Another A/N: Sorry

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Hey peoplies. I have unfortunately not been writing this story as often as I would like to be. I know what I want to happen, I know what to write for the next chapter coming, but I have gotten really busy with life(mainly with sports) so I haven't been able to update as much as I would like to, I was really hoping I would be able to finish Chapter 3 of Act 2 and publish it by the end of tomorrow since I have a day of nothing to do tomorrow but we shall see.

After I publish Chapter 3 of Act 2, I'm going to go back and edit Act 1, add graphics and aesthetics for Rachel and her family before moving on and continuing Act 2.

I am also working on so many other stories that Im not ready to publish cause they absolute shit but I'm working on it.

Hopefully I can get better about updating.

ALSO...I can't believe that this story has made it to 6K and I'm really happy and thankful to all of the people that have continued reading through Rachel's story and I want you to know that there is definitely more coming.

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