Chapter 13: The funeral

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After waking up and taking a shower, I put my hair back in a slicked bun as always and then got dressed into my whites. I grabbed my keys and drove over to Lia's house to pick her up since her Dad had to go early because he was Ice's wingman.
"Come on, we have to go be there for Val." I said as Lia got in my car.
"Well drive then." Lia said. We drove to the cemetery and parked in the parking lot and went to where Val was. We gave her hugs, then gave the rest of her family hugs. We stayed with Val the whole time, since she didn't want us to leave her. When it was time for the service, Lia and I had to go stand with the rest of the pilots that we're here sine top gun was off today and Mav had given us the day off to come. Val was in pain, it was obvious and I knew that because Ice is gone, that Mav isn't going to be our teacher anymore so Lia and I made a plan to talk to him and Val about getting them back into the mission since we need Mav to teach us this and Val to fly with Lia so we can see who gets picked for the mission. After the service, we all went home and did our own things. Amelia decided that she would come over the next night just in case I needed to be there for Valerie. As soon as I got home, I got changed into my pj's, made sure that Valerie was okay and went to bed, setting my alarm for an earlier time so I could work out in the morning before training.
I got dressed into a sports bra and shorts, put my hair into two braids and grabbed a water bottle, my keys and phone and headed to the gym. I did a little bit of everything and it was already 7am when I was done so I headed back to my place, took a shower and got changed, and put my hair back into a bun. I had wrapped bandages around my hand so they wouldn't bleed out in the middle of training. I headed to base and got changed into my flight suit and I headed over to Val and Lia and we went over our plan together and we told Mav and he agreed since we kept on begging him to let us do it with him. I went back inside to put my things away and Jake was there.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey." Jake said and he finally saw my hands.
"Rach. What's with the bandages around your hands?" Jake questioned.
"I was cooking last night and I burned my hands and they ended up blistering so I wrapped them just to be safe." I said and Jake looked into my eyes for a couple minutes. It's really easy to tell if I'm lying so that's probably why.
"Alright, if you say so." Jake said and we went to go join everyone in the meeting room. Val and Lia were outside and I joined them and Jake didn't notice that I left him. Lia had managed to steal Cylcone's keys to the classrooms so after Jake was in there we quietly locked the room, making sure that no one had noticed us before we ran out to our planes.
"Hey Mav." I yelled.
"You girls sure you want to do this?" Mav asked as we checked our planes and we all said yes. We took off and went to the course.
//——// A/N: the next part is in 3rd person then after that it will be back to Rachel's POV
"This is Apollo, Frosty and Rebel speaking, Apollo, Frosty and Rebel to range control." Lia's voice cut in through the comms as there was some beeping on the screen causing Cyclone to stop talking and turn towards the screen.
"Entering point, alpha, Green Ridge." Rachel said. Nat stood up and went over to the comms but Hondo held her back and told her and the boys to listen.
"Uh, Apollo and Rebel, Range Control here, uh, Green Ridge is confirmed. I don't have a flight scheduled for you two." Range Control said.
"Oh we know..." Val said.
"But that's not going to stop us." Lia finished.
"Alright Mav, let's do this. Setting time to target, two minutes and 15 seconds." Rachel said.
"Copy that Rebel." Maverick said.
"Two fifteen, that's impossible." Mickey said and the whole room was dead silent and you could tell the boys weren't happy with what was going on.
"Frosty shouldn't be up there! Not even Rebel or Apollo. They are going through to much shit to have the right mind set." Bradley said, causing the boys and Nat to look over at him.
"I'm sure your fellow Lieutenants are fine, just listen and watch." Warlock said.
"Final point before entering, Apollo, Frosty and Rebel are starting behind Maverick." Rachel said. The timer started.
"You still with me Rebel?" Lia asked.
"Always, Apollo. Just keep following Mav." Rachel said. Everyone was on the edge of their seats.
"Popping in 3, 2, 1." Maverick said and they all shot up in the air and then flipped their planes, inverted for a couple seconds before going back to normal and then Lia lined up the shot for Maverick.
"Missiles away bitches." Val said and Mav released his bombs. The three planes shot up in the air after taking the shot, Lia and Val releasing the second bomb that needed to happen.
"Bullseye! Holy shit!" Mickey yelled, seeing that Maverick, Lia, Val and Rachel had successfully hit the target. All of the pilots in the room jumped up and exclaimed in happiness and hugged each other slightly. Everyone but Cyclone was laughing.
"These are the best motherfucking pilots in the world, we have succeeded and we are headed back to base now." Val's voice cut in and Rachel laughed.
"Damn straight." Lia and Rachel responded.
"What the hell were you talking about earlier in the room?" Nat asked Bradley as all of the pilots, including Warlock, Cyclone and Hondo were on the runway waiting for the trio plus Mav to land.
"She didn't tell you?" Bradley asked.
"Didn't tell me what?" Nat asked.
"Dylan was cheating on her so she broke it off and seeing you and Bob flat spin she had a panic attack and she asked me out on a date last night for no reason." Bradley said. The boys and Nat all released their thoughts just as the planes had landed and the girls and Mav got out of their planes and walked over to the group.
"Enjoyed the show?" Val asked.
"Gave us a heart attack but good job." Nat said as she gave me a hug. She smacked the back of my head.
"You should've told me about Dylan." Nat muttered.
"You told them?" I asked Brad and he nodded.
"Such an idiot." I said to him and gave him a hug. The boys did the same as Nat and then everyone else exchanged hugs.
"Mitchell. My office. Now." Cyclone's voice said, cutting into our celebrating.
"Maverick, not Apollo." Cyclone said. Mav started walking behind him and we were told to go inside and relax. After Mav met with Cyclone and Warlock, they told me they wanted to speak with me, and sent everyone home.

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