Chapter 1: First date

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A/N: so I just realized that Mirimar isn't where I thought it was and when I said Mirimar in the previous chapters, I meant North Island because that's where I wanted Nat and Rachel to grow up and have the house cause it's where the Naval base is.

"Nat! Where did you put my hair curler?!" I yelled as I looked through my bathroom, trying to get ready for a date with Bradley. It's been a month after the mission, and I'm fully healed and everyone is supposed to go back to their deployment next week.
"I haven't touched it! You had it last!" Nat yelled.
"I can't find it and I know you said you put it somewhere, so where the hell is it?" I said as I ran downstairs, in sweatpants, a sports bra and slides with my hair clean and ready to be curled. Nat, Javy and Reuben were chilling downstairs, making dinner. Ever since my accident and the mission was over, everyone was given a month break and we decided stay together in Miramar and we're now all staying at Nat and I's childhood home since it has enough rooms for everyone. I had to spend a couple days in the hospital since I had to get surgery for my leg but after I was cleared to go home, we all moved into the house. Jake, Mickey and Bradley were at Bradley's place, since he wasn't staying with us because he had his place for another month, helping him get ready for the date tonight. He said to dress like I'm going to Prom and I went dress shopping with Lia and Val the other day, and all it did was bring back memories of me shopping with my sister for my senior year prom.
Start flashback
"Nat, Dylan asked me to Prom!" I yelled as I ran in the house so excited that I got a date to my senior prom before I leave for the Naval Academy in a couple months. I saw Nat, Reuben and Javy chilling in the kitchen looking over paperwork since they just got back from a mission two days ago and they were still doing review and writing up reports.
"That's great Rach, you have a dress?" Nat asked.
"No. I need to go shopping. Will you come with me?" I asked.
"Yeah, let's go." Nat said as she got her things and we headed outside.
"Can't believe my baby sister is all grown up and going to Prom." Nat said.
"Please don't cry when I walk down the stairs in my dress Nat." I begged.
"I won't, but the boys might." Nat said. We spent the whole afternoon searching for a prom dress and I found one that I liked a lot.

End flashback
"Will you help me with my hair please?" I asked and she smiled and grabbed my hand and brought me upstairs.
"So, what are you going to wear?" Nat asked as she sat me down in front of my mirror and plugged in my hair curler that was in my bathroom, just hidden. 
"He told me to dress like I was going to Prom, and so I went shopping with Val and Lia, and I picked out a dress and heels, so you'll just have to wait and see what the look is. I just need you to curl my hair and do my makeup." I said and she started curling my hair.
"I will happily do your makeup, what curls do you want? Loose or tight?" Nat asked.
"Loose curls, then side parted as well." I said. Nat nodded and started doing my hair. I had 2 hours left to finish getting ready when she was done with my hair and I was starving.
"I'm hungry, before we do makeup, I'm going to ask Reuben to make me something." I said and Nat laughed and let me get up and we both headed downstairs. Mickey and Jake were back but Bradley was probably still at his house since didn't see him here.
"What?" I asked as all the guys looked at me.
"Nothing." The boys said. 
"Why you guys looking at me like that?" I asked as I grabbed a soda out of the fridge.
"You with your hair done like that just reminds us of something." Jake said.
"I was told to look like I'm going to prom." I said as Reuben handed me a bowl of pesto pasta, one of my favorite meals growing up.
"Thanks." I said. I sat down next to Javy, and started eating. We were watching TV for a little bit before I asked what time it was because it felt like it was getting late. 
"What time is it?" I asked. 
"5." Mickey said.
"Shit!" I yelled as I gave Javy my bowl and ran upstairs.
"NAT! I NEED HELP WITH MY MAKEUP!" I yelled and Nat came and did my makeup before heading downstairs. I got in my dress and put my heels on and touched up anything that needed a little touching up.

