Finding you

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Shivaay pov

I was getting frustrated no body knew about Anika

They said she closed her office and cleared her house 5 years ago

And nobody could tell where she went

Shivaay: Om did you get any updates?

Om: I found her

Shivaay: where ?

Om: the medical college in masuri

They say she is working there

Let's go

Shivaay: that means Anika also must be there

Let's leave Om

We will find out their truth


Authors pov

A beautiful girl was silently siting on a bench

Admiring nature

She was trying to reach for a stick but she couldn't get it

So she began searching for her walking stick 

To get hold of it 

But suddenly she fell on someone

Shivaay pov

As soon as I reached the hospital I began searching 

For anika showing her photograph to everyone

But no one knew any thing

I was walking fast and suddenly Someone accidentally fell on me

Shivaay : what have you done ?

You spoilt my shirt

Can't you see?

Anika: I'm sorry 

Nurse: madam why are you here ?

Gauri mam will shout at me

Please let's go fast

Shivaay pov

It was Anika??

Nurse : I'm sorry sir she is blind 

She cannot see  anything

Please forgive her

Shivaay : blind ??

Anika: I'm sorry 

Anika pov

Why does this man seem so familiar to me

It's like I heard his voice somewhere 

Before going away with the nurse 

I just wanted to ask him a  question 

Anika: do you know me??

Did we meet somewhere?

shivaay: no you don't know me

Anika: oh

I'm sorry 

It's just that I felt like I have known you

May I know your name

Shivaay pov

I had my suspicion that she was acting 

But when she began facing the nurse to talk to me

I understood that she was not lying 

She has really gone blind 

shivaay:  I'm no one 

I need to leave


Nurse : Gauri mam someone has come to see you

Gauri: me?

Who is it ?

Nurse: some one claims he is your best friend

His name is omkara Singh oberoi 

Gauri: I don't have any friends 

And I don't know anyone named omkara

So please tell him to leave 

And stop wasting my time

Nurse: ok mam!!


Nurse: I'm sorry sir 

She doesn't want to see you

Om: but why ??

Nurse : she says she doesn't know anyone named omkara

Please leave from here sir

Om: no way if she cannot come

I will go and meet her

Nurse : please stop !!

Om pov

I didn't listen to her , I went inside the hospital wards checking for gauri

Finally I found her , she was tricking a 5 year old girl to take her medicine 

She was still the same chirpy Gauri I met 5 years ago

Gauri: now you are behaving like a good girl

Now let me go

Om pov

I wanted to go and confront her for not talking to me and enjoying her time with that unknown kid

But my legs stopped moving for a second

As I saw gauri barely standing on her feet only to slump down in her wheel chair

She began to push her self in that  wheel chair to see her next patient

What happened to her ??


Om: they are not living a lavish life style shivaay!

Shivaay: they are not living at all Om

But what happened to them ??

I thought after leaving us they will happily settle in their lives

But it's not like that Om

Something very big has happened to them

And because of our selfish lives we didn't care to see what happend to them

Om: malika and tia were correct shivaay

We have done crimes

Which can never be filled

Shivaay: what should we do now

Om: I want to talk to gauri shivaay !

I want to know what happened to her

Dolly: who is talking about my gauri here ??

Om: Bumaaa

Shivaay : what are you doing here

Dolly: this hospital is mine , college is mine

What will I do somewhere else

And why are you both here ??

Can't you let those poor souls live in peace

What do you need again

Om: buamaa please tell us what happend to them

Why is gauri unable to stand ?

Shivaay: and how did Anika go blind

Dolly : why?

What will you do knowing that painful event

Leave it

Om: please buamaa

Please tell us

We need to know !

Dolly: may be after learning their past you both will  change a bit

It all started ...


Gauri pov

I finally reached my room

Only to find my sister, curled into a ball on her bed 


I went to her and covered her with the blanket

And made her comfortable

So that she can have a good nights sleep

life has changed so much for me and my sister

Our broken marriages and the deadth of our children hit us hard

But what hurt the most was the day when we left the oberoi mansion

Me and Anika di left the mansion after the funeral was done for our daughters

We Gave in to our husbands demands and we left the mansion without looking back

But that day didn't end right

We got hit by very fast car , the people driving the car didn't even stop and look at us

They just left, leaving us drown in our own blood

I tried to get some help

But that's when I realized my legs were not moving

I couldn't get up even to reach my sister

Who had blood all over her face

And slowly even I began to loose my consciousness 

I only got up to find my self in hospital 

Listening to my worried father in law 

Tej: doctor how are they 

How are gauri and Anika 

What happened to them

Doctor: gauris left leg is completely paralyzed mr.oberoi

It can be temporary paralysis or it might turn out into permanent

Where she cannot move her leg anymore

and as for Anika she got a brain injury

Which caused her to go completely blind

Tej: what??

Doctor :'I'm sorry sir

We did the best we can 




Hi everyone, hope you all liked it

Please comment and tell me how you feel about the story

thanks a lot for your comments and support

I really appreciate it.

have a nice day everyone :)

enjoy :) 

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