Chapter 17: Getting back home to the carrier

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Looking around the enemy base, I came across another hanger that wasn't destroyed that was holding a fifth-gen fighter plane that was single. The only issue was that I needed to run across the base to get to it and I also have a bullet in my arm and a piece of cloth wrapped around my leg and it was not going to last very long. I managed to run across the base and not get caught, and I found some more cloth and got the bullet out and wrapped the fabric around my arm, and rewrapped the cloth around my leg. I unhooked everything and hopped in the plane, and taxied it out.
"I'm screwed." I said as I noticed that there was no runway and that I would have to pull up very hard for my plane to pass the tall concrete bridge post to get out of here.
"Alright Trace, let's try not to die." I said as I started going down the cratered runway/taxiway. I pulled up, my arm in pain from the pressure and I made it out of there, surviving all I could think of was how my sister was going to kill me when I get back to the carrier. I was looking around the plane, trying to find the radio so I could get in contact with the carrier, and it took me a couple of minutes before finding it and turning it on. I know that Mav and Bradley are already back because it's been about an hour already and there's no other plane showing up on my radar.
"Sir, we're getting a signal from Rebel's radio."
"Have you lost her?" Cyclone asked.
"No sir, she's supersonic."
"Sir, there are reports that there's a fifth-gen fighter single plane out in the air." an officer said.
"It can't be." Warlock said.
"Of course it's Rebel, she's the only would who would steal a fifth-gen plane." Lia said.
I kept looking around, checking the air and there was a bandit next to me and he was doing a hand signal that I had no idea what it was. I waved back since my mask was on, covering my face, and he did a similar signal and I waved back. All my waving did was make the aircraft come closer and the next thing I know, I'm in a dogfight with the bandit. I pulled up into the sun, leading the bandit into the sun, and then leveled out, and pulled up behind the bandit and got missile lock on him and took him out.
"This is Rebel, dagger five, approaching in an enemy fifth generation fighter plane." I spoke into my radio since I saw the carrier up ahead.
"Copy that Rebel."
"This is Rebel, requesting for a flyby," I said.
"That's a negative Rebel, land your plane." Cyclone said.
I ignored him and did a flyby anyways before getting ready to land my plane, and I lost an engine.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me." I muttered.
"This is dagger five, I have no landing gear, my wings are damaged and my left engine is out as well. Raise up the barrier please." I said as I kept flying to let the people on the carrier raise the net up so that when I landed, I wouldn't fall off the carrier.
"You are clear to land dagger five." I landed as quickly as possible, wanting nothing more than to get out of the plane and be with my family. As soon as I landed and the small fire was put out, I got out of the plane and I was tackled by Lia and Val.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" both of them yelled.
"I truly don't know," I said and we were quiet for a couple of seconds.
"Forgive me?" I asked as I held up my hands.
"We forgive you but just know that you're dumbass," Val said and I smiled and we were giving each other a hug and Lia joined. They left me, seeing that Bradley, Nat, and the boys had wanted to speak with me but of course, Bradley was first.
"Miss me?" I asked.
"Yeah I did miss you, I thought I lost you, again. Mav and I got back, we couldn't find you, and no one had contact with you, we started freaking out and Nat was scolding me for being an idiot and listening to your dumbass and letting you fly alone." Bradley ranted but I rolled my eyes and kissed him. I felt him smile into the kiss and wrap his arm around me and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Feel any better?" I asked and he nodded, about to say something but someone ripped me from his arms and into their arms.
"Nat, I can't breathe," I muttered.
"I don't give a shit," Nat said back as she pulled away from me and punched my arm.
"What the hell? That hurt and that wasn't the arm that was shot. Are you trying to create more pain?" I asked my sister and she narrowed her eyes and glared at me.
"You got shot?!" Nat asked.
"Possibly, what the hell was that punch for?" I asked.
"You know what that was for! Next time don't give me a fucking heart attack, and don't get shot down and get shot in the arm!" Nat retorted.
"It's not like I fucking tried to get shot in the arm," I muttered and my sister rolled her eyes before the boys came over and gave me hugs.
"Soooooooo, I may need to go to medical." I said as Bradley wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Well, of course, you're injured," Jake said.
"Well, that and there may or may not have been a piece of my plane stuck in my leg that I got out and I wrapped it up but it's not really wrapped up anymore so that's kind of the issue," I said.
"WHAT?!" Nat yelled, clearly annoyed. I probably should've mentioned that when I landed before I talked to Bradley, Nat, Lia, Val, the boys, and Mav.
"She said there may or may not be a piece of her plane that was-," Lia said.
"No, no, no. I heard what she said but she's been here for like 15 minutes and the fact that you're mentioning it now is why I'm annoyed." Nat said.
"Whatever, can someone help me get there or not," I said, annoyed.
"Yeah, I got it." Javy said. He wrapped my arm around his shoulder and wrapped his arm around my waist while he helped me walk to medical.
//——// Time skip: a couple of days after the mission, still on the carrier but the carrier is back at the base.
"So, the good news is that nothing too serious happened and that you only need stitches , and then your arm will be healed, as for your leg, it's going to take about three weeks and you're going to need to take some pain meds that you need to take for about three weeks, and you need to take it easy so really shouldn't be flying for a month, shouldn't be doing any physical activity, and based on what it seems like, Lieutenant, you're pretty stubborn so I do think it will help for someone to stay with your during this duration just to make sure that you're taking care of yourself." the doctor said as Nat and Bradley were in the room with me, and I was waiting for my discharge papers so I can go home since we're already back. Everyone else was back at home since they were dismissed and I wasn't allowed to leave the carrier till I was discharged and Nat and Bradley refused to leave.
"This is fucking stupid," I said but I was ignored.
"Thank you," Nat said.
"Of course, alright, let me grab your papers so you can sign them then you are free to go." the doctor said and left.
"I'm perfectly fine with taking care of myself, Nat you have to go back to Lemoore and Bradley has to go back to Virginia, and I'm scheduled to go back to Greece in a week," I said.
"Actually, I'm being transferred over to Greece with you," Bradley said.
"And it doesn't matter because Jake, Javy, and I were given a month's break until we have to return back to Lemoore, Bob is coming with us since he's my backseater and Reuben and Mickey are being sent to Greece as well," Nat said.
"You're kidding," I said.
"Nope, your squadron wanted Reuben, Mickey, and I." Bradley said.
"So if I ask Admiral Smith about you three and how you three are joining our squadron, his response would be "it was because I wanted them here" and not "because they put in a request to be here."?" I asked.
"Yeah," Bradley said.
"Alright fine," I said. I don't really care but it still means that I'm not going to be closer to my sister. The doctor came back and released me so Nat, Bradley, and I left the carrier and went back to my place.

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