"RACHEL! YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE!" Reuben yelled and I smiled. I walked downstairs and Bradley was waiting for me, the boys and Nat spread out on the couch and floor watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
"Holy shit." Bradley muttered and I smiled. I met him at the bottom of the stairs.
"God, I feel like I'm 18 again." I said. 
"That's kinda the point." Bradley said.
"Alright, let's go." I said.
"After you Trace." Bradley said.
"Bradshaw! Have her home by midnight!" Nat yelled after us and I flipped her off and she returned the gesture. 
"You're definitely Nat's sister." Bradley said as he opened the door for me.
"Why's that?" I asked. He shut the door and rushed to the driver's side and hopped in.
"Because you two are just like each other." Bradley said.
"Since day one, her and I have been really close, that's why she's over-protective of me. When our father died, she was only a child and I was still a baby, she was forced to grow up since our mom was never around because she didn't really care for us, so we moved into a friend's house until she was old enough to get a job. Then once she was old enough, we got the money from our parents will since our mom died a couple years later and we moved into our family house, and then she grew up, I grew up after her and when I was in middle school and high school, the boys were there to help Nat raise me and I was definitely going through a rebellious stage, Reuben met me when I was in 8th grade, so Nat and Reuben are definitely the hardest on me but it's because I was a dumb ass for a while." I said.
"What all did you do?" Bradley asked.
"Dyed my hair, snuck out, went to parties, didn't do my homework, I crashed my sister's car by accident, got grounded, got in a couple school fights, made out with people my sister hated. Pretty much do what any other rebel child did in high school, and I also completely repainted my room and bought new furniture for my room and my sister lost it for that and she grounded me for a long time." I said and I thought about me in high school.
"Did Javy, Jake and Mickey know you when you were in high school?" Bradley asked as he pulled into a restaurant that was pretty fancy.
"Yeah, Javy met me when I was in my freshman year, Jake and Mickey met me in my sophomore year." I said and he smiled and got out and he opened my door for me. I took his hand and he led me inside and we checked in for our reservations. We were taken out to the back and there was this cute little shack and it had all of my favorite foods and it had fairy lights and photos of me with my sister and brothers and Bradley, Lia, Val, and my squadrons from over the years. There were also medals from high school, and all of the photos I had taken of myself on my first day of school each year, a photo of me graduating Naval Academy, Flight School and Top Gun with my sister and then another one at my prom, and then other photos of important days in my life. Then there was another photo that caught my eyes and it was Nat holding me when I was probably about 6 or 7 years old with our Aunt and Uncle in the background and I made a mental note to call them later this week since they live in LA and hopefully are settled down, although knowing Dom and Letty, they probably aren't. (if you know who I'm talking'll be reading a lot more about f&f in the future if you stay with me and read my other stories:) )
"Where did you get these photos?" I asked.
"Your sister and brothers helped me out with this. I put up the fairy lights and cooked the food, everyone else put up the photos and everything else that was important to you. I was worried that you weren't going to like it and so I asked Nat for her opinion and she said that you would love it." Bradley said.
"B, this is perfect." I said and he smiled and kissed my forehead.
"Let's eat before the food gets cold and then we can go for a walk on the beach, and look through the photos and get ice cream as well." Bradley said and we sat down and started eating some of the food, and we kept on talking about work and growing up for both of us. After dinner, we walked along the beach and I took off my heels and now Bradley was holding them in his right hand and my hand was in his left hand.
"So, Admiral Smith called me today." I said.
"What'd he want?" Bradley asked.
"Said that I'm getting promoted to Lieutenant Commander when you, Reuben, Mickey, and I arrive, the day after that I'm getting my promotion." I said.
"Rach that's amazing." Bradley said.
"Thanks, Roost," I said.
"Come on, we have to go somewhere off the island tonight and I rented us a hotel and our things are there but let's go." Bradley said as he took me to the car. He opened my door for me and helped me get in and gave me my heels back so I could put them on again, and he closed my door and got in on the driver's side. We drove for about 20 minutes before my mind was flooded with memories.
"Bradley, where are you taking me?" I asked.
"I thought it would be fun to go back into our years and be like seniors again." Bradley said as we pulled up to a very decorated building and it looked so familiar. It was my high school, Point Loma High School. It wasn't on the island, because we didn't have enough money for me to go back then so I got a full scholarship for Point Loma.
"It's prom night, and we're gonna crash the prom," Bradley said as he opened my door for me and helped me out of the car. we went inside and I remember my senior prom, with Val, Dylan, and all of my friends growing up and the boys being there and Nat being there, I just remember everything. We went to the dance floor after taking a bit of the food, and as we started dancing, my right hand in B's left hand and my left hand on his shoulder while his right hand was on my waist, the song that had started playing for the slow dance was Perfect by Ed Sheeran and I started smiling because this song was playing was Tightrope by Michelle Williams.
"Bradley," I said. he hummed, letting me know that he was listening.
"If we ever get married, I want this song to be our first dance song." I said quietly and he smiled and agreed with me. We danced throughout the next couple of songs before my feet started hurting so I took off my shoes and Bradley said that we should go to our hotel for the night.
"B, if it's a 30-minute drive back to my house, why did you book a hotel room." I asked.
"So you could spend the night with me outside of your house where everyone is staying tonight and I thought you and I could have the night just to us." Bradley said as he started driving to the hotel as the radio was playing the background. All I did was nod, and he kept driving. We checked in, got ready for bed in the things that B had dropped off earlier with the boys and spent the night together. The whole night I was in his arms and I had a smile on my face.

A/N: sorry for wait for this chapter. I know it's a long  chapter, the next one has something big coming and I'll try to update by the end of the week

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