the mirror, I never thought I would do such a change. I put the documents back into the drawer and left my room, I heard some people talking I'm the living, as I arrived I saw Ash and the others talking and goofing around, honestly their care free behavior just makes me smile.

I walked down the stairs as they saw me with widened eyes and mouths fully dropped "SERENA?!" They all gasped, I giggled from looking at their faces "What? I wanted a change" I happily said "I never thought you would change your look though " Ash mumbled, but I heard and smirked. I leaned closer until we were just an inch apart, I don't even care that Gary and the others are watching I just want to play a little game "You don't like it?" I playfully said "Umm...Umm" I could easily tell his freaking out in the inside right now "C'mon you don't think it's cute?" I fiddle my blue ribbon and try to look cute which I doing a great job on judging by his blush that was red as a tomato. "What do you think of this look?" I whispered in his ear cutely "Y-Y-You loo-k g-g-great" he stammered, I leaned back and laughed "It's really a good thing your a cutie" I pinch his cheek "Geez next time give us a hands up if your gonna flirt infront of us" Dawn smirked, Ash and I looked at each other and deeply blushed "T-T hat's not it!" We both exclaimed "Suuure" They all said sarcastically "We are not a couple!!" We both said irritatedly, I groaned and plopped down on the ground while the others laughed.

I looked at them one by one and smile "(There is no way I'm killing them after this mission)" Misty looked at me with a type of look like she doesn't trust me, I guess she still has a grudge on me calling her carrot head. I sighed and stood up "I'm gonna go out for awhile does anyone of you want to come with me?" I asked "I'll come" Ash went beside me, I smiled at him and he smiled at me "Well c'mon!" I grabbed his hand and we left the mansion.

"Hey why did you agree coming with me?" I asked "Well, I wanted to spend time with you" He said, I noticed a little blush on his face, but decided to just ignored it and ask a question "Do you like me Ash?" He startled "Wh-What?! N-o, I mean" I giggled "I like it when your all flustered like that" I teased "Oh yeah? What about you? Do you like me" I mentally sighed "I like you as a friend and nothing more" I saw a frown appeared on his face "Oh, well I just don't know what I feel about you. It's either I like like you or just like you" I titled my head and raised my eyebrow "What do you mean by that?" He just shooked his head and says "Let's just continue walking" I just noticed that we stopped walking "Right..." I awkwardly said, as we kept on walking I felt a weird sensation on my stomach like I want to vomit or something.

"Hey Ash" He looks at me "I actually just wanted to go for a little walk, sorry if I made you come" I bowed "No it's fine I actually wanted to go for a little walk also, because my parents called me and said that thing I told you about" I tilted my head "You mean the business thing?" He nods "Yeah, and I told them about me not wanting it and they..yelled at me" I scoffed "Some parents just doesn't understand that their child just what's their own decisions in life, I hate those kinds" I mumbled out the last one not trying to sound rude "Well, you can't do anything that's just what they want" I shooked my head "Your wrong, we can change it. Even if our parents hates our guts after this, but as long as we have our freedom it's fine!" I exclaimed "Your really determined to change huh?" I nodded "I have enough of my parents forcing me to do what the hell they want me to do. I just want the feeling of being finally free and not being forced to do as I was told like some mindless robot or puppet." I said "At least you can finally stand up and fight while I..." he bowed his head "While?" I raised an eyebrow "While I can't even stand on my own two feet without you..." he furiously blushed "What do you mean?" I asked "Before I met you, I also needed someone to stand up for me. I was called normal, but when you came everything changed. Everytime I see you it gives me strength and stuff..." He looked away and played with his hands "You don't need me Raven boy. You only need to find your own strength and I'll be there for you until you do!" I smiled "Yeah, I guess you do like me" he smiled "What do you mean by like?" He shooked his head "Nothing" I pouted "Fine, have it your way" I said while putting my hands on my hips while putting a pouty face "You know your cute when you act like a kid" he smiled, I blushed "S-Shut u-up!"

Done! How was it? Vote if u liked it, comment for more, and simply follow me for more Amourshipping stories. Anyway see you in the next chapter, Peace Out!

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