Chapter 5: Back in Greece

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From the second the boys and I landed, I've had a smile on my face since we are back in Greece and I'm so happy to be back in my apartment. I took Bradley, Mickey, and Reuben to my apartment and I got settled in while Bradley wasn't sure what to do, if he should move in with me, or if he should move in with Mickey and Reuben since they were getting a place near base.

"Bradshaw, just move in with her, you've been dating for a little over a month, you're head over heels with her and we all know you're going to propose soon so why not just move in." Mickey said.

"Relax, I'll tell her that I'm moving in. What's going on with Reuben and Nat?" Bradley asked Mickey.

"Reuben's trying to get transfered back so they can try a relationship out, and honestly, I've been shipping them since Reuben came home with Nat after school. They just need to get together." I said as I walked into the kitchen. We just chilled in the kitchen as I put groceries from earlier away when Nat called me. Mickey left to go get settled into his apartment and said he would come over for dinner when he is done with Reuben. Bradley got back from a run and he was sweaty but no one cared. 

"Reuben flew over for me, asked me out on a date and now I'm panicking, I have nothing to wear." Nat said over the phone.

"Hang on a second. Is Natasha Trace asking her little sister for what to wear on her first date in 8 years?" I teased.

"I know, I normally don't come to you for help but I really like Reuben and I don't want to fuck this up. So will you FaceTime me and help me with what to wear?" Nat begged me and I could hear her pacing around her room. I ended the voice call and FaceTimed her before going to the fridge.

"Yas, I will help you." I said as I gave Bradley my phone to hold.

"Alright, he said wear something casual, but he didn't tell me anything else." Nat said as she set her phone against a wall to prop it up.

"You know that sweater dress that you wear with your converse and then your red and black flannel shirt?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, wear that. It looks good on you and Reuben loves that dress." She went to go put it on and Bradley set my phone up against a wall so he could be in the frame. He kissed my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest.

"Hi baby." I said.

"Did Reuben ask  your sister out?" Bradley mumbled into my neck and I just smiled. The second anyone leaves, Bradley is the kindest person ever, he is the cutest and sweetest boy I have ever met or dated and I'm not regretting any step or decision I've made with him. I love him so much and he loves me so much.

"Yeah and she's asking me for help so she's trying on what I told her. You know why we haven't seen Reu since we landed? He flew back to ask her out." I said.

"True love." Bradley said.

"Would you do that for me?" I asked. He just smiled and rested his head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"I would do anything for you baby,"  Bradley said and I smiled.

"K. How does this look?" Nat asked as she walked back into the screen's view.

"You look great Nat, wear any earrings and have your hair down and he will love your outfit so much. I gotta go but I love you and you gotta tell me how it goes." I said. Nat just smiled and nodded.

"Bradley, take care of her for me. Love you Rach and I'll talk to you guys later." Nat said before she hung up.

"I told you they would end up together. Just like how you and I are together and everyone else saw it, I saw my sister and Reuben getting together soon." I said and Bradley just turned me around in his arms and nodded. 

"You must be phsyic." Bradley whispered. 

"Totally. I better be her fucking maid of honor." I said and Bradley kissed me and I smiled before pulling away. 

"Nope, go take a shower. Then you can kiss me all you want, Sweaty." I pushed him away. 

"You should join me." he said with his infamous smirk. 

"Bradley. Go." I said, crossing my arms and just standing there looking up at him. His smirk got even bigger before coming and tickeling me before throwing me over his shoulder, heading to where my bathroom is. 

"Bradley! I swear to god, do not put me in that shower!" I yelled and he just tightened his arms around my waist as he turned the water on. 

"I can't hear you over the water running." Bradley said and I knew that this battle was not one I was going to win. 

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