The truth

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Hi readers,

Wish you a very happy new year everyone !!🎉🎉🎉🎉


Their was supposed to be a wedding , but now it's not a wedding

Because the newly wedded husbands were thrown out

And the beautiful dream came to an end

The sounds were clear , children crying ,  the accusations rolling and many unseen broken noises but the most terror was the silent sound of breaking someone's heart

Topped everything else

Shivaay: Anika listen to me

Yes I lied but I love you and our children

Please don't throw me out

Anika: get lost shivaay

You are not welcome here

Shivaay: Anika listen to me

Ansh : mom please

It's dad

Ashni: mom please don't do this

We need dad

Anika: Ansh , ashni get lost from here

Otherwise I will hit both of you now

Shivaay:Anika please listen to me

I came to apologize 

Anika: if you really wanted to apologize 

You wouldn't have come like this shivaay

You would have manned up

And don't you have any shame shivaay

You already have a family , why are you

Cheating on your wife?

Didn't you care about your daughter

Shivaay: which daughter your talking about Anika?

Anika: I had it enough shivaay

I don't need you anymore


Shivaay : but Anika

Anika: leave shivaay

Just leave

You are dead to me


Anika I'm sorry

Anika: your sorry won't bring back

Ashni , shivaay

Your sorry will never restore the damage you have done

Shivaay: but Anika

I love you 

Anika: get lost shivaay

I don't need you right now

Shivaay: Anika listen to me

Anika: no shivaay

You have never listened to me

Why should I listen to you?

Shivaay : Anika!!

Ashni: mom if you throw dad

Even I will go with him

Ansh: even me

He was better parent than you ever were

Anika: Ansh , ashni 

What are you saying

I'm your mother

Ansh: no mom

Just for name sake

Dad was way better than you

Ashni: if you throw dad

We are leaving with him

Anika: shut up you two and get inside

Ashni: no

We are going with dad

Anika: what a manipulation shivaay

You have turned my children against me

Shivaay: no anika listen to me

I did nothing

Anika : leave!

Ansh , ashni get lost with your dad 

In two days you will come home crying

That you cannot live with your dad

Shivaay : Anika what are you doing

Ansh , ashni don't do this

Stay with your mom

Ashni: no dad

We don't want to live with a mom

Who always scolds us

We want to stay with you

Shivaay: ashni it's not like that

Your mom loves you

I'm a liar , I'm not a good person

Anika: wow!

What an acting shivaay

Are you trying to be mahan even here

Shivaay: Anika your not understanding 

Anika: get out you three

I don't want to see you again

Shivaay: but Anika !!

Shivaay pov

She closed the door on my face

Why did I lie ?

I just wanted her to give her happiness 

I guess lies can never bring happiness in anyone's lives

After getting thrown out , I saw Om

Literally tearing up

It must be very hard for him


Om pov

I just got married again to the one I truly loved but 

The one word of my dad ended happiness

The truth came out and I was beaten bad

Gauris eyes were filled with rage

Gauri : another plan to destroy me Omkara Singh oberoi

Om: Gauri it's not like that

I wanted you to be happy 

Gauri : happy?

Their is no happiness when I stay with you omkara

Get lost

Om: Gauri please listen to me 

I realized my mistake

I love you

Gauri: mistake? Love?

Omkaraji I was used by you

You are such a disgusting person that you publicly exploited  your wife

And now your ..

Om pov

She couldn't finish her words

As a set of fresh tears took its place

Gauri: leave omkara

I don't want to see you

Om: Gauri please

Krishana: mama please stop your drama

I want dad

If dad lied even you lied 

Gauri: Krishna you don't know anything

Go inside

Krishna: you said dad died

But dad is here mom

In front of us

Gauri: no Krishna

He is not your dad

Leave from here 

Krishna: you always cry and do nothing mom

All you do is sit in that wheel chair and take care of Ansh and ashni

It's like you never wanted me

I'm fed up with you I need someone who can play with me

And take care of me

Gauri: Krishna! Stop it

Krishna : I hate you mom

I love dad

I want to stay with him

You go and look after your sister and her kids

Gauri: Krishna please don't leave me

I really love you

Krishna: no mom

I'm with dad

We are leaving

Om: Krishna listen to me

Your mother needs you

Krishna : its fine

If you also want to abandon me

I will go and live on the streets

Om: it's not like that Krishna..

Gauri : take him

Om: Gauri

Gauri: you have succeeded again Om

Take your son and kill him the same way you did with mishti

Om: Gauri

Listen to me

Gauri: I don't want to listen anything

Di close the door

I don't want anyone unwanted persons in this house

Anika: but Gauri

Gauri: it's ok di

We have each other we don't need them




Hi everyone, hope you all liked it

Please comment and tell me how you feel about the story

thanks a lot for your comments and support

I really appreciate it.

have a nice day everyone :)

enjoy :) 

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