Chapter 16: What the hell are you doing here?

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A/N: back to Rachel's POV since it's a new chapter

I woke up, in pain and covered in snow and I was super cold. I looked down to my leg and saw a piece of my plane sticking out of my right leg and blood on the snow. God, this is going to hurt. I ripped a piece of my shirt off and got ready to take the plane part out of my leg. It hurt pretty badly as I took it out, but I quickly wrapped the cloth around the wound, stopping the bleeding after taking the piece of metal out of my leg. Looking over, I noticed Mav was next to me, passed out, so I got up and limped over to where he was and started shaking him.
"Mav, wake up. Maverick, wake up. Maverick, come on old man, you gotta wake up." I said.
"How old do you think I am?" Mav asked as he sat up.
"Don't answer that," Mav said as I opened my mouth but quickly closed it. He glanced me over and saw that my leg was poorly bandaged by my ripped-up t-shirt and he got worried real fast.
"What happened?" Mav asked and I shifted my weight to my right leg since my left leg was still in a lot of pain.
"Plane part got stuck in my leg. I took it out, and wrapped it up with a piece of my shirt, but when we get back to the carrier, I'm going to need to get stitches and I can't really walk or run right now." I said and he helped me up and helped me start to walk to wherever we would go to get out of here. We heard a helicopter coming and I knew that it was an enemy helicopter and I started to run, with Mav behind me and it hurt.
"What happened to I can't run or walk right now?" Mav asked.
"Well, I said that when we weren't being chased by a helicopter and being shot at!" I yelled back as we tried to get cover, but it didn't really do anything and we were going to die right here, I mean there's a bullet in my arm right now, I kept on trying to figure something out until I saw the helicopter go into flames and I saw Bradley's plane fly by.
"No, please, no." I muttered and Mav muttered a 'no' as well. And of course, Bradley's plane had flown over and into the SAMS radar and there was a SAM that hit his plane.
"Shit!" I yelled and saw Bradley's parachute expand and Mav and I shared a look. Mav and I took those missles, so Bradley and everyone else could go home and now the idiot is here with Mav and me.
"You want help or you got it?" Mav asked as we both had the idea to go and get the dumbass that is here, instead of being on the carrier by now.
"Nah, I can run to him. He's my boyfriend anyways, gotta go save him." I said.
"Finally! You guys would look at each other like you were the light in the other person's eyes and it was killing me not to say something." Mav said and I laughed and once I saw my boyfriend, I limped/ran as fast as I could and he held me tight as soon as I was in his arms.
"I thought I lost you." I said.
"I could say the same about you." Bradley said and he gave me a kiss.
"You're going to have to do more than that to get rid of me because I'm still here. " I said.
"What happened to your leg? and your arm?" Bradley asked.
"A piece of my plane got stuck in my leg so I got it out, then when Mav and I were getting cover, I got a bullet in my arm from the helicopter. I'm okay for now, but when we get back to the carrier, I'm going to need to get stitches." I heard Mav coming behind me so I moved out of the way and found a tree to lean on for support.
"Are you alright?" Mav yelled.
"Yeah. Are you-?" Bradley asked but he was cut off because Maverick had pushed him down and I tried hard not to laugh. Bradley got up and looked at his father figure.
"What the hell was that?" Bradley asked.
"What are you doing here?" Mav questioned, nothing but sternness coming out of his tone. Bradley raised his eyebrows as Mav started a rant.
"You think me and Rach took those missiles for you to be a dumbass and be down here with us? We did it so you could go home, you should be back on the carrier by now!" Mav scolded him and he wasn't fazed by what Maverick was saying.
"I saved your lives," Bradley yelled.
"No, we saved yours. That was the whole point. What were you thinking?" Mav questioned.
"You told me not to think!" Bradley shot back as he threw up his arms. both of them were silent for a couple of minutes and I was just looking back and forth between them to see what would happen.
"It's good to see you," Maverick said.
"It's good to see you too," Bradley responded.
"So does anyone have a plan?" I asked as I limped over to the two men in front of me. Bradley and I laid our eyes on Mav once we realized that we were near an enemy base.
"You're not serious," Bradley stated as we were all laying down on the ground, on the snow, looking down at the enemy base that was destroyed. I was in between Mav and Bradley.
"He's serious." I responded, noticing the looking on Mav's face.
"You've gotta be kidding me. An F-14?" Bradley asked as he looked at Mav. There's only two seats in an F-14, and Mav is the only one of us who knows how to fly that, and Bradley needs to get home first.
"I shot down three MIGS in one of those." Mav stated.
We don't even know if that bag of trash can fly." Bradley said.
"Let's find out." I said and Mav and I got up and started heading to the runway.
"Rachel. Mav." Bradley called out and I turned to him and winked at him. He rolled his eyes and I followed Mav again, Bradley coming after us after muttering an 'okay'.
"There's guys up there Mav." I stated.
"There's more over there too." Bradley added.
"Yeah, let's start running." Mav said and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah run, run." Bradley commented and I followed them, running and ignoring the pain in my body. Once we got to the hanger that was holding the F-14, Maverick had started explaining what to do to Bradley so Mav could get the plane ready so they could take off as soon as possible.
"What about Rach? There's only two seats, what's Rach going to do." Bradley asked as he looked between Mav and I.
"Mav, go get ready, I'll speak to him." I said and Mav climbed up the ladder and got in the pilot seat.
"I promised you that I would do anything for my family, including you. And my job is to be the backup or decoy, and I have to make sure that everyone else gets back before I do. You need to go get in that backseat of the F-14 and I will be right behind you, I promise." I said.
"I'm not leaving you. Not now, and your injured and if I go back without you, Natasha will kill me. Your hurt, I just got you back, your sister will kill me, there's no planes for you to fly, all good reasons to not let me leave you." Bradley ranted.
"Bradley, you need to go with Mav." I said.
"I don't care what you think Rach, I'm not leaving you. Your hurt." Bradley protested and I sighed. He's like people in my family when I get hurt.
"I'll make it back, and plus I need to because I need to speak with Val and Lia and I promised the boys I would come home." I said. We kept on going back and forth for a couple minutes before I shut it down.
"I love you and I'm sorry, but I still love you Bradley Bradshaw." I said.
"I love you too Rachel Trace." Bradley said before giving me a kiss, doing what Mav told him and getting in the plane. They taxied out of the hanger and onto the destroyed runway as the canopy closed and I left to go find another plane that I could fly.

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