What I Want To Know

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Heey~ Here's chapter 7 ^_^ enjoy~

Ash's POV

"Ash, what do you think of me?" That caught me off guard, why did she asked me such a thing anyway?

"Wha?" She sighed "Nevermind that, well today seems pretty nice why don't you guys go for to a mall or park or somehwere" Serena suggested, but she seems a bit more calmer and polite than the Serena we met at the beach and when she told us the situation, she seems more cuter...what did I just said?!

"Awww yah! Park time!" Gary exclaimed, Misty and the others lifted their fist in the air while doing a battle cry causing me to shrug. "Well c'mon!" Misty exclaimed, we all stood up and raced towards the door leading outside, I turned around and saw Serena looking at us with a slight smile causing me to sigh a little and chuckle "You coming?" She shook her head "Just call me when you need me" she gave me her number and I headed outside.

"Hey Ashy boy wanna play basketball?" I smirked "Your on!" We picked out teams and raced towards the basketball court, but disappointment came as the court was occupied.

"Hey Calem pass it!" That one guy said, my jaw dropped as I saw a muscular and a good looking boy appeared behind a guy "I'm open dood!" We all glared at him, because maybe his the Calem Serena was talking about. "C'mon Ash, Serena wouldn't want us to see that guy" I nodded and we started to leave until a bunch of guys stopped us "Now what do you think your doing?" A man with brown hair smirked "Nothing sir, we just want to play some basketball" Dawn politely said "What a polite little girl, but you see that guy over there" he pointed at Calem "His the leader of our gangster clan and we don't like trespassers, now if you be so kind and be our hostages nothing bad will happen" We shot a glare at the gang "Ash call Serena we'll distract them" Paul said, I nodded and bolted away from them "Hey y-" Gary punched him in the gut "Don't think we'll back down, because your from a gangster clan" Gary hissed "You got some nerve kid" the man yelped in pain.

I dialed her phone number and she quickly answered it "Lemme guess, a group of gangsters are trying to take you?" I rolled my eyes "Yeah and we need you guys here ASAP!" I exclaimed "Okay then, do a diversion until then" I nodded and ended the call.

I went back to the gang and they were fighting back, but the gangster had their guns pulled out and they look like they won't hesitate to shoot one of us.

"Look out!" I shouted, Misty saw the man about to shoot Dawn, she pushed Dawn aside the bullet was about to hit her until a other gunshot deflected the bullet.

"Damn that was close" Zaldy murmured, we all sighed in relief as we saw Serena appeared before us "You guys should be more careful" She scolded, we turned our gaze to the gangster as they retreated back to their leader, Serena looked at them and saw Calem approached us "Are you guys ok?" We all scoffed at him and went to Serena's side "I see...long time no see Serena" Calem calmly said "Yes it's been a long time Calem, but it seems that you haven't changed one bit. Your gangsters should be more friendlier when people are being polite" she scoffed "Serena, forgive me for I made a huge mistake on leaving you. Please come back to me" he pleaded, what a bas**rd! I felt jealousy overtake me as I went infront of Serena "Why would she ever get back with you?! You cheated on her!" I spatted "Who do you think you are?! I've known Serena more than you!" He growled.

We kept on yelling at each other while Serena aids the others, She looked at Calem with an emotionless face causing him to shrug "Because of you, I never believed in love Calem. Actually, I should thank you, because of you I managed to kill hundreds of your troop. Oh, and by the way we are never getting back together" she hissed, Calem fell on his feet and bowed his head, Serena shook her head and went by my side "Thanks" I raised an eyebrow "What for?" I asked "Without you, I would have never figure out who I truly care for" I was shocked that she needed my help to figure something like that out, I wonder what does she think of me?

Misty and the others went by my side "Well, wanna go to the mall?" Dawn suggested, we all nodded and looked at Serena "I'm kinda busy, you guys just enjoy and tell me what happened when you get back" I pouted and shook her arm "C'mon, you need something to forget about this whole Calem thing" Serena shook her head "I'm fine, don't worry about me. Just have fun ok? For me?" I blushed at her words, but sighed in defeat "Alright, just tell me when something is wrong you can trust us" She nodded, Misty looked at me with a weird look like she was jealous as she cringed her arm onto mine "Well let's go!" She forcefully dragged me away from Serena "Misty, what's your problem?!" Misty sighed "look I don't trust her, maybe she's just using you to get closer to us" I shook my head "You got it all wrong! She isn't like that, right guys?" They all nodded "Hmph, fine! But don't say I didn't want you to never get too attached" Misty uttered.

I wonder why does she not want to join us? What's so important that she needed to stay at the mansion all day? I want to know....I really do..

"Hey Ash the way you stood up for Serena there..." Gary muttered "Yes?" I asked "Do you like her? In a romantic way?" He asked, I look up at the sky "Honestly, I don't know...I just feel something...."

Done! How was it? Vote if u liked it, comment for more, and simply follow me for more Amourshipping stories ^_^ anyway see u guys in the next chapter, Peace Out!

Just plain adorable 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

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